We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    30 Clever TikTok Products That Feel Like Life Hacks

    The way these Wonder Hangers will free up space in your closet will make you think you're a legit wizard.

    1. A delightful little tool called the Bug Bite Thing that suctions on all kinds of bug bites to reduce swelling, itchiness, and redness.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Bug Bite Thing is a family-owned small business established in 2017 that specializes in bug bite relief products. 

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice, and more (although TBH, if this list of bugs gets any longer I may just stay indoors forever!!).

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few times to relieve itchiness and I am convinced it works! Have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors). 

    2. An undetectable mouse jiggler for folks working at home who need to stay "active" on Gchat, Teams, or Slack and sometimes want to dash out to use the bathroom or walk the dog without doing the whole "BRB, BACK IN A BIT!!" song and dance every time they dare to get up from their desk. 

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    Reviewer holding up the power button on the device

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in eight styles). 

    3. A "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles — regular firm bristles, and longer ones that are ten times thinner to clean deep in between your teeth and gums to mimic flossing. Reviewers love how deep the clean feels, and also how soft it is on sensitive teeth! 

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    I personally bought this a few months ago and love it! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I've switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular. 

    Promising review: "This was another one of my TikTok purchases! I was skeptical but my kids hate flossing their teeth so thought this might help in between making them floss. They work amazing! My kids said they could see and feel a different on the first use and I agree! They are definitely with a try! I would suggest not pushing too hard, those tiny bristles really get in there and if you push too hard you nights be sore like I was. It felt like after going to a dental cleaning." —Amy N. 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    4. A scoop colander, which is basically what happens with a large spoon and a colander have a deeply convenient baby. This is excellent for fishing out everything from pasta to fried food to boiled veggies, making the process quick and easy *without* dirtying up a colander that's going to take up more room than a space ship in your dishwasher. 

    A black scoop with small colander holes in it plucking fried shrimp out of a pot

    Promising review: "Saw this on a TikTok! Love the versatility and ingenuity of the design! Great idea!" —barbara roth

    "I love this scooper! Instead of using the big bowl to drain my pasta, I use this scooper straight from the pot to my baking dish. One less huge bowl to wash. The less mess the better I always say. Less to clean too! Win win!" —Brandi

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95(available in three colors). 

    5. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain its cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait eight to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I have well water. Something in my well water reacts with copper plumbing and turns my shower tiles blue. Since my bathroom color scheme isn't on the blue spectrum, this is problematic. The well water also causes the shower glass to film up quickly. I've tried dozens and dozens of cleaners and scrubbed till my arms ached trying to get ahead of the blue and scumminess. My ambition in life is NOT to be a full time bathroom scrubber! I saw this stuff on a professional house cleaner's TikTok (sorry, don't remember which one) and thought 'what the heck, might as well give it a try.' Oh my goodness, the first day after my shower I sprayed this stuff all over and walked away. The next morning there was a NOTICEABLE reduction in the blue and the glass looked clearer too. Day two, sprayed again and walked away. The next morning the blue was gone except for a few spots on the floor tile and the glass looked amazing. Day three I sprayed the remaining spots and the next morning the shower practically looked new. NO SCRUBBING AT ALL!!!! This is my new favorite shower cleaner. The ONLY con I have is that it makes me sneeze while I'm spraying from inside the shower, but I can live with that." —L. J. Petillo

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98 (available in two scents). 

    6. A painless, mint-flavored teeth-whitening pen reviewers swear by as an alternative to pricey professional treatments and strips. This gets results from the very first use, lightening up years' worth of stains from coffee, tea, wine, or just, you know, existing as a human with teeth.

    Promising review: "I have to say, I was skeptical about this product from all the TikTok hype about it but after trying it out, it really does work. I’ve used whitening strips before but those usually hurt my sensitive teeth and I hate the taste of some of the other gels on the market but this one was super easy and didn’t hurt my teeth at all and didn’t taste much different than my regular toothpaste, since I got the mint-flavored one. I used it for a few weeks before my brother’s wedding and it worked like a charm. I noticed visible results in only a couple of days and was able to keep using it until I reached my desired shade of white. 10/10 would recommend for anyone with sensitive teeth and tastes!" —Victoria Bravo

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $15.95 (clip the $3 off coupon on the product page for this price). 

    7. A set of fast-acting Keurig cleaner pods you can simply put through a cycle on the machine to get rid of all the crusted-on grinds and residue that are *definitely* affecting the taste of your coffee, even if you haven't noticed over time.

