We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    34 Products That Are Here To Cater To Your Lazy Girl Era

    "Dog bed for humans." That's all.

    1. A "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles to get the most efficient clean in as little time as possible. One layer has regular firm bristles, and the other has longer ones that are ten times thinner to clean deep in between your teeth and gums to mimic flossing. Reviewers love how deep the clean feels, and also how soft it is on sensitive teeth! 

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    I bought this a while back and love it! I usually use an electric toothbrush, but I feel like I get a much more satisfying clean from these. Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I've switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular. 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    2. An undetectable mouse jiggler for folks working at home who need to stay "active" on Gchat, Teams, or Slack and sometimes want to dash out to use the bathroom or walk the dog without doing the whole "BRB, BACK IN A BIT!!" song and dance every time they dare to get up from their desk. 

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    Reviewer holding up the power button on the device

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in eight styles). 

    3. A reviewer-beloved veggie chopper to make you feel like a golden god in your kitchen — this gadget lets you julienne, chop, spiralize, and slice vegetables in an instant and has a built-in storage container to hold the chopped veggies so you can pour them into a pan or dish without any mess. 

    Reviewer putting a potato on a flip top lid cutter and bringing the lid down to chop it into pieces
    Model pressing down on top to cut an onion

    Check out a TikTok of the veggie chopper in action. 

    Fullstar is a small business established in 2017 that specializes in kitchen gadgets. 

    Promising review: "Makes life so much easier. I can't imagine chopping onions or bell peppers by hand anymore, and it does so much more. We used to have a Prepworks chopper which was a similar idea, but you had to press so hard to chop, and it broke after not too long. This one requires very little effort to cut through the food and it has a generous container." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95+ (available in three stlyes). 

    4. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain its cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait eight to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and decided to try it out for myself. The name doesn’t lie — spray it on, shut the bathroom door, and in a few hours, the shower is 100 times cleaner. Usually I’ll let it sit overnight, and by morning, the visible grime on the shower is gone, include soap scum. I’ll usually let the shower water rinse the residue out, and then will take a bucket just to get everything off the shower walls. It is a bit slick if you try to get in the shower without rinsing the residue, but otherwise it’s a worthy cleaning staple in my house." —Tara D. 

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98

    5. bagless, touchless stationary vacuum to suck the gunk on your floors right up instead of wrangling with a dustpan full of hair clumps that keep falling out or a heavy vacuum cleaner. Why lug a vacuum around when you can get the job done with a lightweight broom instead? 

    the gray and black bagless, touchless vacuum on a tiled floor next to broom
    GIF of reviewer sweeping dust into bagless vacuum

    EyeVac is a small business that specializes in vacuums for home and commercial use. 

    Promising review: "Saw it on TikTok and knew I had to have one. I hate cleaning but get annoyed with the clumps of dog hair and bits of things on my kitchen floor. I usually just vacuum my tile with the vacuum which is a pain. This thing is so easy to just sweet things into and it sucks them right up. Sure, it's more expensive than my actual vacuum, but I've only had it three days and have used it two times." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $149 (available in six colors).

    6. A foaming garbage disposal cleaner you can plop into your sink, run a little water on, and let its blue magic fizz its way up to the top while clearing out all the gunk from your culinary adventures in one go.

    blue foaming cleanser pushing its way out of the sink drain

    Promising review: "I don't know what it is about these, but putting one down my sink and watching the foamy bubbles come up is SO satisfying. Really scratches an itch that I didn't even realize I had. I read about these in some article about popular products on TikTok and wanted to try them because my garbage disposal had not been smelling super lately. They did not disappoint! Super easy to use and leaves the disposal smelling fresh." —Liz R. 

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $3.78.

    7. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher to turn virtually *any* device with a press-able "on/off" switch into smart tech in an instant. Once you adjust the device over the button — be it a light switch, a switch to turn on your kettle, or a switch to turn on a fan — you can ask Alexa or Google Home to turn it off or on, or control it via an app on your phone. 

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. It's also a great way to turn on your kettle or coffee brewer from the other room so it's ready for you when you get out of bed! 

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black). 

