We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    44 Products To Quickly Solve Problems You’re Too Lazy To Research Solutions For Yourself

    Sit back, relax, and let these products clean your Keurig and fix your morning breath, no Googling required.

    1. A set of fast-acting Keurig cleaner pods you can simply put through a cycle on the machine to get rid of all the crusted-on grinds and residue that are *definitely* affecting the taste of your coffee, even if you haven't noticed over time.

    Quick & Clean is a small business that specializes in coffee machine cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "I had no idea that cleaning a Keurig was a thing. I bought these because I saw them on TikTok, believe it or not. I wanted to give it a go because my Keurig isn’t that old, and I didn’t think it would do anything. IT WORKS SO WELL! My Keurig wasn’t as nasty as some I’ve seen, lucky. I would highly recommend, it keeps everything running correctly and clean." —Lauren

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.95.

    2. A set of Sea Bands, which target an acupressure point on your wrists meant to help reduce nausea — a must-have for anyone who gets motion sick on long car rides, cruises, buses, and trains. 

    Read more about acupressure and nausea at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.

    Promising review: "These were awesome! My entire family suffers from motion sickness, especially carsickness. My little one gets sick in the car on a regular car ride through the city. So I knew that a long road trip was going to be a disaster. I was amazed at how well these bands worked for everyone! Not one single person complained about being sick for 12 hours in the car. I have suffered for decades and now I know better. I will never travel without mine again!" —1SmartCookie

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $8.52.

    3. A set of dishwasher-cleaning tablets you can pop into a cycle with your dirty dishes to wipe out all the extra grime and that funky smell you can never seem to get rid of no matter how hard you try. You don't even need to scrub — these do all the work for you!

    before image of grimy dishwasher
    after image of shiny dishwasher

    Promising review: "Saved me from buying a new dishwasher! I have to admit that I was skeptical that this product was actually going to do anything. I’ve noticed my dishwasher wasn’t cleaning dishes very well lately, and I did everything I could to get it working properly again, but was ready to finally give up and buy a new dishwasher. I bought these tablets thinking they were designed to eliminate odors, but I was willing to give them a shot before buying a whole new dishwasher. I put one in the bottom of the dishwasher last night per the instructions and woke up to completely clean dishes for the first time in weeks. They look perfect. I don’t know why these tablets work but they absolutely did and I am a happy customer!" —B. Turner

    Get a six-pack from Amazon for $8.95.

    4. A fume-free oven cleaner that's gentle enough that you don't need protective gloves to use it but tough enough that it'll erase the evidence of all your baking misadventures and that time you fell asleep while cooking pizza rolls.

    before image of crusty oven with burnt remnants
    after image of same oven looking shiny and clean

    Promising review: "I saw this on a TikTok. I have used Easy Off in the past but hated the smell. This is so much better, and let me tell you I am super sensitive to smells. Works great in the oven, and also, as I saw on the video, works great in shower stalls and tubs!" Amy L Viau

    Get it from Amazon for $8.98

    5. compression foot sleeve to help manage heel pain and plantar fasciitis that you can sneakily wear right under your socks. The compression is so effective that even reviewers with chronic pain swear by them!

    Read more about compression socks and heel pain at Cleveland Clinic

    Promising review: "I've had plantar fasciitis for two years now on and off. I workout a lot. I've had temporary relief from steroid injections, night splints, and physical therapy but it always acts up when I run. I tried these and they make it so much bearable to workout and run again. They are tight so take some getting use to but I have I would say 85% relief running with these on now after. Definitely recommend for plantar fasciitis people." —Sam

    Get a pair from Amazon for $16.95+ (available in four sizes and nine colors).

    6. Plus self-heating soothing foot masks made with Epsom salts, lavender, and peppermint perfect for anyone whose recent step count is "too many." Now instead of dealing with aching feet all night, you can get ahead of the situation with some ~self care~. 

    Small pouch with two foot masks in it
    Feet propped up with two metallic foot masks on them
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the foot masks in action. 

    I'm a long-ish distance runner and these were certainly an interesting experience for my feet! You slide them on and after a few minutes feel a tingling, mildly burning (in a good way) sensation. It doesn't quite numb your feet, but it relaxes them. I kept them on for 30 minutes and then toweled my feet off, and the tingling sensation slowly faded over the next 30 minutes. After that my feet felt very refreshed and relaxed at a time of day when they're usually aching from all the miles I put in. The whole thing was a mess-free, easy process, and I will definitely keep them on hand for longer run days! 

