I Learned How To Blow Smoke By Warming Up The Saliva In My Mouth

    How'd you do that?

    This is Eric, and he's into learning cool (albeit useless) party tricks. Ha!

    Watch Eric try to master making smoke with his mouth!

    View this video on YouTube

    BuzzFeedBlue / Via youtu.be

    He stumbled upon some videos showing people blowing smoke out of their mouths without cigarettes or a vape pen. Huh?

    So he decided he was going to learn how to do this, dammit.

    At first, he thought it had everything to do with a certain popping sound you make on the roof of your mouth.

    Eric practiced this technique constantly at work. His coworkers were not amused. LOL!

    Just as he was starting to lose hope, he decided to consult Pete Mahon, the kid he saw pulling this off online.

    Armed with this new knowledge, Eric was determined to do it himself. So, he practiced for an entire day leading up to this moment...

    Naturally, he called his mom to let her know what he had just accomplished. And this was her response: