We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    37 Under-$50 Products To Help You Conquer Task After Task After Task

    This "set and forget" laundry spray is honestly a *godsend* for your toughest stains (old ones included).

    1. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper that'll have you feeling like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget julienne, chops, spiralizes, and slices vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99

    2. A set of exfoliating gloves for the bath or shower you can use to ~deep clean~ all over your body. This lets you get extra specific about the exfoliation pressure because you're using your own hands to do it.

    These also come in three different textures — light, moderate, and heavy — so you can get one to best match your skin sensitivity. 

    Promising review: "This is one of my favorite purchases. Not gonna lie, TikTok made me buy this. So I buy it and I’m still a little nervous because it’s literally a glove. But nah, I used it with liquid body soap and I’ve never felt so clean in my whole life. I got out of the shower feeling like a freshly birthed baby. My skin had never felt so clean and I questioned how I went 32 years without this." —Brittney

    Get a pair from Amazon for $7.99+ (available in three textures, seven colors, and as sets of two or three). 

    3. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner so handy you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain its cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait 8 to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $19.54+ (available in three sizes).

    4. A super absorbent hybrid scrunchie towel to help dry your hair faster *without* the heat damage of drying tools. Reviewers love this as an alternative to heavier towels, particularly if they're errand running with wet hair. 

    Reviewer wearing microfiber towel scrunchie
    Reviewer wearing microfiber scrunchie

    Promising review: "I ordered this because I was sick of keeping a towel on my head for so long while my hair dried, and if I didn't have a towel, my shirt was soaking wet from my hair after a shower. For reference, I had very long, thick hair and it takes a while to air-dry — and I'm so happy I found this scrunchie! It's a lot bigger in person than it looks in the image, which is great because it covers more of your hair to help dry it. No more heavy towels on my head or tight towel wraps." —Meghan

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $11.29+ (available in seven colors and designs).

    5. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover that works its magic in one wash to help you instantly get rid of all that discolored dried sweat, oil stains, or deodorant residue on your favorite clothes.

    Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action. 

    Puracy is a Texas-based, family-owned small business specializing in plant-based, chemical-free, hypoallergenic home products, with a donation made to local families in need with a portion of every purchase. 

    Psst — this spray also does a number on all those other miscellaneous stains in your life, like wine, coffee, soy sauce, makeup, and period blood! I recently bought this to test it for myself, and can attest to how well it works to get period blood out even after you've tried something else. I stained a pair of beloved bright-blue bike shorts in my sleep and tried to get it out with soap and water, but the stain was still there when it came out of the wash. I treated it with this, stuck it back in the wash, and BOOM, it's like it never happened (I panicked before I could get a before and after, please forgive me, laundry gods).

    Promising review: "For whatever reason, I am ALWAYS spilling things on my shirts and I cook every night (sometimes I remember the apron, sometimes I don't). My clothes are a mess by the end of the day. I'm not proud of it, but there it is. I have tried EVERYTHING there is to remove stains and this is the absolute BEST thing out there. (There is simply not a major stain remover that I have not tried.) The only thing close is a long pre-soak (I mean like six hours) in Oxyclean. With Puracy, you get the best result by doing it well in advance, but for me that is another plus because I would far rather spray them when I put them in the hamper than do it all at once just before I do the laundry. It seems to get everything out and I've never had any trouble with damaged fabric. I don't really review very much, but this is seriously outstanding." —NYC Buyer

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    6. A durable mini bamboo cutting board for all your teensy day-to-day chopping needs that don't require the services of a whole cutting slab. Reviewers who live in dorms and small kitchens also swear by this for their tiny counter spaces! 

    Promising review: "I needed a cutting board to leave on the counter to cut lemons for tea. I wanted something small but functional that could be left on the counter all the time. This cutting board fit the bill, and because there’s two I always have a clean one. It's also great for cheese or other small bites." —Rachel O

    Get set of two from Amazon for $11.95.