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    8. A set of Wonder Hangers designed to take advantage of all that unused vertical space in your closet and save up to three times the storage space. Even better — these come fully assembled, so no extra work on your end! Oops, on my way to buy more cute tops I don't need now that there's room for them 👀 . 

    Product in use in closet
    Product in use in closet

    Check out a TikTok of the Wonder Hangers in action. 

    Promising review: "These are so clever and versatile! I live in an old house with tiny closets so I have to get creative. These are great because they can be used hanging horizontally or vertically. I also found they work great for hanging camisoles and tank tops. I can see what I have and take just the one I need!" —Therese Van Heuveln

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $13.99 (available in three colors and two pack sizes).

    9. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper that'll have you feeling like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget julienne, chops, spiralizes, and slices vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets. 

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (clip the $5 coupon on the product page to get this price; available in three colors).  

    10. A foldable, slip-resistant "Sink Topper" you can use to massively increase the counter space by your tiny sink and achieve the Mega Efficient Bathroom of your dreams. Bonus: not only is this heat-safe for all your styling tools, but it has a textured surface designed for you to clean your makeup brushes right on it. 

    Sink Topper is a small business that specializes in household-friendly organizing mats. 

    Promising review: "I was introduced to this item through TikTok and they weren’t joking when they place certain videos on your 'for you page,' because they knew that I NEEDED THIS. It is super helpful for small sinks and I love the material. It doesn’t slide around, it’s wide enough for all my (at the moment) bathroom needs and I can easily fold it up and take it anywhere with me." —Allie West

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    11. A rapid cold brew maker that makes a whopping 40 ounces of ice-cold goodness in under *nine minutes* — a far cry from the overnight process it takes to make it with a cold brew pitcher. You can even choose from three different strength settings, depending on whether your tiredness level is "itty bitty little yawn" or "I am going to nap on the floor if someone does not put caffeine in my veins immediately." 

    Check out a TikTok of the rapid cold brew maker in action. 

    Promising review: "I like cold brew year-round, which may be my favorite method/machine yet! It’s so easy to assemble, use, and clean. In about 15 minutes, I was impressed with how rich and bold the brew was, with no grounds like others I’ve tried. It looks great on my kitchen counter. It’s lightweight and stable with the base suction cups. It makes a little noise but much less than I expected (and less than my Nespresso machine)." —Liz

    Get it from Amazon for $127.50

    12. A "Cup Claw," which is a GENIUS invention that will spare you so much laundry drama if you own a lot of bras or sports bras with pads in them. This snags onto them like scissors so you can easily squeeze them back into that itty bitty bra hole and then spread them back out evenly, no muss, no fuss. 

    Model using a purple scissor like tool to trap a bra pad and slide it into the bra and fan it out
    Model holding purple scissor with bra pad wrapped around it
    The Cup Claw / Via www.tiktok.com, The Cup Claw / Via www.instagram.com

    Cup Claw is a US-based, family-owned small business specializing in fashion tools. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Cup Claw in action. 

    Promising review: "After so many lost bra pads, this has been a lifesaver. Instead of feeling immense amounts of frustration, trying to get the pads back into place, this works like a breeze. It is simple to use, effective, and takes a lot of stress out of life. If you are tired of fighting with pads to get them smoothed out and back into place I highly recommend this." —Wesley I. 

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99

    13. A slim magnetic stove shelf that quickly and securely fastens right on the top of your stove so you have easy, immediate access to tools and seasonings and anything you need to get your inner Food Network on while you're listening to podcasts and vibing. 

    a stove with the shelf along the top and spices sitting on it

    StoveShelf is a US-based small business that specializes in stove shelves for various sizes of stoves. 

    Check out a Tiktok of the StoveShelf in action.

    Promising review: "There was no setup...Take it out of the box and place it on the stove. The magnets are very strong keeping the shelf fixed in place. The magnets are raised allowing air flow underneath preventing the shelf from heating up. Sizing was perfect. I love it!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $39.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 5%; available in three sizes and three finishes). 

    14. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go. In other words, an easy, cheap sink maintenance routine that will keep you from calling costly plumbers to clear it up. 

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "I don't know what it is about these, but putting one down my sink and watching the foamy bubbles come up is SO satisfying. Really scratches an itch that I didn't even realize I had. I read about these in some article about popular products on TikTok and wanted to try them because my garbage disposal had not been smelling super lately. They did not disappoint! Super easy to use and leaves the disposal smelling fresh." —Liz R. 

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    15. satin-lined Hairbrella that's got your back (and head) — it protects your hair against rain and humidity, and pretty much anything else the sky can throw at you the rest of the year, so you don't have to spend an extra 10 minutes staring out the window waiting for the rain to die down before you leave your house.

