We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    37 Underrated Quick-Fix Products You Deserve To Know About

    If you're a nervous parallel parker, this "blind spot" mirror for your car is a must-have.

    1. An AirPod cleaning pen to gently dig into the nooks and crannies of your charger and speakers to restore your sound quality to top notch again (listen, Taylor Swift did not record the ten-minute version of "All Too Well" for you to disrespect it by blotting it out with too much earwax!!). 

    A dirty
    The pen in action cleaning a small airpod speaker

    Promising review: "Saw these on a TikTok video and took a chance. I ordered three for different family members and boy am I glad I did! This product is fantastic! It does exactly what it says it will do. The brush is phenomenal in cleaning out the little grates on the speakers of my phone and AirPods. There is a picker that you can use to get big chunky ear wax out of your ear pieces and the long skinny wand thing reaches down into my charging case and gets all the junk out of there. This is a win-win-win!" —JMilwaukee

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in three colors). 

    2. A set of protective refrigerator door handles that make cleanup a breeze — instead of going to clown town on sticky, germy fingerprints and other drips and residue that end up on stainless steel, you can install these and wash them in the laundry. People also use them for ovens and microwaves! 

    Psst — these use Velcro to get a perfect fit on every handle! 

    Promising review: "Keeps my handles clean! What a game changer! These are the softest covers. Love how they just blend in with my stainless steel fridge. If you own a stainless steel fridge, 'stainless' is not true with the handles. These covers will change your life!!!!" —Debby from Warren

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $11.99 (available in five sizes and in multipacks). 

    3. The Pink Stuff's Miracle Multipurpose Cleaner Spray, which lives up to its name and *then* some considering the feats it can accomplish — people compare it to a Magic Eraser for everything from scrubbing the oven to caked-on pans to cleaning walls to getting stubborn stains off tiles. Basically, instead of investing in a ton of cleaning products, you can use this as your easy secret weapon. 

    Reviewer holding a pink spray bottle
    before and after image of a crayon stained wall cleared up by the spray

    Promising review: "This product proved its worth the day we had our new washer installed. The old one was leaking, and was the original one installed when this home was new… in the '80s. I cannot describe the mess under it when they moved it. Since they were waiting to bring in the new one I didn’t have much time and I didn’t know how I was going to clean this big brown, almost black sticky mess. It was so bad I was almost in tears. It was beyond gross! Regular spray and wipes failed immediately. THIS STUFF GOT IT UP. Highly recommend!" —Kim C

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97.

    4. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover that works its magic in one wash to help you instantly get rid of all that discolored dried sweat, oil stains, or deodorant residue on your favorite clothes.

    Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action. 

    Puracy is a Texas-based, family-owned small business specializing in plant-based, chemical-free, hypoallergenic home products, with a donation made to local families in need with a portion of every purchase. 

    Psst — this spray also does a number on all those other miscellaneous stains in your life, like wine, coffee, soy sauce, makeup, and period blood! I recently bought this to test it for myself, and can attest to how well it works to get period blood out even after you've tried something else. I stained a pair of beloved bright-blue bike shorts in my sleep and tried to get it out with soap and water, but the stain was still there when it came out of the wash. I treated it with this, stuck it back in the wash, and BOOM, it's like it never happened (I panicked before I could get a before and after, please forgive me, laundry gods).

    Promising review: "For whatever reason, I am ALWAYS spilling things on my shirts and I cook every night (sometimes I remember the apron, sometimes I don't). My clothes are a mess by the end of the day. I'm not proud of it, but there it is. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to remove stains and this is the absolute BEST thing out there. (There is simply not a major stain remover that I have not tried.) The only thing close is a long pre-soak (I mean like six hours) in Oxyclean. With Puracy, you get the best result by doing it well in advance, but for me that is another plus because I would far rather spray them when I put them in the hamper than do it all at once just before I do the laundry. It seems to get everything out and I've never had any trouble with damaged fabric. I don't really review very much, but this is seriously outstanding." —NYC Buyer

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    5. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell you can never seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. You don't even need to scrub — these do all the work for you!