    7. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "I used this product for my stove because it's one thing I dislike cleaning. I have used multiple degreaser sprays and they all are so toxic and don't work for me. The Magic Eraser was okay but I used several at a time and I had to scrub so hard. But this product oh my goodness, legit a miracle. It doesn't have any type of smell. I put the paste on a cloth, clean the area then wipe it off with a damp cloth and voilà, magic!" —May

    Get it from Amazon for $5.97. 

    8. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go.

    foam in a sink
    sink with foam that has gone down the disposal

    Promising review: "These are amazing! I was skeptical at first but I followed the directions (which are super easy) and was grossed out and satisfied at the same time to see the gunk that was removed. You put the entire packet down your disposal (I read that twice too) and magic happens in under two minutes! That is what I call powerful and successful cleaning! The scent is super clean and light with a hint of lemon. These will definitely be a cleaning staple for me." —KPITT

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78+ (available bagged or boxed).

    9. A set of Goody's "corkscrew" spin pins for your hair to give you the perfect, pain-free updo with almost zero effort. One of these pins literally can do the job of 20 (!!) regular bobby pins for a securely-held top knot, triple spin, or half-spin style, and reviewers love how simple the included directions are. 

    reviewer wearing hair in a ponytail
    reviewer wearing hair in bun

    Promising review: "I'm a nursing student and have to wear my hair in a bun every day. I've tried all the bun makers, watched YouTube videos, and spend way too much time on getting my hair into a bun. I was able to make a pretty bun that was secure in under 30 seconds. I thought it was a fluke so I did it again, and then again. I just ordered two more packs because I know if I lose one of these, I'd have to tear the house down looking for it. I have hair to my mid back, and three of these worked perfectly for me. If I can get my hair in bun in under 30 seconds, trust me...anyone can." —Tina

    Get a pack of three from Amazon for $7.99 (also available in a pack of two).

    10. A dishwasher magnet so nobody ever has to do the awkward guessing game of "what is the current status of this plate I want to eat off of" (or worse, nobody accidentally puts a bunch of dirty dishes away 😬).

    A person toggling between
    The magnets
    Sally Elshorafa/BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $6.97 (available in four styles). 

    11. An EasyWring microfiber spin mop, aka the MVP of CleanTok. This mop is machine washable and has an automatic wringer so there are no hands involved. It's designed to reach into deep corners for a thorough clean and made with a fabric so effective that — gasp — you don't even need chemical cleaners. You can just get the dirt and grime up with water. 

    reviewer using foot-operated peddle to wring microfiber mop
    reviewer image using the mop to clean the floor

    Promising review: "I had had it with my broken basic mop and bucket. I tried to just get a dollar store Swiffer to get us by, but that wasn't cutting it at all. With three boys and a dog who makes his rounds on all the furniture and every exposed corner, I had to do something. After seeing a TikTok where a woman demonstrated this mop to clean her walls, and hearing my boss raving about it, I decided to click the Amazon button. Let me tell you, I HATE cleaning, I HATE mopping, but I LOVE for things to be clean. I was able to mop the entire house TWICE (Because it was that dirty. Please don't judge.) within an hour. A few days later I mopped the entire house again within 10 minutes because they weren't quite as dirty. On another positive note, my boys love the spinner and think it’s a toy! So, every time I get the bucket out my 10-year-old and 4-year-old ask to mop the house because they think it’s fun. MAJOR BONUS!" —Molly

    Get it from Amazon for $34.97 (also available with refill heads).

    12. A pair of warm wireless sleep headphones perfect for keeping your ears warm on cold-weather walks and runs once those chilly breezes start blowing — 110% would not be surprised if half the neighborhood outfits themselves with them by the end of the season.

    people wearing the sleep headphones to sleep, do yoga, run, and in an exercise class

    Promising review: "I saw these on TikTok and since I have so much trouble finding quality headphones I decided to try it. I’m very happy with the sound quality and comfort of these. I’m able to fall asleep to my music or podcast without having to limit myself to sleeping on my back or losing an ear bud in my bed in the middle of the night. It makes working out easier as well. The value is worth the quality. I would recommend." —Thunder Muffin

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in 14 colors).