    8. A height-adjustable tray table that's part desk, part meal tray, and alllllll convenience. People who work from home swear by this lightweight option as a "mobile desk" around the house, parents swear by it as a makeshift TV stand when kids are watching shows on laptops or tablets, and its ease as a bedside or couchside table *cannot* be overstated. 

    Small gray tray table with two legs holding a can of coke
    The table in white pulled up over a reviewer's legs

    Table-Mate is a small business that specializes in height-adjustable table trays. 

    Promising review: "This table is exactly what I was looking for to be able use my mouse and keyboard for the computer while working from home. It’s plenty stable and easily moved to the side for storage or when I need to get up from the chair. I also use it as my lunch table and to hold my iPad when not on the computer." —sleuneberg

    Get it from Amazon for $40.14+ (available in four colors). 

    9. A handy pancake batter dispenser and mixer to guarantee you'll get mess-free, beautifully blended, perfectly portioned pancakes every time. The silicone tip is even heat-resistant, so you can get up close and personal with the pan if you wanna flex some pancake art skills. Plus? Cleanup is as easy as shaking soap and water into it. 

    Model pouring pancakes out with handheld bottle-shaped dispenser
    Reviewer pic of small round pancakes on a griddle

    Promising review: "My 8-year-old is a huge fan of making pancakes. He saw this on TikTok and just had to have it. We absolutely love this product!! Easy to clean and use. I love that it’s an all-in-one. No more messy bowls, and he can squeeze out the perfect amount for his pancakes." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $13.61

    10. wine caddy for the bathtub, because sometimes you need to relax, and sometimes you need to relaaaaaaaaax 🍷.

    A transparent holder suctioned to the side of the tub with a stemmed wine glass in it

    SipCaddy is a US-based small business that specializes in shower beer and wine bath holders. Bonus: it also holds cans, so they can pop in a LaCroix or enjoy a shower PBR, too.

    Promising review: "Loved how easy this was to put in my shower and use for anything from holding beverages to face wash. Gifted it to two friends and my boyfriend who at first mocked it but now LOVES it. I’d consider traveling with it at this point." —MB Schatz

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95 (available in five colors).

    11. Revlon one-step hair dryer and volumizer to dry your hair as you style it and give your 'do an incredible amount of volume and shine, without the time suck and cost of a pricey blowout. Psst — reviewers compare this to the $599 (!!) Dyson Airwrap. 

    reviewer with blown out medium length hair slightly curled at the edges
    reviewer's hand holding the revlon hair dryer

    Unlike other hair dryers, this one can be held closer to the roots and scalp for a higher volume and lift and helps you curl hair at the end while it dries. It comes with three heat settings and is designed to work on all hair textures — reviewers with 2a–4c hair mentioned it working for them, and especially noted that it helps cut down on drying time!

    Promising reviews: "I've had my eye on a Dyson Airwrap, but given the cost, I figured I'd try this while I save up. This thing is fantastic. I have waist length hair that's naturally straight, but gets frizzy when damp. I've had salon blowouts that have left my hair looking great, but I simply can't manage a round brush without it getting tangled in my hair. This device has been a game changer. My hair miraculously doesn't get snarled in it, and it leaves my hair looking like I've had it professionally styled. I love it, and I'm no longer interested in blowing $500 on a Dyson. Highly recommend!" —Ilsa

    Get it from Amazon for $41.49 (available in two colors).

    12. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    A customer review before and after photo showing the results of using The Pink Stuff on their stovetop

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "Found this product on TikTok. I don’t think I’ve ever seen value like I do this product! Literally use it on EVERYTHING!! Kids and teens have dirt, grime, and grease on their walls? ...This will make it look like a new paint job. Baseboards need some love? A pea-size amount of this makes them look brand-new. Need a shoe cleaner? PERFECT for sneakers. I could name a million more uses, but I can ASSURE you this is worth every penny. What’s more? You need such LITTLE of this product, it will last a VERY long time. Thank you, TikTok!!!" —Rachel in CLT

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    13. A rectangular Lazy Susan to turn you into a legitimate fridge wizard by holding *way* more than the traditional round version. This features 360 degree rotation so when you install it in the fridge, you can easily access condiments and foods at the "back" by spinning them closer to yourself. No more accidentally dumping pickle jars on your unsuspecting feet!! 