    Promising review: "Very soothing. My husband and l used these on our European vacation and they definitely felt good on our feet!" —KS2018

    Get a set of three pairs from Amazon for $14.37

    7. An enzyme-based laundry stain remover that works its magic in one wash to help you instantly get rid of all that discolored dried sweat, oil stains, or deodorant residue on your favorite clothes.

    Check out a TikTok of the laundry spray in action. 

    Puracy is a Texas-based, family-owned business specializing in plant-based, chemical-free, hypoallergenic home products, with a donation made to local families in need with a portion of every purchase. 

    Psst — this spray also does a number on all those other miscellaneous stains in your life, like wine, coffee, soy sauce, makeup, and period blood! I recently bought this to test it for myself and can attest to how well it works to get period blood out even after you've tried something else. I stained a pair of beloved bright blue bike shorts in my sleep and tried to get it out with soap and water, but the stain was still there when it came out of the wash. I treated it with this, stuck it back in the wash, and BOOM, it's like it never happened (I panicked before I could get a before and after; please forgive me, laundry gods).

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99.

    8. An earwax removal kit, so you don't have to wait until your yearly physical for your doctor to be like "um WHOA" and fix it for you. This is quicker, easier, and will be a huge relief for those of us waxy individuals who sometimes wake up in the morning with an ear so fully clogged-up that it feels like you're underwater.

    Y'all, this stuff is no joke — you can check out the earwax removal kit customer reviews to see the GOBS it is taking outta people's canals.

    Promising review: "My right ear has been plugged up for months. I squirted warm water in there, peroxide, tried various ear scraper tools, then just gave up. A month or so later, I saw this product at a local CVS, and gave it a try. Laid on couch with several drops in my ear for a half hour. I could hear weird fizzing noises. Then I flushed warm water in my ear with the included soft bulb syringe, and out came the culprit. Had to have been deep in there." —fixitforgood

    Get it from Amazon for $8.12.

    9. A set of washing machine cleaning tablets that'll tackle that weird mold + mildew smell in one cycle. Your laundry will come out so fresh that you'll hold your nose up to it like you're auditioning to play "Human In Scented Detergent Commercial."

    A model putting a tablet in the washing machine

    Promising review: "My older model Whirlpool washing machine had been smelling very bad for about two months. We tried everything, white vinegar, bleach, etc, it would stay fresh smelling for two days then back to the bad moldy smell. I read this product works, so I ordered it. Used one tablet and the smell is gone!!! It has been three weeks now and it just smells fresh, no strong perfume odor either! Buy this product, and you will not regret it!!!" —A.C.

    Get a set of three tablets from Amazon for $6.95

    10. A reviewer-beloved bottle of wood polish and conditioner to get your lackluster old floors, cabinets, and closets looking so spiffy that your friends will ask where you're hiding the time machine when they see what you've done with the place. 

    the bottle of wood polish with some jelly-like polish squirted beside of it
    reviewer pic of a worn wood floor with about half of it looking refreshed and back to life thanks to the polish

    Promising review: "I got this product a few hours ago from Amazon and now have shiny floors! It gave the really dull hardwood floors of my prewar NYC apartment an impressive shine. Really impressive. A little goes a long way: I used only about two ounces to shine about 500 square feet of clean floors. Before using it on the floors, I tested the polish on an old wooden side table that was scarred and needed sanding. It looked a lot better afterward." —KindleCustomer2

    Get it from Amazon for $7.90

    11. A rust stain-removing powder basically built with busy folks in mind — this is entirely scrub-free! All you have to do is apply it to the stain, wait a few minutes, and rinse it off like (slightly gross) magic. 

    a shower covered in dark orange rust
    the same shower completely white with no rust

    Promising review: "I cannot say enough great things about this product. We just purchased a home that has a well with very high iron content in the water. I tried everything to remove the stains from our three toilets but nothing worked. I found this product online and immediately went to Amazon. The results blew me away. I didn't have to scrub at all. I let it sit in the tank for several hours and the results floored me!" —Toni Huitt

    Get it from Amazon for $13.30 (available in two sizes).