    Model wearing a gray cap with a small visor on their head over their hair
    Model pouring water on another model's head while wearing the hairbrella, then taking it off to show hair perfectly styled and dried
    Hairbrella, Hairbrella/YouTube

    Hairbrella is a Black-owned small business established in 2016 that specializes in hats combining fashion and function to protect against all types of weather.

    Check out a TikTok of the Hairbrella in action. 

    Promising review: "I never carry an umbrella cause they’re too bulky, so when I saw the Hairbrella I was so excited. It keeps my hair dry and my curls nicely quaffed, rather than me looking like I stuck my fingers I a light socket. I’m telling everyone I know about it, it’s an amazing alternative to those wide-brimmed hats or a briefcase LOL! Truly it’s never going to leave my side from now on! I definitely recommend it." —Gina C.

    Get it from Hairbrella for $34.99+ (available in nine colors) or Amazon for $44.99+ (clip the coupon on the product page to save 10%; available in three styles). 

    16. A "Bread Buddy" dispenser to keep sandwich bread fresh by ensuring it stays *way* more airtight than it does in just the bag alone, and also lets you use the bread bag in a clever way to dispense slices one by one. Tons of reviewers are noting how much longer their bread stays fresh. (And how much easier it is to store without worrying about it getting smushed!)

    A reviewer using the rectangular bread dispenser to pull out a fresh loaf
    An image of the rectangular bread holder with a loaf inside

    Buddeez is a family-owned, Missouri-based small business that specializes in unique household products. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Buddeez sandwich bread dispenser in action. 

    Promising review: "The Buddeez Sandwich Bread Dispenser is great! It does exactly what it was intended for. I live alone and I don't quite go through bread often enough before the last quarter section of the loaf starts to go stale. I was originally looking for something to put a loaf of bread in as a shell for my vacuum sealer, that would keep the bread from getting crushed from the pressure. This dispenser solved all of my problems. Thank you!" —DRMcQuaig

    Get it from Amazon for $13.97 (available in two colors). 

    17. A delightfully practical Stojo collapsible travel cup (with a straw!) you can use to drink coffee or water on the go — reviewers love that it collapses to a teensy, easy-to-store size, and that you can easily reheat it in the microwave, unlike other travel mugs. 

    A small pink coffee cup with a lid
    The coffee cup folded to the size of a hockey puck

    Check out a TikTok of the Stojo collapsible cup in action. 

    Stojo is a small business that specializes in dishwasher-, microwave-safe storage and travel products with the goal of eliminating single-use plastics. 

    Promising review: "I take my lunch to work and during mid day I like to use the Keurig to brew a cup of coffee. The 12-ounce Stojo cup I purchased is very practical. It is thick and durable. The plastic collar enables you to hold the cup without squeezing it or burning your hands on the hot walls of the cup. It seals well so you don't have to worry about leaking your drink on your shirt. It even has some reasonable thermal properties. There is enough volume in the cup to allow for the 12-ounce brew plus ample creamer. It's not a stainless vacuum cup, but it does hold its temperature better than your typical gas station or coffee shop cup. Plus you have the advantage of being able to reheat your drink in the microwave which you can't do with a stainless cup. Washes easily too. If you want a 12-ounce cup that keeps your drink hot or cold for a long time, this isn't the cup for you. But if you need something practical that will keep your coffee warm for 30–45 minutes, can be reheated in a microwave, and collapses to the dimensions of a tall hockey puck, this is a good purchase. You'll have it for years." —ViciousCycle

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95+ (available in four sizes and 24 colors). 

    18. A magnetic microwave cover perfect for anyone whose Panera soup obsession is a little *too* well documented over every surface inside of their microwave. This conveniently sticks to the top of your microwave so you can pop it right off whenever you're looking to tear up some broccoli cheddar on a wild Tuesday night. 

    Check out a TikTok of the microwave cover in action. 

    Promising review: "If you live in a small space like I do, this will seriously change your life. No longer do I have to struggle to find somewhere to put my cover if I'm heating up a cup of coffee. Just attach it to the roof of your microwave. Hopefully, you have a flat surface; check before you buy. There is a slight learning curve as to where to put it or the force or lack thereof needed, but after a couple of times it's second nature. Love, love, love this product. I'm probably going to get some for Christmas presents next year, it's one of those items that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but it will change your life." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $24.95 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 5%). 

    19. A wireless charger bedside lamp with a built-in speaker so you can have what is arguably a lil' night-light, television, and boom box all in one — this not only charges your phone, but lets you prop it up as a stand so you can stream content through the Bluetooth speaker.  