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Saved me from buying a new dishwasher! I have to admit that I was skeptical that this product was actually going to do anything. I’ve noticed my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes very well lately, and I did everything I could to get it working properly again, but was ready to finally give up and buy a new dishwasher. I bought these tablets thinking they were designed to eliminate odors, but I was willing to give them a shot before buying a whole new dishwasher. I put one in the bottom of the dishwasher last night per the instructions and woke up to completely clean dishes for the first time in weeks. They look perfect. I don’t know why these tablets work but they absolutely did and I am a happy customer!" —B. Turner

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

    6. blind duster with microfiber sleeves that'll dig in deep and pick up an oh-so-satisfying amount of dust without wasting an oh-so-annoying amount of time like you usually do. Bonus — it comes with five clean sleeves so you can tackle a bunch of windows at once. 

    A three pronged dust brush trapping window blinds to get the dust off them
    Duster with collection of dust

    Promising review: "I hate to clean blinds. I've tried every method you could imagine but none really did a good job. While looking at the internet for something to make the job easier I found the Hiware window blind cleaner duster brush. The price was more than affordable so I thought I would give it a shot. This little device is genius and the microfiber sleeves are so easy to throw in the washer to get ready for the next time." —Northwest Gal

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    7. A set of silicone stove-counter gap covers so you never have to endure the five stages of "I guess I'm never seeing that knife again" grief the next time an unsuspecting piece of cutlery falls into the abyss. This is also a great way to stop crumbs from falling, and discouraging bugs and critters from having a field day with 'em. 

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. Pulled out the oven to find a horror story...got that all cleaned up (very satisfying) then put these lil' things in. They blend so well it just looks like something that should have been installed from the beginning. No more crumbs/liquids/grease getting down the sides of the oven. Once you start seeing how much is there for you to wipe up you realize just how much was falling in between!" —Stacey Deirich

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $10.95+ (available in four sizes and three colors).

    8. A set of hair-catching mesh shower stickers you simply apply to a drain the same way you would any sticker — it'll still let water pass through, but will catch hair before it clogs the drain. People swear by these for tricky older drains it's hard to install permanent "hair traps" in, or for traveling! 

    A small circular transparent sticker being placed over a flat shower drain

    Promising review: "I saw these on TikTok and bought them when I was visiting family. Tried them out and left a few behind for family and sent a few home with family — everyone is now ordering them and using them. They work great, each one is on its own plastic shield, just peel off and center onto your floor drain. I leave mine on for two to three weeks. I'm the only one using my shower, but if it's a shared shower probably wouldn't last that long. It's still a great way to catch hair before going down the drain, because we all know, people say they use the traps but they really don't. A must-have!!" —C. Crocker

    Get a pack of 25 for $11.99

    9. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed specifically to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry, so you can dig out all the grime that's accumulated over the years on the cheap instead of taking it to the jeweler.

    reviewer image of the brush stick next to a clean ring
    reviewer image of a before and after on a dirty/clean ring

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this product. I saw it on TikTok and figured I would give it a try. My grandmother passed away almost eight years ago, and she left me her first engagement ring in her will. I have tried so many jewelry cleaners, toothpaste and toothbrush, you name it, tried everything except for sending it away to get cleaned. I ordered the Diamond Dazzle Stik on Thursday and it arrived the following Saturday, fast shipping! Today is Sunday and I cleaned my ring with the Diamond Dazzle Stik. My ring is just as shiny as it was when my grandfather bought it for my grandmother many many years ago. I will definitely use this Diamond Dazzle Stik on all my jewelry. Highly recommended!" —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    10. "The Clean Ball," which is a nifty little gizmo you can stick in your purse or bag to pick up all the crumbs and debris that settle down there — now it'll be clean as a whistle whenever you go rooting through it, and you won't have to get all the "ick!!" on your belongings. 

    A small pink ball with holes at the bottom of a purse

    Promising review: "This little ball is genius!! Rolls around in my purse, which I live out of. It picks up a lot lint, debris or even crumbs. Easy to find with the bright pink. Just remove and wash and it’s ready to go again. The price was great and something I can use for years. If you live out of your purse this a must have!!" —dj3biggs

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in three colors). 

    11. A bottle of Drop It, a natural wine sulfate and tannin remover that works its magic on your glass in just 20 seconds — instead of reaching for more expensive wines with fewer sulfates, you can enjoy a reasonably-priced pinot knowing you've spared yourself the infamous post-wine headache or allergic reactions.