    12. An oral rinse made with a mild mint flavor that packs a powerful punch — this formula fights bad breath for a full 24 hours and can combat those sour, bitter, and metallic tastes you can sometimes get in your mouth.

    Promising review: "TikTokers have done it again. This was one of the products on Amazon a person could not live without, stating all-day freshness. It's true, I cannot believe it. The taste isn't strong, it does not burn at all. It keeps my breath smelling fresh all day no matter what I eat. This brand will be a new staple in my bathroom and morning routine." —Zac

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $14.57

    13. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? ...This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-sized amount of this makes them look brand-new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product; it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    14. A set of Bottle Bright tablets so you can banish all the sludge caked on your automatic kettle, coffee maker, or favorite ceramic mugs before buying replacements. 

    Bottle Bright is a small business that specializes in effortless bottle cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "Saw this on TikTok and gave it a try. May I say the results were golden! My husband uses the same Yeti everyday for coffee and the inside was stained pretty bad. I put this tablet in, gave it a wash and it looks brand new!!!!!!! Also took away that coffee smell!" —Kelsey

    Get a set of 12 from Amazon for $8.

    15. A memory foam cushion designed to relieve pressure on your back, butt, and tailbone so you don't have to suffer through long work days and commutes. Now you'll just have to convince yourself to actually get *off* of this cushion to get on with your day. 

    gray pillow on the seat of an office chair
    pillow placed on a car seat

    Comfilife is a small business that specializes in comfort-based personal care products. 

    Promising review: "Life changing on a long trip! My partner wanted us to drive from Colorado to California. I wanted to fly because I had a fall and half of my body was in pain. He talked me into it so I purchased this pillow for the car ride. What a game changer! It helped so much with the pain and I would recommend it for anyone in the car!" —Nadia

    Get it from Amazon for $39.95+ (available in three colors).

    16. An AirPod cleaning pen to gently dig into the nooks and crannies of your charger and speakers to restore your sound quality to top notch again (listen, Taylor Swift did not record the 10-minute version of "All Too Well" for you to disrespect it by blotting it out with too much earwax!!). 

    A dirty
    The pen in action cleaning a small airpod speaker

    Promising review: "Saw these on a TikTok video and took a chance. I ordered three for different family members and boy am I glad I did! This product is fantastic! It does exactly what it says it will do. The brush is phenomenal in cleaning out the little grates on the speakers of my phone and AirPods. There is a picker that you can use to get big chunky ear wax out of your ear pieces and the long skinny wand thing reaches down into my charging case and gets all the junk out of there. This is a win-win-win!" —JMilwaukee

    Get it from Amazon for $7.19

    17. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed specifically to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry, so you can dig out all the grime that's accumulated over the years.

    reviewer image of the brush stick next to a clean ring
    reviewer image of a before and after on a dirty/clean ring

    Promising review: "My engagement ring had gotten really dull over time. I hadn't even really realized until I came across a picture of when I first got it and noticed it didn't sparkle anymore at all. Which was what I had loved so much. I tried EVERYTHING. Soaps, soaking it in baking soda and a little vinegar and dish soap, rinsing it, etc. and nothing was working. This cleaned it up immediately and completely restored it to its former super-sparkly glory! It gets into all the little crevices and clears away all the fogginess. Will definitely purchase again and again!" —Sheila

    Get it from Amazon for $9.48.

    18. A bottle of Tend Skin Solution to help take care of painful razor bumps, ingrown hair, and razor burn so you don't have to spend hours psyching yourself up to shave knowing that you're gonna be dodging a bazillion sensitive spots on your skin.

    Promising review: "After many years of razor burn on my face/neck, I finally broke down and bought this per a friend's recommendation. I have sensitive skin and had given up hope that anything could help. This totally changed my outlook on shaving. My neck especially would be the worst. I dab it on immediately after I rinse and dry, post-shave. It does burn a bit but that goes away pretty quickly. Totally worth it to not have razor burn/bumps anymore. I only apply it once after shaving even though the directions recommend repeat applications the following day. Go ahead and purchase, you won't be disappointed!" —bill nye

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99+ (available in two sizes).

    19. A delightful little tool called the Bug Bite Thing that suctions on all kinds of bug bites to reduce swelling, itchiness, and redness.