    White lamp with round base and arced light above it
    The lamp propping up a phone with reviewer touching volume controls on the speaker base

    Check out a TikTok of the bedside lamp in action. 

    Promising review: "I wasn’t expecting much from this product based on the price. A night light at best. I was pleasantly surprised to find it was a light with three different settings. I love that feature. The Bluetooth speaker has amazing sound quality for my bedroom and can be heard all through the master bathroom and both master closets. How cool is that?! It also has a phone charger that works. Just hook your phone cord into the lamp and place your phone on the charger pad. I highly recommend this item!!" —Bunny Honey

    Get it from Amazon for $59.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 50%). 

    20. A set of lightweight soda can organizers that let you stash them neatly in the fridge horizontally *or* vertically, so you can optimize whatever room you have left in your fridge's time-space-leftovers-from-last-week continuum. 

    Check out a TikTok of the soda can organizer in action. 

    Promising review: "These holders are excellent! I love how they take up less room in the refrigerator. I ordered two sets which gave me four and it still takes up less room than what I was using for my cans of sodas. Well worth the space and money." —Doe

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $12.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 10%). 

    21. A ridiculously beloved Click & Carry Grocery Bag Carrier to help you lift bulky, heavy bags so easily you'll put Superman out of business. You can hook your grocery, tote, and shopping bags to it and lift up to 80 pounds while comfortably resting the carrier on your shoulder instead of letting all the straps cut into your palms. 

    A model with a purple handle clinging to two heavy bags
    Reviewer using a pink handle to lift a bunch of grocery bags of a car

    Click & Carry is a small Shark Tank-featured business specializing in hands-free carriers.  

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. This is great when you have a few bags and a box — for example, if you balance the bags, you can throw it over your shoulder and walk inside and have two free hands to carry the box, which is great. Product seems well built, and is comfortable on your shoulder or hand because of the padding." —Hung

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in seven colors). 

    22. A 3-in-1 foldable magnetic wireless charger you'll honestly be mad you didn't know about before now?? It folds out from a small square into a rectangular charging pad with a spot for your iPhone, AirPods, *and* Apple Watch to charge all at the same time. A lot of travelers swear by it because it saves soooo much space in their luggage. 

    The white charger pad laid out to charge a phone, watch, and AirPods
    Reviewer pulling out the black version from its compact size all the way out to the three part mat

    Check out a TikTok of the foldable 3-in-1 charger in action. 

    Promising review: "I use this product to charge my IPhone 13, AirPods, and Apple Watch. Prior to this 3-in-1 compact purchase, I have purchased three different kinds of 3-in-1 chargers — I frequently travel between school and home with carry-on bags on airlines and all of the previous stand version chargers doesn't fit well in my bags or I am always worried I would break. This is compact and folds so well that I can fit in my carry-on or in any zipper pockets without having to worry about breaking anything. Charger works really well and it is the best compact one you can find in market. Love it and been using it for two months now and no issues!!" —SBREDDY

    Get it from Amazon for $33.99+ (available in nine colors). 

    23. A ~secret~ slim profile shoe rack for your entryway to keep everyone's sneakers out of sight so cleverly that people will "le gasp!!" when you open it up to reveal the storage. It also serves as a perfect perch for your mail and keys and other things you like to keep on hand on your way out the door. 

    Two white slim entryway storage holders with rattan shaped in half moons small gold handles to open oup the two compartments on each holder
    Model opening the drawers up and putting shoes inside

    Check out a TikTok of the shoe rack in action. 

    Promising review: "Love the shoe storage. Mostly bought for the look, not practicality. These fit sandals/anything flat like Birks, running shoes, and Air Forces fine, but anything taller won't fit. Six shoes total for one cabinet fit. Would buy again. Does as advertised and easy on the eyes." —mmaj

    Get it from Amazon for $73.89+ (clip the coupon on the product page to save 5%; available in four colors). 

    24. "The Clean Ball," which is a nifty little gizmo you can stick in your purse or bag to pick up all the crumbs and debris that settle down there — now it'll be clean as a whistle whenever you go rooting through it, and you won't have to get all the "ick!!" on your belongings. 

    A small pink ball with holes at the bottom of a purse

    Promising review: "Best invention! I purchased after seeing it in a TikTok video, and it works soooo well in my purse." —Wenhether

    "This little ball is genius!! Rolls around in my purse, which I live out of. It picks up a lot of lint, debris, or even crumbs. Easy to find with the bright pink. Just remove and wash and it’s ready to go again. The price was great and something I can use for years. If you live out of your purse this a must-have!!" —dj3biggs

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in three colors). 