    BuzzFeed editor putting drops into glass of red wine
    The drop it bottle in editor's hand
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    It's also a lot more cost-effective and environmentally friendly than wine wands or other competitors — a single bottle of this can be used to treat up to 55 glasses of wine, as opposed to wands that can only do a few glasses each before they get tossed. Drop It recommends 1–2 drops for each glass of white wine, 2–3 for a glass of red, and 7–9 if you're treating the whole bottle at once. Once it's in the glass, swirl lightly for 20 seconds, and you should be raring to go!

    Promising review: "I can finally drink wine again after years of abstinence! I used to get the most awful headache on just one glass of wine, it was so bad I just stopped drinking wine altogether, then I discovered these magic drops! I've only had them a couple of weeks but I have drank red and white wine totally headache-free! I even drank half a bottle of heavy red. These drops really are magic! I love that you get two bottles as well, one can stay in your purse and one at home. Brilliant!" —shelleymab

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    12. A set of Sea Bands, which target an acupuncture point on your wrists meant to help reduce nausea. Basically, if you're someone who has motion sickness, morning sickness, migraine nausea, or even nausea brought on by cramps, this may the be thing to take you from 🥴to 😊.

    Promising review: "These were awesome! My entire family suffers from motion sickness, especially car sickness. My little one gets sick in the car on a regular car ride through the city. So I knew that a long road trip was going to be a disaster. I was amazed at how well these bands worked for everyone! Not one single person complained about being sick for 12 hours in the car. At one point I did have one child remove their bands because they said they were getting too tight. But after only a few minutes without them, a headache started to come on, so they immediately put them back on and the relief was instant. I have suffered for decades and now I know better. I will never travel without mine again!" —1SmartCookie

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $8.54.

    13. A set of acrylic shelf dividers with a ~minimalist~ vibe that will help structure your shelves so quickly and easily that your whole closet will breathe a sigh of relief — truly, all you have to do to install these is slip them on, so you can decide exactly how much space goes between each of them. 

    a model putting towels on a shelf with the clear shelf divider installed

    Promising review: "Love these! I even bought a second set for another closet. Super easy to slide on and reposition. I was able to downsize to one dresser by using these in our closet for shorts, workout pants, etc. I totally recommend these." —Teresa P.

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $14.99.

    14. An iced coffee holder so you can carry your favorite cold beverage *and* answer work emails *and* text your friends pictures of cute dogs at the same! time!!! Reviewers also love this for keeping the cold condensation off their hands.

    editor holding an iced coffee in a sleeve with a long handle by the hand
    editor using the handled holder to walk down the street with iced coffee
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    VIS Paradise Goods is a Florida-based Etsy stop established in 2021 that specializes in personalized and sustainable goods. 

    Promising review: "This is perfect! I constantly have my hands full and now I can comfortably carry my coffee with me everywhere I go. I will be purchasing more!" —Erin

    Psst — I own one of these myself and love it for the convenience of texting on the go! These even have a holder for a straw if you happen to get iced coffee or bubble tea and don't want to stick the straw into the drink just yet. I've found this to be very sturdy and easy to use, plus they're a fun conversation starter — people always want to know where I got it! 

    Get it from VIS Paradise Goods on Etsy for $12.40+ (available in nine colors and 28 option designs). 

    15. A set of soda can "lids" to spare you the despair of being half finished with your can of LaCroix or Coke on the way out the door — these fashion them into a bottle and make them delightfully portable. 

    A mountain dew can with a silicone bottle lid attached to the top
    Reviewer tilting the can to show the leakproof seal

    Reviewers also *swear* by these for keeping sand and dirt off the rim at picnics or the beach! 

    Promising review: "Biggest thing since sliced bread. Do you hate it when you when can’t finish your soda or maybe don’t have time? If you're driving somewhere it’s difficult to handle a can drink sometimes, you’re trying to take a sip and all a sudden you hit a pot hole. Soda up your nose, down your chin, on your clothes. It doesn’t have to be that way anymore — with these you can enjoy you soda just like it was in a bottle. I was skeptical at first, but sold as soon as I put it on the can. I use it every day." —Jonesy

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $14.99 (available in five color combos). 