    A BuzzFeed editor's arm with a bite on it
    Rebecca O'Connell / BuzzFeed

    Bug Bite Thing is a family-owned small business established in 2017 that specializes in bug bite relief products. 

    This works on mosquitoes, bees, wasps, biting flies, sea lice, and more (although TBH, if this list of bugs gets any longer I may just stay indoors forever!!).

    Promising review: "I bought this because I saw it on TikTok, and have been having issues with mosquito bites. Used it a few time to relieve itchiness and I am convinced it works! Have been recommending it to my family and friends.  Read the directions and follow them carefully. Don't use this on your face or neck, or other sensitive areas. Don't do a lot of suction, just a little bit. And do it a few times if needed. Great invention!" —Joe

    Get it from Amazon for $9.80 (also available in packs of two and three). 

    20. A set of Wad-Free pads to ensure that your sheets stay separate from each other in the dryer and come out fresh, dry, and unwrinkled instead of looking like they got into a wet cotton brawl. 

    the wad free pads attached to a bed sheet

    Wad-Free is a small business established in 2020 after the founder Cyndi Bray self-taught computer-aided design to create the pads.

    Promising review: "THIS ACTUALLY WORKS!!!! I saw a TikTok about these and decided to order. Sheets balling all up in the washer and dryer has been a pet peeve of mine forever. I was super skeptical of these, but I tried it, and it works as advertised! It’s a little on the expensive side IMO, and that’s kinda holding me back from purchasing a second set, but they really do work." —StrangerThings

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $19.99.

    21. A set of Snug Plugs for anyone whose outlets are in their Loosey Goosey era. These create a snug fit between outlets and plugs to improve the electrical connection and ensure that your gadgets actually *stay* plugged in when you're using them. 

    Reviewer placing a small plastic hugger into an outlet, then plugging in a device that fits securely
    reviewer holding the plastic piece in their hand

    Snug Plugs is a small business that specializes in home improvement products. 

    Promising review: "I saw Snug Plug on TikTok and immediately ordered them. I have outlets at home AND at work that I couldn't keep anything plugged into because they're so loose. Snug Plug quickly and easily solved that problem and now I can finally have a phone charger in my den. Yay! I highly recommend this product." —KSay

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $10.99

    22. A bottle of jetted tub cleaner so easy to use that literally all you have to do is run your bath water, pour in the cleaner, and run your jets.

    Promising review: "Go buy this NOW. I moved into a new house and wanted to do a deep clean before we got settled in. No matter what cleaning products I used, I kept finding weird black dots floating in the water when I turned on the jets, so I never used the tub. I saw Oh Yuk recommended by a ton of people on TikTok and decided to give it a try. OMG I wish I took pics of how bad it was. I followed the directions, and it took **eight cycles** of filling up the tub, adding Oh Yuk, running the jets for 15 minutes, draining, scrubbing the whole tub and the gross ring that was left, rinse and repeat. I had no idea what was stuck in the jets, and I feel so much better seeing the water perfectly clean." —Courtney F. 

    Get it from Amazon for $17.84

    23. A shampoo scalp massager you can use in the shower to massage and exfoliate your scalp, so you can get all of the relaxing decadence of feeling like someone is massaging your head without physically going to a salon. Psst — a lot of reviewers mention this has also helped with psoriasis, dandruff, and scalp tenderness!

    BuzzFeed editor holding pink scalp massager with silicone bristles
    reviewer with an irritated scalp and after pic with the redness gone
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    I started using one of these and WOWZA, it really helps you get extra mileage out of your shampoo. I have a whole lot of hair on my head so sometimes it's a struggle to feel like I've soaped up my whole scalp thorough, but this was a very effective way to spread out the suds and really get them to the roots. I was worried it might tangle in my hair, but it was totally fine on that front, too. I've noticed that my hair has been a little less greasy at the roots since I started using it. And I'm echoing a ton of reviewers here when I say it just feels reeeeeally, really nice.

    Promising review: "I saw this little thing all over TikTok and everyone swore by it. To be honest, they’re right and I now swear by it. It’s perfectly soft and sturdy to massage the scalp. Works shampoo into roots, helps with dry skin and such. I absolutely love it and I use it every time I wash my hair. I most definitely would recommend to anyone. Don’t hesitate." —Z

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98+ (available in three colors).

