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    5 Steps Of Your Makeup Routine That You Only Pretend To Understand

    *dabs Beauty Blender frantically* EVERYTHING IS FINE. NOTHING IS RUINED.

    Unless you were raised by makeup artists, you probably learned most of what you know about makeup from the beauty gurus on YouTube. I know I certainly wouldn't be able to tell a concealer from an eye primer without those blessed fairy godmothers. However, the truth is that those YouTubers are batting a solid .400 with their abilities, yet they make it look so effortless that we can't help but take a swing ourselves. The results are often mixed at best... but damn it, we persevere, and we convince ourselves we look identical to the video tutorial. Time to stop living a lie, though. Let's discuss the makeup skills we know aren't up to scratch but refuse to stop attempting.

    Color Correcting


    Contour + Highlight


    False Lashes

    You'll notice I did not address the challenges of all things eyebrow. I could do a TED Talk on my lifelong struggle with my brows, so we'll save that for another time. What about you? What makeup steps do you feel weird about? Let me know in the comments!