    13. A multiuse pill splitter that also has a function to grind pills and serves as a pill storage box to boot. Because this thing is an overachiever, it *also* can serve as a small drinking cup if you're taking pills on the go. Pet owners swear by this to help crush meds into their fur babies' food! 

    Reviewer image of blue pill cutter and storage unit
    A graphic showing all the different parts of the crusher disassembled

    Check out a TikTok of the pill crusher and grinder in action. 

    Promising review: "I can't swallow pills (effects of GERD) so pill crushing has been a mess and a pain. This little gadget is quick, easy and keeps the process tidy. Made of sturdy plastic, it's lightweight and compact and does the job beautifully! Highly recommend!" —Stephanie

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99

    14. A fast-acting ChomChom pet hair remover roller deeply beloved by pet owners — it's like a sticky lint roller, but specifically designed to pick up pet hair and not only lock it in, but stash it inside the roller itself, so you don't end up making matters worse by just shoving the hair around instead of getting rid of it properly. 

    GIF of reviewer using the chom chom roller to remove fur from a couch
    reviewer image of a chom chom roller open to reveal all the collected pet hair inside

    Promising review: "I have a golden retriever and the shedding is out of control. My fabric sofa is constantly covered in hair and I finally decided to try this after reading an article about popular TikTok products. The reviews do not lie, this thing works magic!! I wish I had taken a before and after picture because the difference is noticeable. I watched the video tutorial before I tried it to ensure I was using it properly and everything he says is true, you do really have to put your arm to work with vigorous back and forth movement! However, I find it's a great arm workout and it works wonders." —Joanne Ertel

    Get it from Amazon for $25.45

    15. cold brew coffee maker so gloriously easy to use that all you have to do is stick your favorite ground coffee in the filter, seal the airtight lid on top, and pop it in the fridge overnight. Boom, 4 cups of cold brew you don't have to lift a finger to make when you're scrambling to log on to a Zoom meeting five minutes late. 

    Promising review: "I LOVE this product so much! I drink iced coffee on the daily but the system I had just wasn't cutting it for me. I didn't know how to brew cold coffee at home (all we have is a Keurig, and there's no cold brew option) so I would go buy iced coffee from Dunkin' every morning. Now don't get me wrong, i love my Dunkin', but I wanted to find a way to be able to make that same iced coffee at HOME, and I think my wallet and gas tank wanted me to figure that out too. I found out about this product through TikTok and it is a GAME CHANGER. All you have to do is put coffee grounds in the filter, fill up the main compartment 3/4 full with water (I use water from my fridge), screw the filter into the lid and screw the lid shut, shake it a little to put the coffee grounds to work, and let it do its magic for 12-24 hours! This is probably the best investment i've ever made. You need this!!" —Carmen E. 

    Get it from Amazon for $22.76+ (available in two colors). 

    16. An Icebreaker that doubles both as a silicone mold and an easy dispenser, cleverly engineered so you don't have to touch the ice with your fingers and risk germs. These are also super portable because of their compact, leakproof design, and are completely dishwasher-safe! 

    reviewer image of inside the icebreaker mold
    gif of person popping open icebreaker to add ice to water cup

    Icebreaker is a Texas-based small business estabished in 2020 by Danish engineer Kim Jensen. 