    24. A bottle of Goo Gone for banishing all those mysteriously sticky, tough-to-scrub stains, like toothpaste or shampoo residue or the adhesive left on your windows or cars from sticker decals.

    A fridge with gooey streaks on it
    An after pic without the streaks

    People also swear by this for removing annoying stickers from new products in their kitchens and bathrooms, too!

    Promising review: "Goo Gone has a million different uses. Highly recommend this product to anyone. You are bound to find a use for it at some point and it's pretty easy to store at home. Recently I used some for removing the packaging off glass mason jars. I noticed the jars of tomato sauce I was buying from the grocery store were actually really nice mason jars. Felt like a waste throwing them out. Why buy a set of mason jars when instead you could just buy some Goo Gone and restore your own set? The process was pretty easy for removing the stickers that were glued to the jars." —Ryan

    Get it from Amazon for $8.

    25. First Aid Beauty's KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub Exfoliant to help exfoliate and smooth skin by dealing with rough patches or dry bumps — a lot of reviewers with keratosis pilaris and similar skin textures swear by this! 

    Before and after image of a reviewer with bumps on their arm and without
    The tube of scrub

    First Aid Beauty is a US-based small business that specializes in clean, fragrance-free, cruelty-free personal care products. 

    Promising review: "I saw a dermatologist recommend this on TikTok and I figured I’d give it a try. I have had red bumps on the back of my arms for as long as I can remember and have tried multiple things, so I didn’t have very high expectations. After one use, I could already see a difference! It says to use 1–2 times a week but I use it usually every other day, and I use Cerave rough and bumpy lotion after and now my red bumps are almost nonexistent. This product has truly been life changing and I would recommend to anyone struggling with red bumps! 10/10!" —Sydney

    Get it from Amazon for $12+ (available in three sizes). 

    26. A roll-on migraine stick made with peppermint, spearmint, and lavender oils to help you soothe away headaches, which frankly have a lot of audacity interrupting your day.

    Basic Vigor is a US-based small business specializing in all-natural migraine relief products. 

    Read more about how stress management can help with migraine prevention at Mayo Clinic, and read more about aromatherapy and stress and tension at Johns Hopkins.

    Promising review: "I’ve had migraines all my life — I’m 31 now. I’ve been on all kinds of prescriptions that work, but make me so sleepy... I’ve been using this stick for one week now, and it’s amazing! I rubbed it on at the first hint of a headache/migraine and it takes care of it fast. I haven’t taken a prescription migraine since I started using it." —Amanda Braswell

    Read BuzzFeed's review of the migraine stick for more deets!

    Get it from Amazon for $12.95.

    27. Peach Slices Acne Spot Dots, a hydrocolloid sticker that you can apply straight onto open zits to help drain them and reduce redness overnight. Personally *love* to see a problem magically disappear while I'm snoozing. 

    Reviewer wearing small round sticker healing a zit
    Small clear dots on a sticker sheet

    Peach & Lily is a skincare brand founded by celebrity esthetician Alicia Yoon that specializes in toxin-free, vegan beauty products made with recyclable packaging. The company plants a tree with each order, and a portion of its proceeds have gone to to Restore NYC since 2016. 

    Check out a TikTok of the acne spot dots in action. 

    Promising review: "This brand is so affordable and works just the same as the more expensive brands. I go through them so quickly so this is a plus! I’m generally a picker at my zits, but if I can get to one of these dots in time I save my face a lot of irritation and pain. I wear them at night and sometimes during the day, only takes about two to get rid of those pesky whiteheads, sometimes more for a big zit. They really suck everything out." —Savannah Wilson

    Get a pack of 30 from Amazon for $4.88

    28. A popular foot exfoliant peel reviewers swear by for calluses and rough, cracked skin — you apply the two bootie-shaped masks on your feel for an hour, wash your feet, and then over the next five to seven days enjoy the bizarre satisfaction of watching the dead skin on your feet peel away to reveal smooth feet. 

    Reviewer foot with peeling skin
    Reviewer foot with skin peeled from it

    Promising review: "I was dubious at first, having seen this on TikTok. I can now confirm that it works as directed and the results are amazing. Twenty-four hours after I soaked my feet in the plastic bag, nothing happened. Then 48 hours later it started working. Seventy-two hours and it was in full working mode. Like other reviewers, I also suggest just letting the skin come off naturally. The shedding lasts for a few days. Results are incredible. Will use this again!"Vanessa

    Get it from Amazon for $13.04+ (clip the 30% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in four styles). 