    Condiments propped on a clear plastic turning tray installed in a fridge
    A model spinning the tray 360 degrees around in a fridge to show all the condiments on it

    Check out a TikTok of the rectangular Lazy Susan in action. 

    Promising review: "Wow! I love this turntable organizer! I can fit so many items on it and because of that I now have so much more space on the door shelves. With this organizer, I will have easy access to all of those extra items that just don't have their own space. Now they do have a place to go! I would highly recommend this product to everyone who wants to feel more organized and doesn't want to lose items in their fridge." —Amazon Customer 

    Get it from Amazon for $18.99

    14. A set of disposable air fryer liners if your thoughts on cleaning the air fryer can be summed up in two words: "No thanks!!" With these handy liners you can heat up your greasiest leftovers, cook your messiest meat and veggie dishes, and get absolutely lawless with TikTok dessert recipes with *zero* scrubbing and cleanup at the end. 

    An air fryer open to show cooked food inside of a liner
    Reviewer plucking the liner and the mess out of the air fryer

    Promising review: "I was skeptical but I was also tired of cleaning my air fryer of crumbs all the time. I have a PowerXl air fryer and one of these fits perfectly in there. I can do French fries or any other fried food and discard the liner and the fryer is still nice and clean. I use two when I do juicy items, hot dogs, chicken breast, sausage and when I'm done I take out the meat and lift out the liners and all the gross juice comes out with it leaving the fryer ready to clean in the sink with hot water, no gross juice to pour out or get in the sink. I highly recommend." —Kevin M. Harer

    Get a set of 125 for $13.99 (available in multiple sizes and shapes for square and round air fryers). 

    15. A pair of wireless sleep headphones designed to protect your ears so you can listen to your music, audiobooks, or white noise in your favorite state: laying down. 

    A model sleeping with the headphone band around her ears

    Promising review: "I saw these on TikTok and since I have so much trouble finding quality headphones I decided to try them. I’m very happy with the sound quality and comfort of these. I’m able to fall asleep to my music or podcast without having to limit myself to sleeping on my back or losing an ear bud in my bed in the middle of the night. It makes working out easier as well. The value is worth the quality. I would recommend." —Thunder Muffin

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99 (available in nine colors). 

    16. A jewelry-cleaning stick with cleansing solution on a brush designed specifically to get in the nooks and crannies of your jewelry, so you can dig out all the grime that's accumulated over the years on the cheap instead of taking it to the jeweler.

    reviewer image of the brush stick next to a clean ring
    reviewer image of a before and after on a dirty/clean ring

    Promising review: "I absolutely love this product. I saw it on TikTok and figured I would give it a try. My grandmother passed away almost eight years ago, and she left me her first engagement ring in her will. I have tried so many jewelry cleaners, toothpaste and toothbrush, you name it, tried everything except for sending it away to get cleaned. Today is Sunday and I cleaned my ring with the Diamond Dazzle Stik. My ring is just as shiny as it was when my grandfather bought it for my grandmother many many years ago. I will definitely use this Diamond Dazzle Stik on all my jewelry. Highly recommended!" —Heather

    Get it from Amazon for $9.38.

    17. A "dog bed for humans" so plush, and cozy that you may just have to change your legal address to "beanbag." Reviewers especially love the softness of the faux fur and the firm coziness of the raised rims that make it a perfect little nest for reading, napping, playing video games, or just otherwise existing in snuggly bliss. 

    Model in a beige oval rimmed bed on the floor

    Promising review: "I saw this online and decided that I'm giving it a try. I have a hard time sleeping without feeling support around me. I toss and turn over 40 times per night according to my sleep app. I tried this hoping for the best and I will say, I slept like a baby for the first time in seven years. I put a pillow under each side to prop it up to make it cradle in more and I’m in heaven. I'm 57 and have had a hard time dealing with the emptiness of divorce. Who needs a man when you’ve got this to sleep in? Purchase it! You won’t regret it. And best of all, no one snoring next to me! Win, win!" —Heavenstinyangels

    Get it from Amazon for $151.99 (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    18. A ridiculously beloved, Shark Tank-featured Click & Carry Grocery Bag Carrier to help you lift bulky, heavy bags while you're traveling so easily you'll put Superman out of business. With this gizmo you can hook your bags to it and lift up to 80 pounds while comfortably resting the carrier on your shoulder instead of letting all the straps cut into your palms. 