    25. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed specifically to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry, so you can dig out all the grime that's accumulated over the years on the cheap instead of taking it to the jeweler.

    reviewer image of the brush stick next to a clean ring
    reviewer image of a before and after on a dirty/clean ring

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this product. I saw it on TikTok and figured I would give it a try. My grandmother passed away almost eight years ago, and she left me her first engagement ring in her will. I have tried so many jewelry cleaners, toothpaste and toothbrush, you name it, tried everything except for sending it away to get cleaned. I ordered the Diamond Dazzle Stik on Thursday and it arrived the following Saturday, fast shipping! Today is Sunday and I cleaned my ring with the Diamond Dazzle Stik. My ring is just as shiny as it was when my grandfather bought it for my grandmother many many years ago. I will definitely use this Diamond Dazzle Stik on all my jewelry. Highly recommended!" —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $9.38.

    26. A set of ingenious double shower curtain hooks to make putting on the shower curtain and the liner so! darn! easy!! that you'll never go back to those silly rings that pop off annoy the heck out of you again. 

    The hooks attached to a shower with two hooks on each side of them, one holding the liner and one holding the curtain

    Promising review: "I hate changing out the liner on my shower because it meant I had to remove the curtain too. Not any more! I saw this set of hooks in a TikTok review. Now I can swap out the liner with ease. The hooks also slide on the curtain rod very easily, no tugging." —Christina

    Get a set of 12 from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in 14 colors). 

    27. A portable Chill-O-Matic Instant Beverage Cooler, aka every finicky cold bevvie drinker's DREAM. This gadget can take a 12-ounce can of seltzer, soda, or beer at room temperature and make it ice cold in just one minute. A lot of people who complain that their fridge doesn't make drinks "cold enough" also swear by this for an extra icy kick. 

    A small black device with a can and ice inside of it

    Chill-O-Matic is a small business that specializes in beverage accessories. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Chill-O-Matic in action. 

    Promising review: "I was so afraid of wasting money. But I didn’t. I love my sodas cold. But sometimes there’s not a cold one available, and waiting 30-40 min for one to get cold in the freezer is not always ideal. This will get your room temp can to fridge cold in 90 seconds. I let it run double that to get almost freezer cold. I wish it had a power cord. But I do appreciate the portability that the batteries provide. I can’t wait to try it out on vacationing, as access to cold sodas isn’t always available. All you need is a literally a little bit of ice." —G. Massey

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in two colors). 

    28. A set of sleek gravity-activated grinders complete with ~blue lights~ for visibility so you can salt and pepper your dishes while feeling like you're living in the year 3000. 

    reviewer showing the two shakers next to each other
    reviewer showing the gravity shaker in use

    Check out a TikTok of the gravity-activated grinders in action. 

    Promising review: "These are really beautiful and add the exact touch of copper I was looking for in my space. When using, the end lights up blue which is very cool gives them a modern feel. They feel heavy and solid, including the clear receptacle that holds the salt/pepper." —Pink Dragon

    Get the set of two from Amazon for $28.99 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 10%; available in three colors as well as a single grinder).

    29. A six-outlet wall charger designed specifically for larger kitchen appliances that also comes equipped with two USB fast-charging ports *and* a night-light, so your kitchen setup is as organized as possible.

    Reviewer turning the light on and off the charger with items plugged in
    Charger with several large plugs in it

    Promising review: "Better than any strip! Saw this on TikTok and it’s everything. Love the auto night-light feature. So versatile and compact. Worth every penny. Will be ordering more." —Kelly

    Get it from Amazon for $17.97 (clip the coupon on the product page to save 5%). 

    30. A neat-o little rolling egg dispenser to save space in your fridge *and* make you feel like you're the master of gravity itself — its uniquely angled tilt design lightly rolls a new egg forward every time you pull one out to use. 

    Two tiered egg dispenser holding a dozen eggs, six on each tier
    reviewer placing an egg in the dispenser, which rolls it down and slides it into the bottom tier

    Check out a TikTok of the egg storage roller in action. 

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home storage solutions. 

    Promising review: "Here it is! The best egg container on Amazon! How can I say that? Easy! Engineering! The slight tilt angle on the bottom of the container that the egg drawer sits on forces eggs to lightly roll forward, keeping all your eggs in the front, and never in the back, where you don't need them. It's super easy to use, so easy to clean, comes apart and can hold a full can organizer on top without issue, so no issues with sturdiness. It can easily hold 14 large eggs. Easily one of my favorite purchases." —Karingen

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.