    29. A red wine stain remover so effective that you might get into a cheeky little party habit of spilling red wine on your shirt on purpose just to show off how effective it is. (Or you could just talk about the weather like everyone else, IDK your life.) 

    Promising review: "It did pass my first test! I did not expect to use this product a couple of days after I received it. Had a spill of red over one of my favorite shirts. I did try to remove the most dramatic area with water and soap right away; then I let this product sink in for half hour before washing and voilà it was all gone!" —Gerson Melgar

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99.

    30. A drain snake you can funnel into your shower or sink drain that honestly works a little *too* well at unclogging hair, pulling it up in one (semi-horrifying) go instead of buying a ton of chemical gunk to clear out the pipes or hiring a professional. 

    The drain snake going into a drain
    The drain snake coming out of the drain full of hair

    Check out a TikTok of the drain snake in action. 

    Promising review: "It works well. My bathroom sink was slowly getting plugged up to the point that it look a minute or so empty out, even when there wasn’t much water in it. So at long last I deployed this tool, and in short order, bunches of hair and other disgusting things came out and that fixed the problem. Would buy again." —Traveler

    Get a set of three from Amazon for $5.99+ (available in two lengths).

    31. A pack of dual-sided SneakErasers designed so that one side of them cleans scuffs, dirt stains, and grime, and the other side whitens them, restoring your sneakers and their soles to their former glory. Take THAT, passage of time. 

    A pair of sneakers with one dirty and one cleaned with the sneakeraser
    A set of round white sneaker erasers

    Check out a TikTok of the SneakErasers in action. 

    Promising review: "I have a couple of pairs of sneakers I stopped wearing because they started looking a bit grungy. Just couldn't justify throwing them away, though, because they were still in great shape and not very old. I came across these sponges and took a chance. They work like a charm. I cleaned two pairs of shoes and could not believe the results! Awesome." —Spencer

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $11.99

    32. stainless-steel Rub-A-Way bar to cancel out smells from all your particularly pungent tasks, whether it be from cooking with garlic, cleaning up a pet mess, or even helping with lingering body odors. All you have to do is rub the metal bar on your hands, with or without water, and BOOM. Smelly smells are gone. 

    The soap bar-shaped stainless steel, with the text

    Promising review: "I always thought it was a hoax that a piece of steel could remove kitchen odors (like from chopping onions or garlic). I am happy to report that it totally works. Handle all the stinky food you want — even non-food odors — and then wash your hands with this steel bar. No soap. No perfume. It just removes the odor nearly instantly. Little bar is reasonably priced as well. Best gadget I've bought in years." —Deb

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59.

    33. Emergency Stain Rescue Stain Remover, an all-purpose cleaning spray that's really out here doing the *most* — you can use this on carpet, upholstery, or clothes to help banish both new stains and old ones. This stuff can tackle anything from ketchup to blood to paint to coffee to caked-on deodorant stains. 

    reviewer before photo showing a yellow stain on white fabric
    same reviewer's after photo showing the stain gone

    Check out a TikTok of the "Emergency Stain Rescue" in action. 

    The Hate Stains Co. is a small business that specializes in fast, powerful, and nontoxic stain-removing products. 

    Promising review: "I've tried Shout wipes, stain removal pens, and all the other tricks in the book. This removes organic stains from sweat better than anything I've tried thus far. I followed the directions, got the fabric wet, sprayed it on, and left it to chill for an hour. When I came back, I was dumbfounded. I can't believe I didn't have this sooner; I'm about to buy a gallon!" —Mark Bogumil

    Get it from Amazon for $7.49 (also available in packs of two or three, and with on-the-go wipes). 

    34. A reviewer-beloved anti-dandruff shampoo to relieve flaking and itching and help prevent outbreaks by getting directly to the root. A lot of reviewers mention that it not only started working from the first use, but it *also* helped with shedding and hair loss caused by dandruff in the first place.

    This shampoo was designed to work for sensitive scalps, color-dyed, and chemically processed hair, as well as for all hair types and textures, with reviewers with 3b–4c curls mentioning it worked for them.