    16. A set of Shout color-catching sheets for anyone who has ever owned a red T-shirt and then owned a bunch of pink sheets against their will. These are designed to make sure all your eye-catching bright clothes keep their hands to THEMSELVES when they're put in the wash with light colors (and also keeps your clothes looking fresh and new!). 

    Promising review: "These Color Catcher sheets really protect colors from bleeding. It makes all clothes/laundry brighter and looking like new — not that old washed color after just one wash without these sheets. I give this product 5+ stars. Highly recommend. A few pennies spent additionally on your laundry makes one look like wearing new clothes all the time." —Nikita

    Get 72 sheets from Amazon for $11.53.

    17. A vacuum-free space-saving compression bag so easy to use that all you have to do is stick your clothes inside, zip up the bag, roll the bag, and watch all the excess air get squished out of them until your clothes magically shrink. Yes, maybe it's only a weekend trip, but some of us need OPTIONS!! 

    before image of clothes taking up space in a suitcase
    After image of the clothes condensed in the bags

    Promising review: "These were the things I never knew I needed for traveling. They work just as advertised and are really useful when going on a trip. I always hate at the end of a trip having to mix dirty and clean clothes — a 'laundry bag' or plastic shopping bag never really felt like a good enough separation. These bags seal up and conceal the most stinky, wet clothes from your clean unused clothes. They are going to be one of my new necessities for my big family when traveling." —Sarbello

    Get a set of eight from Amazon for $16.97

    18. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser that keeps sandwich bread fresh by ensuring it stays *way* more airtight than it does in just the bag alone, and also lets you use the bread bag in a clever way to dispense slices one by one. Tons of reviewers are noting how much longer their bread stays fresh (and how much easier it is to store without worrying about it getting smushed!). 

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    Check out a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Buddeez is a family-owned, Missouri-based small business that specializes unique household products. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $12.49 (available in two lid colors). 

    19. stainless-steel Rub-A-Way bar to cancel out smells from all your particularly pungent tasks, whether it be from cooking with garlic, cleaning up a pet mess, or even helping with lingering body odors. All you have to do is rub the metal bar on your hands, with or without water, and BOOM. Smelly smells are gone. 

    The soap bar-shaped stainless steel, with the text

    Promising review: "I always thought it was a hoax that a piece of steel could remove kitchen odors (like from chopping onions or garlic). I am happy to report that it totally works. Handle all the stinky food you want — even non-food odors — and then wash your hands with this steel bar. No soap. No perfume. It just removes the odor nearly instantly. Little bar is reasonably priced as well. Best gadget I've bought in years." —Deb

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59.

    20. A dream balm made with calming herbs and essential oils like lavender, chamomile, mugwort, and valerian to help you nod off to dreamland and get yourself back to sleep when you wake up in the middle of the night. 

    BuzzFeed editor holding purple canister of dream balm
    Dream balm in hand open to show the yellow balm inside
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Y'all, I am one of the world's worst sleepers and I swear by this HARD — particularly for when I wake up in the middle of the night and my brain is in "ah, let's think all the thoughts we've ever had at the SAME TIME" mode. I rub it on my temples and the insides of my wrists and take a big whiff from the canister and it's usually a lot easier for me to doze back off, when typically I might spend *hours* trying to conk back out. I've also found a little bit of this goes a long way — I've had this a few months and doubt I'll have to replace it for awhile!  

    Woodland Herbal is an Ohio-based Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in skincare, salves, and tea blends.

    Promising review: "I tried it last night and I haven’t slept this hard in a long time. The smell alone is soothing when you put it on your temples as you drift off to sleep. I usually toss and turn but I slept like a rock." —Emily Irvin

    Get it from Woodland Herbal on Etsy for $19.

    21. A quick-drying top nail coat, because sometimes you just have to get the show on the road, nail polish situation be damned — this helps dry your wet nails within two minutes so you can get back to business (read: sticking your hand in a chip bag without fear). 

    Promising review: "NEVER GETTING MY NAILS PROFESSIONALLY DONE AGAIN. I love having long nails. I do not like spending fifty bucks just to get them painted. I tried the gel polish, with gel top coat; I tried the gel system with the lamps; I tried every polish out there. My hands get washed hundreds of times daily. This stuff is unbelievable. It really works the way they say it does. I applied it about one or two minutes after finishing a second coat of color and within minutes it had bonded and set and my nails stay shiny and polished for over a week. That is not the full two weeks claimed, but I am unusually hard on my nails so over a week is AWESOME. I immediately ordered several more." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $8.33

    22. A necklace detangling clasp so you can layer your favorite pieces over an outfit the exact way you want them without having to pull them apart like bickering siblings at the end of each day.