    Promising review: "We have a small freezer and no icemaker, and have been using fiddly trays for years. Icebreaker Pop has changed everything! No more leaky ice trays spilling in the freezer, (or on the way to the freezer), and no ice picking up weird smells and tastes from the freezer. Icebreaker Pop is self contained and easy to use: you fill it up with water (but be careful not to overfill, because it does expand as it freezes. Physics!), seal the top, and put it in the freezer. Once it's frozen, you lay it on a flat surface, press down hard on it a couple of times on each side to crack the ice, and pull apart with both handles. You now have 18 cubes of clean ice that dispense from the opening, eliminating the need to touch the cubes as you add them to your glass. The cubes are a little smaller than from regular ice trays, but that's okay with us. Icebreaker Pop is also cool-looking and easy to clean; it's made up of three easy-to-separate pieces that are a snap to wash thoroughly. Very happy with this product!" —Leah Koepp

    Get it from Amazon for $17.99+ (available in five colors).

    17. An affordable sunrise alarm clock so you can trick your human brain into thinking you're already dappled in the light of a bright, sunshiny day when you wake up, even if the winter sun hasn't quite caught up to your morning routine.

    The circular alarm clock with the time stamp on it
    The clock lit up with a warm yellow glow

    This can be programmed with seven different light settings, seven different calming "wake up" noises, and to start gradually lighting up at 30, 20, or 10 minutes before you wake. 

    Promising review: "I got this recommendation from TikTok and it really has helped especially with Oregon winters where the sun is not out by the time the alarm rings. It has several peaceful alarm settings and even has night music to put you to sleep. The sunrise with the alarm piano is what I play to wake me up every morning and it is a way better way than to wake up to an annoying phone alarm." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.98+ (available in two colors). 

    18. magnetic tear-off grocery list to help keep you and your fam or roommates up to date with what you need on your next grocery run, so everyone's on the literal same page. It's even organized by grocery aisle to make items easier to find! 

    A tear off sheet with images of various groceries grouped together

    Promising review: "Before this pad, I was keeping the grocery list on my phone. Because I purchase from multiple stores, it made it hard to keep track. But this list is great! It helps me and my elderly mom make lists for what we need! I highly recommend!" —Debra

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    19. An under-cabinet lid opener for anyone who doesn't feel like playing another rousing game of "knock on the neighbor's door to see if someone can open this damn Nutella jar" (don't look at me!!). This is also an excellent space saver compared to other manual lid openers, and causes way less wrist strain! 

    The underside of a reviewer's cabinet, showing the lid opener installed out of site
    Reviewer using the opener to open a jar of sauce with just the palm of their hand

    Check out a TikTok of the jar opener in action (or peruse BuzzFeed's review of the EZ Off Jar Opener). 

    Promising review: "I have tried a million different tools and gadgets for help in opening jars of all sizes, and each one had its own issues! Finally, someone has invented the perfect jar opener that is simple and requires no space in your kitchen drawers or counters. There was one person who suggested placing the opener with the sharp end of the 'V' closest to you and with it placed in the front, in the right corner under your cabinet. I followed those directions, and it works perfectly and easily. I have already placed an order for another one for a gift or my sister." —cat lover

    Get it from Amazon for $18.55.

    20. A power scrubber brush you can attach to a DRILL (!!) that basically does all of the hard grime busting for you, so you don't have to have sore arms for a week just because you dared to wipe down the shower.

    Reviewer using the brush to clean grime out of a tub
    one of the brushes attached to a drill next to a shower pane with half still fogged up and the other super clear

    Promising review: "So I kept seeing this item on TikTok and thought, 'heck, why not?' I love this item for deep cleaning, whether it's car mats, shoes, or the shower." —A. Givens

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in six colors).

    21. A front seat organizer complete with two extra drink holders and a lil' spot for odds and ends like keys or your phone or hand sanitizers. Reviewers without drink holders swear by this chic option that fits seamlessly into their car's layout. Honestly even if you already have cupholders, some of us are Beverage People and need as many as we can get!! 