    Promising review: "I saw this product from a TikTok video. I was hesitant. I have been dealing with dandruff for almost 10 years, fortunately not that heavy but enough where it was embarrassing. I tried everything. Leave in conditioner, tea tree oil, Head and Shoulders, etc. One brand did work for a couple of days but that's it. But this product has worked EFFECTIVELY. Dandruff-free for two months so far. Can leave your hair feeling a little dry so just use conditioner and it will balance out. If other products aren't working for you with dandruff I can confidently recommend this one." —Martin C. 

    Get it from Amazon for $15.88

    35. A stick of Body Glide anti-chafing balm you can apply between your thighs or under your bra to avoid all that skin irritation in ~hot spots~.

    A model applying the balm to their inner thigh
    Model applying it under their bra

    I swear by this to the point where if I can't find it in the morning of a run, I just won't go out, LOLOL. My boobs chafe SO BADLY under my sports bra bands, no matter what kind I'm wearing, but putting on a tiny bit of this before I leave works like a charm. Absolutely no more friction and no more going "OW OW OW" in the shower because my literal boob wounds were stinging.

    Promising review: "This was a TikTok buy and it was worth it. Highly recommend it. It does the work. Long lasting and not sticky at all." —EBATL

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99.

    36. An "Angry Mama" microwave cleaner that uses vinegar and water to blow hot steam into your microwave oven and loosen up all the old food and stains in a mere seven minutes (approximately two Lizzo songs, if anyone's keeping track).

    Reviewer photo of the Angry Mom inside a dirty microwave
    Reviewer photo of the Angry Mom inside the same microwave, which is much cleaner

    Check out a Tiktok of the "Angry Mama" microwave cleaner in action. 

    Promising review: "This product is so amazing, I'm going to get one for all of my children. I am a teacher, and I let my students use my microwave. Usually it takes me half an hour of scrubbing after 31 students have made popcorn, and heated up lunches. This time I used the product, and I literally spent less than one minute just wiping down the microwave!!! I will now keep one in my classroom, and one at my home. A miracle product that actually does what it says, remarkable!!!" —Desiree Barlow

    Get it from Amazon for $6.99+ (available in four styles). 

    37. A pack of Dr. Frederick's Original Better Blister Bandages, aka the blister whisperers — if you're someone who tends to get blisters when your feet sweat, you'll want to invest in these. These waterproof bandages don't just protect blisters, but are designed to actively help heal them (and significantly reduce the pain from friction!). 

    A transparent blister bandage on a reviewer's ankle
    The pack of blister bandages

    Each pack comes with bandages to fit your heel, toe, and foot. People who wear heels also recommend these! 

    As a blister-prone human, I swear by these. A few years ago, before I invested in these running socks that prevent blisters, I got a blister on my big toe so unspeakably large and painful that I am cringing even TYPING about it, and no amount of rest from running seemed to heal it; it just kept coming back. I finally used one of these bandages, and the pain was virtually gone from the moment I put it on. It was also so airtight that nothing got inside, and it didn't loosen in the shower. You're supposed to take it off when it loses adhesive so it can come off gently without disturbing the blister if it hasn't fully healed yet. After using two of these in a row over the course of a week and a half, my blister was finally healed up enough that it stopped coming back

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in four types of packs). 

    38. A plant-based stainless steel cleaner kit to make all your kitchen appliances gleam and glisten without all the telltale "I JUST CLEANED THIS" streaks that come from regular cleaners — this cleans *and* polishes to get rid of smudges, fingerprints, and grime off your fridge so you can get back to admiring your reflection in it. 

    Reviewer image of grimy fridge
    After pic of fridge gleaming

    Promising review: "This is a miracle worker on stainless. I have tried everything to get my stainless to shine like it should, even the home remedies, which do NOT work — sorry, but they don't. This stuff is the best I have tried. I follow a girl on TikTok who recommended it, and she has been 100% right on her Amazon recommendations. She nailed it again. You will love this stuff." —Amazonwoman

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95

    39. A mold and mildew removal gel — leave this on the offending spots in kitchens and bathrooms for six hours, and you can wipe it off like nothing nefarious ever grew there in the first place.