    BuzzFeeder Kayla wearing two minimalist necklaces, one short and one long
    The clasp, which stacks the small-chain necklaces using their clasps at the back
    Kayla Suazo / BuzzFeed

    Theresa Rose is a California-based Etsy shop established in 2007 that specializes in custom birthstone and personalized jewelry gifts.

    Former BuzzFeeder Kayla Suazo tried these out and loved 'em: "I recently bought a couple of these and had one of those very real WHY DIDN'T I BUY ONE OF THESE SOONER moments. They do an amazing job at keeping your necklaces from tangling as you wear them, and I love that I can layer multiple of my favorites at once. I am forever sold on these."

    Get it from Theresa Rose on Etsy for $13.49+ (available in gold and silver and with two, three, or four clasps).

    23. A set of jean button pins to save the day when you're in between sizes on jeans you love — with this pin you can tighten up a waist gap on top by using this pin to latch it around the button hole and get a snugger fit without bothering with a belt. Bonus — installation is as easy as pressing it in, no sewing or hammering required! 

    Reviewer showing loose waist of denim pants
    After pic with the waist tightened

    Promising review: "There are the best things ever. I have jeans that fit great but the waist is always too loose. So I saw these on TikTok, and I was so curious to see if they worked or not. But seriously, you need to buy these, the buttons are great material and just the most useful things overall." —Alexa Botello

    Get a set of 8 from Amazon for $6.99

    24. A weekly meal planner you can use to map out all your meals and grocery needs in advance — particularly handy if you're so busy that prioritizing yummy things falls to the wayside. This is also great for cutting costs, save time ordering groceries, and minimizing your number of trips to the store.

    A person writing on the notepad stuck to the fridge

    The list magnetizes to the fridge, and has the meal plan on one side, and a perforated "shopping list" you can tear off and take with you on the other side.

    Promising review: "I’ve been starting to get into meal prepping and this planner really helps! I like being able to look up recipes on my phone, then write down whatever ingredients I still need on the grocery list section of this planner. Its being magnetic is cool because you can hang it on the fridge. I love how the grocery list section can be ripped off so you can take it to the store, but the daily meal plans remain on the fridge so you can stay organized. This is a very simple idea, but it’s cute and helps keep me organized and motivated to plan out my meals." —Samantha M.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95+ (available in five designs).

    25. A set of discreet stick-on dress weights to keep your skirts and dresses from billowing in gusty breezes. These are designed with an adhesive that stays plenty sticky, but won't damage delicate fabric.

    Model lifting up dress to show small white Dress Weight stuck to the inside seam

    DressStrong is a New York-based, woman-owned Etsy shop established in 2017 that specializes in dress weights. 

    Promising review: "I love these. I just received them and they are perfect and work exactly as described! I just walked through the wind tunnel that is Midtown Manhattan without incident." —Rachel Freeman

    Get a set of four from DressStrong on Etsy for $15

    26. Emergency Stain Rescue Stain Remover, an all-purpose cleaning spray that's really out here doing the *most* — you can use this on carpet, upholstery, or clothes to help banish both new stains and old ones. This stuff can tackle anything from ketchup to blood to paint to coffee to caked-on deodorant stains. 

    reviewer before photo showing a yellow stain on white fabric
    same reviewer's after photo showing the stain gone

    Check out a TikTok of the "Emergency Stain Rescue" in action. 

    The Hate Stains Co. is a small business that specializes in fast, powerful, and nontoxic stain removing products. 

    Promising review: "I've tried Shout wipes, stain removal pens, and all the other tricks in the book. This removes organic stains from sweat better than anything I've tried thus far. I followed the directions, got the fabric wet, sprayed it on, and left it to chill for an hour. When I came back, I was dumbfounded. I can't believe I didn't have this sooner, I'm about to buy a gallon!" —Mark Bogumil

    Get it from Amazon for $7.95 (also available in packs of two and with on-the-go wipes). 

