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    The Long-To-Short-To-Long Hair Cycle

    "Just get extensions." THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS.

    Your hair is officially LONG. You feel wonderful and pretty and do every hair tutorial you can find on YouTube. But you could go longer.

    Your hair is now VERY long. It takes a long time to brush. You put it up because it gets everywhere if you don't. But you could still go longer.

    Your hair is TOO LONG. It's trying to choke you in your sleep. Drying takes hours; ponytails do nothing. It's time for the chop.

    You cut your hair. Your head is no longer weighed down; you feel so free. You look chic and badass and everyone compliments you.

    You are in SHORT-HAIR BLISS. You shake your head to remind yourself you have short hair. You use every product for short hair. You're going to keep your hair short forever.

    Your hair is still short. Trims are a necessary evil. You start to look at waterfall braids and updos longingly. You try to find cute short hair styles on Pinterest, but it's not quite the same.

    Your hair is in the SHAGGY stage. You tell your friends you want to grow your hair out. You are momentarily reassured by them telling you that you look so cute with short hair, but you also conveniently skip your trim.

    You're in the GROWING OUT stage. Your short cut doesn't grow out well. You find yourself with the Mullet-of-Shame.

    You are still in the GROWING OUT stage. You're miserable. Your hair is too short to put up, but too long to be comfortable on your neck. You make do with 80 bobby pins and making a Pinterest board of cute long-hair styles.

    You have reached the COMFORTABLE stage. You can manage small ponytails and some cute hairstyles. You can see the light at the end of the tunnel, but it still takes an active effort to keep from chopping off your hair again.

    Your hair is now SHOULDER-LENGTH. You can do a few YouTube tutorials now. You revel in this new stage, and find the strength to carry on.

    Your hair is officially LONG. You feel wonderful and pretty and do every hair tutorial you can find on YouTube. But you could go longer.