    Promising review: "It’s a little hard to squeeze but that totally makes up for the AMAZING results. I was embarrassed about our tubs because the people we bought our house from didn’t caulk or seal them properly and this resulted in mildew buildup. I tried EVERYTHING until I saw this on TikTok, I believe — MIRACLE FREAKING WORKER. I will be buying more, the only complaint I will ever have is the shipping got mixed up but that is not a problem and was fixed very easily!" —Brooklyn Nguyen

    Get it from Amazon for $14.99.

    40. A investworthy tube of Nerdwax to keep your glasses from treating the bridge of your nose like a Slip N' Slide — this is especially handy for sunglasses or other frames that aren't the prescription, well-fitted ones you typically use, or for sweaty days when your nose is a little ~slippier~ than usual. 

    person applying the wax from a lip balm-like tube to the glasses

    Nerdwax is a US-based small business that specializes in all-natural anti-slip eyewear products. 

    Promising review: "I can see why it's one of the most successful products seen on Shark Tank. Truly a game changer. I thought I would forever struggle with my glasses moving down my nose all day long but this really keeps them put! One less annoyance to deal with while wearing glasses. I already know ill be a lifelong customer for this product." —M.L. Gomez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99.

    41. A Squatty Potty, one of those internet-famous stools you can put at the base of your toilet to prop your feet up on while you ~go~. The placement helps align your colon to make the process a whole lot easier and faster — like, 20 seconds compared to several minutes! — so you don't end up watching all of TikTok while you're waiting yourself out.

    A model sitting on the toilet with their feet propped up on the white stool underneath it

    Psst — a lot of reviewers with chronic constipation and other gastrointestinal issues that get them ~backed up~ swear by this! Read more about constipation relief at home, including using a squatting position, at Cleveland Clinic

    Promising review: "This is a game changer. I was skeptical but this thing REALLY works! Since we started using this about a week ago we have noticed significantly less abdominal pain, bloating/gas and increased gut health. I highly recommend this to everyone!" —emily a 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (available in three sizes). 

    42. An oh-so-relieving seatbelt shoulder pad to prevent it from chafing or cutting into the skin on your shoulder or the side of your neck. This is the Goldilocks of seatbelt pads right here — reviewers love that they're durable and soft, but not so thick that they ever overheat or leave lint on clothes. 

    Reviewer wearing a seatbelt with a black soft cross hatch stitched pad wrapped around it where it hits their shoulder
    The gray version of the pad on another seatbelt

    Promising review: "These are great! I purchased another brand two or three years ago, and it worked just fine, and it wasn’t rough, but it certainly wasn’t soft. These are almost quilted and super soft. It’s a noticeable difference, and they work really well! I get skin tags from my seatbelt rubbing against my neck and in general these solve the problems, but I’ve been using the softer one for well over a month now and it’s even better." —KE J

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $7.99 (available in 13 colors). 

    43. A "HiccAway" straw designed to effectively stop hiccups in their tracks before you turn into a human hiccup concert. Sure beats that whole "drink a glass of water upside down" thing that ended well for you...precisely zero times. 

    model drinking out of a slanted straw
    the blue straw in a glass of water

    HiccAway is a small business that specializes in hiccup relief products. 

    Promising review: "It's rare for me to say that a product needs to be in every home, but the HiccAway is one of those products that really should be in every household. If you or your children suffer from the occasional hiccups, this is a lifesaving device. It usually takes me 20 minutes to get rid of my hiccups using old-fashioned methods like chugging water, holding my breath, etc. However, with the HiccAway, hiccups are gone almost immediately. I have purchased three of these and will continue buying them for friends and family, especially those with little children." —Michelle S. 

    Get it from Amazon for $14.52 (available in seven colors and multipacks). 

    44. A genius Thaw Claw that teams up with your sink to magically defrost meat up to seven times faster, so when you're busy running errands in the morning and forget to pull out the meat, dinner still has a fighting chance. 

    Closeup of the thaw claw showing the suction on the bottom side with the number one and the word attach in the top left corner
    View of The Claw in a sink that is being filled with water with a step two and the word fill in the top left corner
    Closeup of meat under the Thaw Claw in a sink with the number three and the world Thaw in the top left corner

    Promising review: "A package of frozen meat would have taken at least two days to thaw in the fridge. I used this for a 2-pound package a couple of days ago, and the meat was thawed within 90 minutes. One of the most practical kitchen gadgets I own." —Llda Schellhase

    Get it from Amazon for $18.95 (available in four colors).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.