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    First Mini Term / 6th Semester

    Anxiety r/t nursing school as evidence by student having break downs, contemplating entire life existence after test, and blank stare on face.

    Honestly, wow. I kept saying all through Adult 2 I was just ready to get to Psych, ready to get to everything new. Boy oh boy what had I been wishing for? Don't get me wrong. I loved so much of the content I was taught these first 6-7 weeks while I was in Psych. It really opened up my eyes to a lot of things about nursing and life in general I don't think is talked about enough. But those tests? Hard. I had never had to think and put myself in someone else's shoes so many times in my life.

    I had my final today right. I passed but, I walked out of the classroom feeling so defeated that I didn't know what to do. I went to my mom and all she said was don't panic and just have faith. My friend Brit said the same thing. And unlike how I felt when I was waiting on my Adult 2 grade, I felt myself at a bit of peace with myself. Not because I thought I was going to fail, but because I had put everything I had into this class and worked by butt off so that either way, I was satisfied with the work I had done and was going to do.

    God has a plan for all of us and I'm just a single piece on the board. I do believe this is what I've been called to do and I'm going to keep working towards it with every fiber of my body.

    Next, I do another mini term (still in my 6th semester) and it's community. It's a little bit of a break semester but I'm so glad for it.

    The one really important thing I learned from taking this class is that mental health and mental illness are things that need to be talked about more. It's such a huge thing in society and there are illnesses that people just brush on like, oh you can get through that. That's nothing. Anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, DID? These are not things people can just "get through". Mental Health is something everyone should educate themselves on and understand. Be a voice. Help those who need it.

    If you or anyone you know is suffering with mental illness, please, try and educate yourself on what they are going through. Listed are some numbers to call for various things if you need help.

    Crime Victimes Center - 901-222-3950

    Shelby County Sheriff's Office Domestic Violence - 901-222-5600

    The Family Safety Center - 901-276-4400

    Rape Crisis - 901-222-4530

    Tennessee Domestic Violence Hotline - 1-800-356-6797

    National Eating Disorders Association - 800-931-2237

    National Association of Anorexia and Associated Disorders - 847-831-3438

    Academy for Eating Disorders - 847-498-4274

    National Suicide Hotline -1-800-273-8255

    American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - 1-888-333-AFSP

    Mental Health America - 1-800-969-6642

    Lakeside Memphis - (901) 377-4700

    Delta Medical - (901) 881-1303