    Reviewer's picture of the console organizer holding two McDonald's cups
    Another reviewer's picture of the console organizer holding a cup of Starbucks and a water

    Promising review: "Most awesome thing I bought I think all year! I have a small sports car, no cup-holders. This thing looks awesome, is well-made, and is sturdy! It's everything I needed and it looks fantastic in my car, even though I have dark blue leather interior. Fabulous find!" —2019

    Get it from Amazon for $22.97+ (available in six colors).

    22. A hanging garbage bag holder for all the scraps you accumulate on your culinary adventures, so you don't have to keep darting back and forth to the Big Trash Can and lose focus living your Master Chef dreams. 

    The holder with a plastic bag attached, which is hung up on an under-sink cabinet door

    Promising review: "I love this product because I'm always chopping vegetables and cutting up meat. I would be making several trips to the trash. Now I'm able to make meal prep quicker, easier, and cleaner! A good way to use up some of those plastic bags from the grocery store, too!" —Ellen Holcomb

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    23. A 10-foot lightning cable perfect for your nightstand or living room so you can still watch your beloved TikToks without having to hang upside down from the couch like a bat to make sure your phone is still charging on the shorter cable. 

    Model on couch plugging in 10-foot charger corn into iPad

    Promising review: "You can never go wrong with extra long charging cables! My wife and I use these for charging our phones on our nightstands so we can use the phones in bed without over stretching shorter cables. The braided cables are nice and the red connectors add a little pop of color. We’ve had other brands of cables fall apart at the connector in a short amount of time but these seem pretty solid." —Mr. D

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99 (available in five colors and four other sizes).

    24. A tear-off daily self-care calendar for a gentle way to start your day and still keep it productive and fulfilling — this has space not just for a to-do list, but affirmations, things you're thankful for, reflections, meals, and plans for self-care. 

    A pad of sheets with squares for to do list, a thankful list, a reflection list, what you're eating, notes, and daily affirmations

    Bliss Collections is a family-owned, Wisconsin-based business established in 2012 that specializes in stationery, planners and pads, and drinkware.

    Promising review: "I got this for my mental health when I was in a really bad place mentally and I was trying to figure out why I was having so many panic attacks. This made me feel on top of stuff and gives me something to look forward to. Super cute, super cheap, and it makes me happy." —katelyn

    Get a 50-sheet pad from Amazon for $9.49

    25. A backseat hook perfect for purses and groceries so when you're out running a zillion errands you don't have to worry about your box of seltzers picking a fight with your purse rolling around on the bottom of your car. 

    A hook on the back of a car chair with a bag hanging off it

    Promising review: "I saw this product on a 'TikTok amazing finds.' And given that my purse always seems to tip over in the back seat, emptying all the contents all over the floor, I thought I would give it a try. It comes with two, so I put one on each side of the seats, and it works so well. I love this product. It’s strong and well made not cheap. I’m glad I bought it and I would recommend it for sure." —PC

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $6.75 (available in two colors).

    26. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp because honestly? Cleaning the toilet every week is a scam. Let this do the job for you (and prevent grime build up and toilet rings while it's at it!). 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    The stamp in its packaging

    Check out a TikTok of the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to see it in action! 

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99

    27. A pair of no-tie "lock laces" for your shoes that basically turn any laced shoe into a slip-on one, because honestly, who has the time to keep untying and retying those babies when half your mornings are spent sprinting out the door? Bonus: these are one-size-fits-all, including kids, so you can outfit the whole fam.

    A pair of sneakers with black bungee-like

    A lot of runners and athletes also swear by these for training and races, since it's a guarantee their shoes won't come untied (and it also helps distribute the tension through the entire top of your foot, preventing localized injuries for longer runs!). You can also adjust the tension easily if your feet are more swollen on a particular day.

    Promising review: "Purchased two pair for my running shoes. They work very well, have put a bunch of miles on them. No more tying/untying, just slip on. I like how they keep unified tension across the entire laces from top to bottom. I have had no issues with the lace lock at all, it snapped in well." —Scott

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in 13 colors).