    27. A blind spot mirror so you can stop playing a game of "should I, would I, could I??" with traffic when you merge into other lanes (and parallel park without strangers stopping on the street to ask if they can help you, hahaha don't look at me).

    small circle mirror stuck to side mirror of a car

    Promising review: "I bought these for my mom's car and mine a while back ago and these little things are great. Since I got my license, I've hated merging or switching lanes; I never felt good or safe doing it. Since having these it's been a blessing, I feel less like a scared new driver. I'm currently encouraging my sister and friends to invest in these too! These are also great for backing up, because you can see exactly how close you are to hitting the car behind, and it's helpful when I parallel park in the city." —Mariam Abass

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four shapes).

    28. A set of Wad-Free pads to ensure that your sheets stay separate from each other in the dryer and come out fresh, dry, and unwrinkled instead of looking like they got into a wet cotton brawl. 

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small business established in 2020 after the founder Cyndi Bray self-taught computer-aided design to create the pads.

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    29. A set of three reusable silicone air fryer liners so you can crisp up your messiest dishes (think: cinnamon rolls, Brussels sprouts, all things sauce-y and delicious and great) without having to lug the whole air fryer drawer to the sink to wash out afterward. 

    Promising review: "I bought these because I was tired of cleaning the whole air fryer container. These were bought on a whim for both mine and my boyfriend's parents, who each have an air fryer. They work great, keeping all greases and crumbs inside, and make it easier to clean. The only bad thing (and this may just be me) is the ridges/ripples on the bottom of the inside of the liner. When you try to wash it in the sink, don’t put the stream of water right on those unless you want to take a small bath. Other than that, these are fantastic. My boyfriend also says that it seems to make everything crispier, and we love that." Jordan Hixson

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $19.99 (available in two sizes). 

    30. A hairbrush cleaning tool because, honestly, your hairbrush has been through enough and deserves a little TLC after you've Rapunzeled the heck out of it. Now, you can restore it to its brand new (much more effective!!) glory. 

    A reviewer's hairbrush caked with hair, so you can't even see the base holding the bristles
    The same hairbrush clean so you can actually see the base

    Promising review: "When I bought this, I was really skeptical. I am grossed out by my hairbrush and clean it all the time. I've soaked it in vinegar and tea tree oil, used a toothbrush, scrubbed it with shampoo, picked it clean by hand — everything you can think of. Still, it's so hard to get the little lint that forms at the base of the brush — they don't dissolve off, and you have to pick them off the bristles one by one because a toothbrush won't even break them up. This thing works amazingly. I don't know why, but it just does — the particular texture of the bristles on this really grabs everything. It scraped the little lint rings right off, and now my brush is cleaner, 10 times as fast." —HeartsofHavoc

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    31. A set of cleverly-designed ceiling fan pulls — one is shaped like a light and the other like an "X" so you know *precisely* which one to pull to turn the light on and which to control the fan. No more guessing games that have you accidentally waking up half the house because you dared to let some air circulate after dark! 

    ceiling fan with the ball chains attached, one with a lightbulb shaped pull and one with a fan shaped pull
    reviewer's hand holding the two pulls

    Promising review: "This is the definition of 'product you didn't know you needed because you didn't know it existed.' I was FOREVER pulling the wrong chain on our bedroom ceiling fan. (Want the light off? Oh no...now the fan's on high. Need to change the fan speed? Eek...now you're in the dark.) They're a much better quality than I expected. They're actually quite heavy-duty pull chains, and they add a bit of fun to the decor (when you notice them — most of the time, who even thinks about a ceiling fan pull chain?). As an added bonus, my infant daughter loves staring at them while I change her diaper or jammies. I tap them to make the chains swing, and it's instant fascination, which helps make my job easier!" —LHD

    Get them from Amazon for $5.88+ (available in six colors and two lengths).

    32. A set of silicone oven rack edge protectors sure to be a boon for avid bakers and cooks — these protect your skin from burns when you're sliding things in and out of the oven, so you don't end up ruing the day you made lasagna and accidentally cooked part of your human self instead. 

    Check out a TikTok of the oven rack protectors in action.  

