Eddie Redmayne's Childhood Headshot Proves He Hasn't Changed At All

    Also, he used to go by Edward and not Eddie...learning so much!

    This is actor Eddie Redmayne, who's currently starring in Fantastic Beasts and all of our cheekbone dreams.

    And this is also Redmayne, back when he did a very real childhood headshot.

    EDWARD (not Eddie) dances, can play musical instruments, and "SINGS WELL," according to his resume!

    And he also looks EXACTLY THE SAME.


    Turns out that Redmayne and James Corden, host of The Late Late Show, attended the same school as kids — so Corden had all the receipts.

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    Corden shared his own headshot, just for good measure.

    Fun fact: apparently Corden used to run a pop group called INSATIABLE. lol.

    Looks like some things never change, and maybe they shouldn't!