    28. A box of Reynolds slow-cooker liners to make your slow cooker cleanup time clock in at eight seconds or less. Gee, funny how nobody's fighting over who's on dish duty anymore! 

    Reviewer using product to cook pot of chili
    Reviewer showing how clean slow cooker is after using liner

    You can check out BuzzFeed's review of the slow-cooker liners for more deets! 

    Promising review: "It's great to come home to a fully cooked meal in the slow cooker. But it's not much fun having to scrub out and wash the messy pot after dinner. Reynolds Slow Cooker Liners eliminate most of the dreaded cleanup work. We even store our box of new liners inside the cooker for convenience and to remind us to use one every time." —Old Editor

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $3.48+ (also available in a multi-pack and a smaller size). 

    29. An MVP-worthy pet urine stain removing spray that will instantly tackle both old and new stains *plus* the yucky smell, so you can enjoy the quality time you're getting with your pet without sacrificing your carpet and/or your nostrils.

    Reviewer image of a stained carpet
    Reviewer image of same carpet now clean

    Rocco & Roxie Supply Company is a family-owned small business established in 2013 that specializes in pet odor eliminators, pet toys, pet snacks, and pet accessories.

    Promising review: "I don’t know how I ever survived without this. There’s tons of 'pet stain/odor remover' products out there, but this by far is the absolute best. I cringed paying the $20 for it when others are between $5–$10, but I have NO ISSUES paying now. I foster dogs, some puppies, some older, some not house broken and every room in my house is carpeted except the kitchen which means I have lots of accidents. I spray enough to saturate if it’s a lot of urine, let it soak for 10 minutes then wipe it up with a hand towel. Then I put a larger towel on top of it if it’s in a high-traffic area until it’s completely dry. It’s taken out every stain and more importantly the odor is gone! I will never stop buying this product. I recommend it to everyone who has dogs!" —Shelley

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97 (also available in a gallon).

    30. A set of Wad-Free pads to ensure that your sheets stay separate from each other in the dryer and come out fresh, dry, and unwrinkled instead of looking like they got into a wet cotton brawl. 

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small business established in 2020 after the founder Cyndi Bray self-taught computer-aided design to create the pads.

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine for forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99 (also available in a set of four).

    31. A blind spot mirror so you can stop playing a game of "should I, would I, could I??" with traffic when you merge into other lanes (and parallel park without strangers stopping on the street to ask if they can help you, hahaha don't look at me).

    small circle mirror stuck to side mirror of a car

    Promising review: "I bought these for my mom's car and mine a while back ago and these little things are great. Since I got my license, I've hated merging or switching lanes; I never felt good or safe doing it. Since having these it's been a blessing, I feel less like a scared new driver. I'm currently encouraging my sister and friends to invest in these too! These are also great for backing up, because you can see exactly how close you are to hitting the car behind, and it's helpful when I parallel park in the city." —Mariam Abass

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in four shapes and packs of four).

    32. magnetic air fryer cheat sheet so you can finally experiment with juuuuust the right amount of reckless abandon, while knowing everything you stick in there will still come out safe to eat. 

    Promising review: "Bought an air fryer several months ago which I haven't used a whole lot because it came with only a few recipes but not enough info on other items to cook. The Lotteli cheat sheet gives you cooking times and temperatures for a lot of your common everyday foods in a magnetized easy-to-read, two-sheet combo that fills in where the air fryer pamphlet that came with the unit leaves out. I also bought an air fryer cookbook but this only comes with specific recipes, whereas the cheat sheet fills in the void for quick basic needs. Very happy with this purchase! 😁" —B. Frank Smith

    Get it from Amazon for $8.75+ (available in two colors and multipacks). 

    33. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell you can never seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. You don't even need to scrub — these do all the work for you!