    Promising review: "These things are awesome. Not only are they attractive and reasonably priced, but are so easy to put on and they stay on the rack. Most important, I find they help to protect your arm from getting any bad burns when reaching into the oven. Highly recommend these, I'm so happy with them I'm buying a set for my mom and daughters-in-law." —Sandi 

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $10.98+ (available in three colors). 

    33. A handy heat-resistant silicone utensil rest with a built-in drip pad so you can set your spoon or spatula down without ending up with pancake batter all over the counter and floor (sorry @ Fido, who was waiting patiently for a scrap down below). 

    a pink spoon rest with grooves holding a spoon, spatula, and ladle
    Gray version holding tongs and spatulas

    Bonus — this is also dishwasher-safe! 

    Promising review: "I bought this on impulse and I am glad I did. It does a great job of holding multiple utensils and keeping them from touching all while not taking up a great deal of space. The lip around the edge works well to keep any drips from getting on my counter and when I am done cooking I just throw it in the dishwasher. My counters are cleaner and less cluttered while cooking (I have limited counter space) and cleanup is a breeze. Before this I had a cute ceramic owl spoon rest which I loved the look of but was always afraid of breaking it, and it only held one utensil. Since this one is silicone I don’t have to worry about it chipping or breaking. It is also easy to stick it in a drawer until you need it. I would definitely recommend this product, without hesitation, to anyone." —A. Jessup

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99 (available in 26 colors and two sizes). 

    34. An internet-beloved OXO measuring cup with transparent measurements on the side *and* angled in the middle so you can see exactly how much you're measuring from a bird's-eye view.

    The transparent angled measuring cup with oil inside

    It also comes equipped with a soft grip handle and a deeply convenient angled nozzle, and is dishwasher-safe!

    Promising review: "Our old liquid measuring cups were beginning to get worn and very hard to read. I had seen these angled measuring cups before and wanted to give them a try, so I bought two (2-cup versions) to replace our existing cups. I've only gotten to use them a handful of times, but I can already tell you they are better than traditional measuring cups. I have good eyesight, so reading a traditional measuring cup isn't a problem. However, I've always disliked having to lean over to watch the cup fill up, or start/stop filling to make sure I have what I need. With the overhead reading, I can pour my liquid in and know exactly when to stop. In my opinion, this is the only way measuring cups should be made in the future." —SK

    Get it from Amazon for $10.95.

    35. A pickle keeper and juice strainer that tips over like an hourglass so you can drain the juices out of your pickles whenever you're feeling munchy and want to grab one. Reviewers love this for keeping sticky juices off their hands. 

    pickles and juice in a container
    The container flipped so the juice is only at at bottom

    Check out a TikTok of the pickle juice strainer in action. 

    Promising review: "I love pickles and olives but hate the mess and pain of pickle/olive brine. I've been known to just drain it out of a jar immediately, even if that means having to throw away the pickles or olives sooner. I randomly discovered these containers from some online article, and knew right away I would be getting one. I now have two but plan on buying more. They're just great. The only thing is, you need to be 100% sure you've got the lids on completely or you will have a disaster on your hands. Check and double check each time you are securing them. The tongs are useful just to have around for anything, too." —Nick

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95 (also available with an included tong). 

    36. A set of nifty hamburger holders so you can load up your patties with every single condiment you can find without living in fear of spilling it all over yourself. The tyranny of mustard stains ends HERE AND NOW!!! 

    Promising review: "This is a fantastic invention!!! No more dumping everything from your hamburger into your lap! It all stays in the burger and you stay clean!! It came with four, so my husband put two in the car, and we kept two in the house!! I'm going to give these to our kids and grandkids for Christmas!!" —Roxanne Fulton

    Get a set of four from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in four color options or a three-pack).  

    37. A fast-drying sink stone caddy you can prop your sponges or toothbrushes on and watch the magic happen — the water will "poof!" evaporate in less than two minutes, preventing your sink area from becoming a soggy, sudsy mess. 

    Momo Lifestyle is a small business that specializes in family-friendly homewares. 

    Promising review: "We got this for the bathroom that the kids us. Anybody with little kids will know that they make a constant mess. We had water all over the counter, mainly around the soap dispenser, and it was causing problems. This has helped a great deal. There is less water on the counter and I even like to put water on it sometimes just to watch it evaporate within about 60-90 seconds. It was totally worth the money." —David P. 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99