    A model with a purple handle clinging to two heavy bags
    Reviewer using a pink handle to lift a bunch of grocery bags of a car

    Click & Carry is a Shark Tank and QVC-featured small business that specializes in easy carry accessories. 

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. This is great when you have a few bags and a box — for example, if you balance the bags, you can throw it over your shoulder and walk inside and have two free hands to carry the box, which is great. Product seems well built, and is comfortable on your shoulder or hand because of the padding." —Hung

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in seven colors). 

    19. A Skims-esque loungewear set so soft and decadent that you'll just declare it your new uniform, with the couch as your throne.

    A customer review photo of them wearing the set in white
    A customer review picture of them wearing the set in camel

    Promising review: "No joke, these are pretty much exactly the same as my Skims lounge set for half the price. The pants graze the tops of my feet even when I wear them high-waisted at my belly button, so I think they’re plenty long. The robe is like wearing a blanket, but still looks put together. Anyway, I’m back here to buy a second color because I loved them so much!" —Jenna

    "Couldn't believe a TikTok recommendation could be this amazing! Got it as a gift and our daughter absolutely adores it. I never get the right gift for her because she's super picky but this was a stunner!" —Kaye

    Get the three-piece set from Amazon for $48.59 (clip the 10% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in women's sizes S–XL and in 22 colors).

    20. A set of laundry detergent sheets — these ridiculously easy to use, super effective sheets are not only convenient to use compared to bulky liquid detergents, but way more eco-friendly. You can even split them in half for smaller loads! 

    Model holding small box of detergent sheets

    Laundry Club is a family-owned, veteran-owned small business established in 2019 that specializes in eco-friendly cleaning and laundry alternatives. 

    Promising review: "At first I was skeptical. How can this little sheet clean as well as my Gain? It just took one wash to change my mind. Not only are these little guys lightweight and extremely convenient, but they clean better than the heavy jugs or the pods that I never bought because I didn’t want worry about my kid ingesting one. They are like magic, throw one in the wash and it begins to dissolve and the only thing it leaves behind is environmentally safe cleansing." —Trish

    Get a pack of 50 sheets from Amazon for $15.02 (available unscented or in Fresh Linen). 

    21. A Lay-n-Go cosmetic bag — it fans out to become a mat, saving you both the time of poking through your cabinets to find your beauty prods *and* the hassle of putting them all back in the morning.

    A model opening the bag so it lays flat with all the makeup in it
    Lay-n-Go / YouTube / Via www.youtube.com

    Lay-n-Go is a small business that specializes in storage solutions for home, travel, and personal care. 

    Promising review: "I was tired of fumbling around in my cosmetics case and saw this. I was skeptical, but...WOW! On my recent two-week trip to Europe, with constant laying out and packing up, this item was wonderful. I could find what I wanted quickly, right away. Packing up was just a matter of pulling the drawstring. At first I wasn’t sure about changing to this bag, but now I could not do without it." —Mojosharkey

    Get it from Amazon for $29.95 (available in 12 colors).

    22. A pair of horizontal glasses to let you read while laying down, because not being able to read without starfishing on your bed feels like a scam. Now you can out-scam it.

    Promising review: "I saw these on a couple of TikTok videos and immediately bought them. They are literally the best thing I’ve ever bought. I was scared they wouldn't fit over my glasses but they do just fine. I use them to read, watch TV, and scroll through my social media all while lying down. Such a great buy!" —Kivy

    Get them from Amazon for $11.95

    23. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp because honestly? Cleaning the toilet every week is a scam. Let this do the job for you (and prevent grime build up and toilet rings while it's at it!). 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    The stamp in its packaging
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, www.amazon.com

    Check out a TikTok of the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to see it in action! 