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Saved me from buying a new dishwasher! I have to admit that I was skeptical that this product was actually going to do anything. I’ve noticed my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes very well lately, and I did everything I could to get it working properly again, but was ready to finally give up and buy a new dishwasher. I bought these tablets thinking they were designed to eliminate odors, but I was willing to give them a shot before buying a whole new dishwasher. I put one in the bottom of the dishwasher last night per the instructions and woke up to completely clean dishes for the first time in weeks. They look perfect. I don’t know why these tablets work but they absolutely did and I am a happy customer!" —B. Turner

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.99.

    34. A ridiculously darling pastel rapid egg cooker that I am warning you right now is going to become your most meaningful relationship. It can make soft-, medium-, *and* hard-boiled eggs in addition to poaching, scrambling, and making omelets out of them. This gizmo is, like, a thousand potential brunches and meal preps in one.

    The dome shaped yellow-based egg cooker with cooked eggs inside of it next to a salad with hard boiled eggs
    Closeup of the yellow egg cooker

    I've owned one of these babies and have faithfully used it every week for upward of two years, and especially love it while working from home — it simplifies breakfast because I know no matter what assortment of groceries I'm working with, there are precooked eggs to add some protein to it (I like mine medium-boiled 🍳). If my dinner is boring or seems like it needs a little extra "oomph" to it, I'll throw in an egg from this too. Some reviews note that the alarm on it is a little loud, but the new models have significantly decreased the volume and sing a little song instead!

    Promising review: "I saw someone on TikTok with this and gasped! Ordered it right away. I had no idea these things existed. Super easy and convenient and the hard-boiled eggs came out perfectly. I’m testing a batch now without punching a hole in the eggs to see how they come out. Because why not make an easy process even easier?!?! LOL." —Gina

    Get it from Amazon for $16.99 (available in seven colors).

    35. A 3-in-1 avocado slicer small enough to slide into your utensil drawer – it'll more than earn its keep by taking care of those pesky pits and giving you slices so perfectly portioned you'll break your friends' Instagram feeds.

    A model using the tool to de-pit and slice half an avocado

    This 3-in-1 tool can split an avocado with its pointy tip, remove the pit with its center, and make perfectly even slices with the bottom — a much safer alternative to using a regular knife and potential falling prey to the dreaded "avocado hand."

    Promising review: "So worth the space in the kitchen! This thing really does what it says. I love mine and use it all the time. Pit removal is super easy with this, no more knife-prying. I didn't think the cutting tool would be as effective as it is- but it works great as well. No complaints on this product — would buy again!" —K. Cyr

    Get it from Amazon for $11.95.

    36. A portable paw cleaner with soft silicone bristles to help gently remove mud and dirt from your doggo's paws after they go on muddy walks with you. All you have to do is add a little water to it, insert your dog's paw, twist, then pat the paw dry and repeat.

    Psst — lots of reviewers mention that their dogs seem to really like the feeling of the silicone bristles!

    Promising review: "I love this product — saw it on a TikTok and had to have it. Works great on my three French bulldogs! Cleans them after coming in the house with muddy paws!" —Janice lalla marcus

    Get it from Amazon for $12.98+ (available in three sizes and eight colors and with or without lid).

    37. A pickle keeper and juice strainer that tips over like an hourglass so you can drain the juices out of your pickles whenever you're feeling munchy and want to grab one. Reviewers love this for keeping sticky juices off their hands. 

    pickles and juice in a container
    The container flipped so the juice is only at at bottom

    Check out a TikTok of the pickle juice strainer in action. 

    Promising review: "I love pickles and olives but hate the mess and pain of pickle/olive brine. I've been known to just drain it out of a jar immediately, even if that means having to throw away the pickles or olives sooner. I randomly discovered these containers from some online article, and knew right away I would be getting one. I now have two but plan on buying more. They're just great. The only thing is, you need to be 100% sure you've got the lids on completely or you will have a disaster on your hands. Check and double check each time you are securing them. The tongs are useful just to have around for anything, too." —Nick

    Get it from Amazon for $13.95+ (also available with an included tong or with an included tray). 

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.