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get it from Amazon for $4.74

    24. A pair of ridiculously comfortable pull-on Levi's jeans for anyone else who just wants their legs to feel that sweet, sweet unconstricted FREEDOM. These will make you want to throw your regular jeans out the window.

    Promising review: "Let me first start out by saying I'm a mom of two, in my mid-thirties. Pants and I disagree on far too many levels (aka, once I found leggings after having children, it's been impossible to go back). Pair that with working from home (ahem, never having motivation to wear actual pants even if I wanted to) and you have a full blown 'this woman is going to spend the rest of her life in yoga pants' situation. Enter these jeggings. I am not even apologizing for using the silly term of 'jeggings.' These could nearly pass for a legging-feel situation. ON TOP OF THAT, they look like real jeans. DONE. TAKE MY MONEY."Sara W.

    Psst — if you have Amazon Prime Wardrobe you can try this piece out before you buy it! 

    Get it from Amazon for $27.36+ (available in women's sizes 2–28, three inseams, and six colors).

    25. A lightweight, moisture-wicking nightdress made with breathable eucalyptus fibers, so it's basically like wearing a fancy hotel sheet to bed. 

    Model in a pale purple sleeveless scoop neck maxi night dress with a tie string at the waist

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $66.50 (originally $95; available in women's sizes S–XL and four colors). 

    26. A silicone baking mat for your sheet pan, so you can get experimenting with sheet-pan dinners and baking bonanzas without having to scrub all the evidence off for an hour.

    A reviewer's vegetable and mozzarella sticks cooking on a sheet pan
    A reviewer's croissants cooked on a sheet pan

    Promising review: "I use these mats multiple times a day. They make cleanup super easy, which is really important in my hectic life. They wipe off easily with just water." —Tasia Lung

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.24.

    27. A "Cup Cozy Pillow" to up your movie snack game to its highest potential — this has expandable cup holes to fit mugs, water bottles, and snacks, with an insulating foam that keeps drinks hot or cold for longer periods. It even comes with four snack holes so you can share with the person next to you (or just make yourself a glorious TV charcuterie pillow). 

    Cup Cozy Pillow is a small business that specializes in family-friendly snack and drink organizers. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Cup Cozy Deluxe Pillow in action.

    Promising review: "This thing is great! I’m home on maternity leave with my new baby and spend most of my time on the couch under a sleeping baby. This product makes it easy for me to keep my drinks, remote, etc close by even with dogs running around. It’s a little more expensive than I would have liked but it works and I love it so money well spent!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.  

    28. A bath pillow and full body mat that laughs in the face of your ordinary teensy bath pillows. Neck support is cute, but full body ridiculous plush comfort?? Is precisely where it's at. Hop in, friend. The wine is poured and that romance novel isn't going to read itself. 

    A white mat laid across a bathtub with a propped up pillow
    the pillow submerged in a full bath

    Bath Haven is a small business specializing in bathroom and personal care products. 

    Promising review: "We just installed a new tub in our master bathroom. The tub has a steeper slope than our previous. So we were looking for a pillow that provided head rest and back support. The Bath Haven pillow indeed provides both and is very comfortable. The linen material is soft and feels great. Definitely worth the price vs cheaper plastic pillows." —Alan Z. 

    Get it from Amazon for $42.99 (available in four styles). 

    29. microwave rapid brownie maker, because the only thing better than homemade brownies is homemade brownies in less than four minutes. All you need is half a box of any regular grocery store mix plus the ingredients, and this gizmo will have you on your way to Brownie City in no time. 

    Portioned plastic pan with spots for oil, egg, and brownie mix
    Reviewer image of cooked brownie in white square shaped silicone container

    Rapid Brands is a Shark Tank-featured small business that specializes in BPA-free, dishwasher-safe, microwaveable kitchenwares. Check out more rapid microwave cookers on their Amazon storefront! 

    Psst — people swear by this for dorms, studio apartments, and for safer, easier baking with kids! 

    Promising review: "Love this. Brownies come out very moist. Makes a half of a 13x9 inch brownie mix at a time. This is great for us because we don't have to search for measuring cups and mixing bowls; everything you need but the ingredients are included. The brownies come out moist and chewy and the 'pan' is very easy to clean. I like that I can make half a batch at a time, and what can be wrong with brownies in three and a half minutes?" —Jqbuckley

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99

    30. A set of nonstick, reusable toaster oven bags to let you make grilled cheese, paninis, and toasted sammies right in the toaster.

    A sandwich in a toaster bag in the toaster
    Two mini grilled cheeses

    (Psst — you can also use these to reheat french fries, pizza, and even mini tacos, and get all that glorious heat without them getting all soggy from the microwave. Leftovers just got lit.)

    Promising review: "I had no idea how well these would work. You can put toast or rolls or anything that will fit in the slot — even if it has jelly or spread or anything on it — in the bag in the toaster and it doesn't hurt the toaster, and the food comes out warm." —mare36

    Get a four-pack from Amazon for $7.99.

    31. A heated eye massager with so many bells and whistles, it's worth the investment and *then* some — not only does it come with five different massage modes and a 15-minute timer, but it has Bluetooth music so you can vibe with your eyes *and* your ears. Reviewers swear by this to help combat eye strain, headaches, puffy under-eye circles, and dry eyes, and insomnia. 

    Promising review: "I saw this product on one of Amazon’s must-have TikTok videos and I knew I had to get it. It was so worth it — even though price may seem higher compared to other sellers, this is for sure a good investment piece. The quality is top notch, the strap that goes around your head is comfortable, and most importantly, the duration of each mode is long enough that it doesn’t interrupt your rest. I work a 12-hour night shift as a nurse and this technology has helped me get through the night easily👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $49.29+ (available in three colors). 

    32. cold brew coffee maker so gloriously easy to use that all you have to do is stick your favorite ground coffee in the filter, seal the airtight lid on top, and pop it in the fridge overnight. Boom, 4 cups of cold brew you don't have to lift a finger to make when you're scrambling to log onto a Zoom meeting five minutes late. 

    Promising review: "Now don't get me wrong, I love my Dunkin', but I wanted to find a way to be able to make that same iced coffee at HOME, and I think my wallet and gas tank wanted me to figure that out too. I found out about this product through TikTok and it is a GAME CHANGER. All you have to do is put coffee grounds in the filter, fill up the main compartment 3/4 full with water (I use water from my fridge), screw the filter into the lid and screw the lid shut, shake it a little to put the coffee grounds to work, and let it do its magic for 12-24 hours! This is probably the best investment i've ever made. You need this!!" —Carmen E. 

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99+ (clip the $3 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in two sizes). 

    33. A bagel guillotine for all of your carb-slicing needs, whether you're beheading some bagels, muffins, buns, or rolls. Not only will you get perfect slices every time, but this is also muuuuch safer than a regular knife (and less embarrassing than explaining you were bested by a bagel in the emergency room). Psst — parents also love this as a much safer option for kids making their own snacks and meals! 

    A bagel under the 'guillotine
    A perfectly sliced bagel

    Promising review: "My boyfriend can’t cut bagels. He literally butchers these poor baby bagels all up. I saw this on a TikTok and I was like oh we need that. So I bought it. And it was a good investment. Now we can enjoy nicely sliced bagels that fit in a toaster and aren’t jagged across. Yay bagel slicer!" —Ci DiPalma

    Get it from Amazon for $22.53.

    34. A TikTok remote control ring to let you scroll through (and heart!) TikToks from your hand without lifting it to touch your phone — an especially handy trick for anyone who likes to watch TikToks on the treadmill or watch them winding down before bed. You can also use it to turn pages on your Kindle and trigger your camera to take photos or video from up to 33 feet away. 

    Reviewer using a small black ring to click their way through TikToks
    Reviewer holding the pink version of the ring

    Promising review: "I have a TikTok obsession, and I am thrilled with this ring! I love how versatile it is, too, where I can flip book pages on my phone and go through music as well. It’s easy to use and set up if your follow the instructions." —The Shopper around the Corner

    Get it from Amazon for $18.09 (available in three colors). 

    The diamonds on your ring shining at passerby after you clean them with your jewelry stick: