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    We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    43 Products For Anyone Thriving In Their Hermit Era

    Listen, growing your own mushrooms from this easy kit and cooking them with a TikTok-famous cookbook is just a matter of staying on brand.

    1. A dreamy dimmable candle warmer lamp so you can waft your favorite candles throughout your space in the most aesthetically pleasing (and safe!) way possible. 

    A gold-stemmed lamp with a flower-shaped bulb shining light down on a warmed candle

    Promising review: "This candle warmer emits a soft light that looks beautiful coming through the glass. I love how it warms my candles making the room smell wonderful. I think this warmer may work better than just lighting my candles. I like that it has a timer option which is convenient. I highly recommend this warmer for anyone that likes candles." —win diesel

    Get it from Amazon for $36.98 (available in two styles). 

    2. The Reverse Coloring Book, a cult-favorite for anyone whose coloring book nights need a delightful shake up. Instead of adding the color to these, you add the lines — sort of like a Rorschach test, but make it whimsical. Reviewers love the "mindlessness" of it allowing them to get into a stress-free flow. 

    Cover of the book with rainbow water color patterns
    A set of watercolors of a page with an

    Each book includes 50 pages of watercolor art for you to add lines, along with suggestions for what to add if you want a jumping off point. Bonus: the pages are perforated so you can easily tear them out and frame them! 

    Promising review: "Changed my life. So I get anxious doing the adult coloring books. This was so much fun and made me really think outside of the box. I'm not the best at drawing but I felt like I was when I was a kid doodling in my textbooks in school." —Carley C. 

    Get it from Amazon for $9.90

    (Psst — check out these cult-fave black fine point pens for $9.99 on Amazon for a good doodling option!) 

    3. A pair of chic wireless headband headphones so you can keep your ears comfortable and toasty warm listening to music, white noise, or calming affirmations.  

    reviewer wearing grey headband earphones over their head
    reviewer wearing pastel pink version

    Promising review: "I purchased this product to be able to listen to affirmations as I fall asleep. It has been great for that, and has also been very beneficial on long airplane flights when my ears hurt from the AirPods being in for so long. Also a great option when you are sleeping in a room with someone who snores! My kids keep stealing this from me so I purchased two more to get them for Christmas!" —Dawn Cooperider

    Get it from Amazon for $15.99 (clip the 25% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in nine colors).

    4. A desk-friendly HappyLight sunlamp that will be both a literal and metaphorical ~light of your life~ — this adjustable light can help improve your sleep, mood, and energy levels, particularly if you're living in a space where you don't get a lot of direct sunlight. 

    The rectangle-shaped light sitting on the counter with a pour-over coffee next to it

    Promising review: "Miraculous results in just four days! Happy, healthy, and motivated! It's most effective if used daily for 30 minutes (but not more, as it can affect your circadian rhythms). I don’t normally leave reviews, but I am blown away by the results from this lamp in such a short amount of time!" —Brandi True

    Get it from Amazon for $51.99 (get this price by clipping the $8 off coupon on the product page). 

    5. A cult-favorite ~secret~ popcorn salt anyone in the movie theater industry will tell you is a perfect at-home alternative for that oh-so-savory buttery goodness you love to inhale before the previews begin. Not to be dramatic about popcorn on main, but this stuff is game changing.

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed,

    Our family unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm.

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.60+ (available in three flavors/styles)

    6. A cult-favorite luxury-scented candle with a throw so satisfying and scent profile so ~mesmerizing~ that reviewers can't stop gushing about it. If you're in the market for a signature scent for your space, look no further than this jasmine, oud, and sandalwood blend. 

    Lulu Candles is a US-based small business that specializes in scented candles and perfumes. 

    Promising review: "I was staying over at a friend's house and sitting next to her coffee table. She had this candle on the table and even though it wasn't lit I could smell it, and it was so delicious that I instantly went online to find it and bought it for myself! If this came in a perfume I would buy enough to last the rest of my life. I don't know how to even explain the scent but if you are an amber/patchouli/vanilla fan, this is absolutely for you. The jasmine adds an unbelievable freshness without a flowery scent. I even bought the shampoo and conditioner which I will probably use as more of a body wash and shaving cream but that is how desperate I am to get this scent on me!" —Melissa I. 

    Get it from Amazon for $19.95+ (available in three sizes, in gift box options, in packs of two, and in a variety of scents).  

    7. A set of starry evening eye masks to add a little bit of ~glamour~ to your night in and to the next morning, when you wake up bright-eyed, de-puffed, and utterly refreshed from the hyaluronic acid and collagen. 

    Promising review: "These are fantastic vegan collagen eye pads. They feel so good when you have them on and leave your skin looking and feeling so much better when you take them off. These are great for tired puffy eyes that just need a nice little boost. You'll find that with these." —mr. dead

    Get a pack of three sets from Amazon for $7.19 (also available in a full eye mask). 

    8. "The Secret Soup," yet another addition to the cult-favorite Magic Puzzle series so beloved on TikTok. Like the others before it, this whimsically illustrated, colorful addition isn't just a puzzle, but a journey — there are over tons of Easter eggs in it, a collection of miniature scenes full of optical illusions and surprises, *plus* a magical twist at the end. You'll have to solve the puzzle to find out! 

    Check out a TikTok of the magic puzzle in action. 

    Promising review: "This puzzle was delightful from start to finish. The oddly shaped pieces, the story being told within it, the surprise ending puzzle, the checklist hunt, the mobility of the sections, and the characters and design all gave it — and me! — such life. Regular puzzles tend to bore or frustrate me but each time I worked on this I was full of joy." —Brittany

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99, and check out the rest of the Magic Puzzle lineup for more options!.

    9. A plug-in color-shifting mushroom light for anyone whose little cottagecore heart wants a cozy solution to stumbling to the bathroom in the middle of the night in the dark. 

    buzzfeed editor holding white plug with pastel mushrooms and leaves blooming out of it
    the LED color shifting mushrooms in the dark
    Jenae Sitzes / BuzzFeed

    Promising review: "I LOVE this night-light. It's in my bathroom and is a lovely addition. It turns off the second the lights go on which is nice that I don't have to worry about accidentally leaving it on. Super cute and the little itty-bitty lighting element does a good job lighting, just enough so I don't have to turn the main lights on in the middle of the night." —1Thand

    Get it from Amazon for $5.99

    10. A pair of oh-so-cozy "teddy" slippers that might just be that ~holy grail~ pair you've been searching for — not only are these mega soft and warm, but reviewers note that they don't overheat, hold up over time, and machine wash beautifully. (Bonus: they're also very quiet if you're trying not to wake the fam!) 

    Fuzzy cream-colored sock-style slippers on a model
    Reviewer in pink version of the slippers

    Promising review: "I’ve been searching for a pair of slippers for a long time. Literally have bought and returned many. I bought a pair for my husband and he loved them so I decided to try them. So glad I did. Love the color, fit, comfort and warmth. Also, machine washable. I’m going to buy another style. Highly recommend." —J

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99 (available in women's sizes 5–12 and seven colors). 

    11. An attachable Stanley cup snack bowl for the ultimate in "girl dinner" hacks. Now you can have all your beloved snacks close to your face and be *thissss* close to living the dream of eating out of a trough like a fluffy farm animal. 

    A  white small plastic bowl with a hole in it resting around the lid of a handled Stanley cup water tumbler
    blue version holding popcorn, pickles, and meat

    Psst — lots of reviewers say this fits their Stanley cup *and* the cheaper alternative versions of it, like this $29 Simple Modern tumbler

    Check out a TikTok of the Stanley snack cup in action. 

    Promising review: "If using this snack holder on my Stanley is wrong, I don't want to be right. Now when I sit at baseball tournaments all day, I don't have to keep reaching into snack bags and coolers. We all get the snack we want and never have to carry more than a cup. I do get some odd looks but if they had one, they wouldn't be judging anymore. Sits very sturdily on my tumbler but comes off easily when I'm done with it." —Abby

    Get it from Amazon for $12.79 (available in three colors). 

    12. A mushroom growing kit that grows right there in the packaging, so you can add some sweet, sweet umami flavors to new dishes by sautéing, roasting, or air frying them up.

    A box with mushrooms growing out of the side
    Reviewer image of mushrooms cooking in a pan

    Back To The Roots is a California-based small business founded by two college friends that specializes in indoor gardening kits with a mission to reconnect families to food.

    Psst — if you have not put mushrooms in your air fryer, my friend, you have not yet lived the full human experience. Also this growing kit comes with some recipes to get you started!

    Promising review: "This product has been so much fun to watch! I followed the directions, exactly as written, and the mushrooms began growing within 3–4 days. I will say that I did soak them for close to 10 hours before putting them back in the box to grow and I believe this helped a ton. I also kept the box inside by a window with the blinds closed in order for them to get indirect sunlight. The mushrooms grew tremendously for almost a week before they started to shrink so I clipped them to cook with and they were DELICIOUS! This was such a fun product and process to watch." —Steph A

    Get it from Amazon for $19.98

    13. A gorgeous pastel paint-by-number you can get in all kids of intricate, deeply satisfying patterns for anyone who is looking for an activity that pairs perfectly with a screen-free night in. 

    water color painting on pink and red peonies next to a watercolor set
    reviewer image of a completed mountainscape

    Each set comes with a detailed numbered outline, four brushes, and a set of numbered acrylic paints with extra to spare.

    Promising review: "Colorful and fun! This is the third paint-by-number I’ve done, and by far the most challenging. Lots of fine point detail, and the paint brushes included were adequate, unlike other PBN sets I’ve bought." —Emily cox

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in 12 styles).

    14. A bottle of Dr Teal's soothing foaming bath with Epsom salt to help relieve aching muscles, and give you something decadent to look forward to all day (aside from watching your frozen pizza go round in the microwave, that is).

    Promising review: "I needed something to help me relax that was not a nap and this did it for me! I used this in an evening bath. Not only did it help me relax, it also helped me fall asleep so good that night. I tend to stay awake in bed (usually on my phone) most nights, but after this bath I fell asleep right away. It didn't bubble a whole lot for me, but it smelled amazing and made my skin the softest it's been in a long time! It's a good sized bottle with a sufficient amount of baths per bottle. Overall, I loved it. I don't take baths too often, but this has inspired me to do this more! 10/10 would buy again." —Priscilla Perez

    Get it from Amazon for $6.29.

    15. A set of cult-favorite, suuuuuper soft microfiber bed sheets that are the ultimate All Seasons Investment. These lightweight, moisture-resistant sheets are designed to be super breathable in the heat and cozy in the cold. Tons of reviewers loved their sets so much they immediately came back for more! 

    The white sheets on a bed
    close up of a white sheet showing microfibers

    Danjor Linens is a small business that specializes in bedding products for home and dorm use. 

    Promising review: "I sleep extremely hot. I always have issues with sheets and blankets, but with these sheets I sleep cool. I have a very thick memory foam mattress and it fit perfectly. They are so super soft, I truly love them. I noticed that when I washed them they got softer. I personally don’t use fabric softeners or bleach. I have used them for about a month now I am definitely going buy more." —Mel

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99+ (available in sizes Twin–California King and nine colors). 

    16. A "holy grail" Coop Home Goods pillow designed for side, back, *and* stomach sleepers to get the best shut-eye of their lives. This medium-firm pillow has an entirely adjustable memory foam fill so you can mold it to the exact firmness, size, and shape you need. In other words: this is the One Pillow that will serve you well for a long, long time. 

    A package with a rolled up pillow and separate memory foam that can be added to the pillow
    The white pillow fluffed up with a dog sleeping on it

    Coop Sleep Goods is a small business specializing in pillows, pillowcases, and sleep products. 

    Promising review: "I hardly ever write reviews but I have to for this. I saw this pillow on TikTok and it got me curious so I immediately came to Amazon. OMG, it’s such a game changer. I’m a side sleeper and this pillow is heaven. It’s some of the most comfortable sleep I have had in ages. I love it so much I bought a second one and have my eye on the body pillow. Obsessed! You need this in your bedroom." —MT

    Get it from Amazon for $75+ (available in two sizes and three shapes). 

    17. A wine coloring book designed specifically for people whose dream Friday night involves pinot and pencils. Each of these pages has a fun wine illustration or saying that will pair *perfectly* with the vino of your choosing. 

    Cover of
    blank coloring pages with designs that say

    Bonus: it comes with colored pencils included! 

    Promising review: "Very cute, sayings were accurate and funny. Pictures provided a lot of variety from simple to more complex, and provide plenty of stress relief while watching a movie and coloring and drinking wine of course." —Tegyn Dustin

    Get it from Amazon for $14.95

    18. Plus a wine caddy for the bathtub, for those times you don't just need to relax, but need to relaaaaaaaaax 🍷.

    A transparent holder suctioned to the side of the tub with a stemmed wine glass in it

    SipCaddy is a US-based small business that specializes in shower beer and wine bath holders. Bonus: it also holds cans, so they can pop in a LaCroix or enjoy a shower PBR, too.

    Promising review: "Loved how easy this was to put in my shower and use for anything from holding beverages to face wash. Gifted it to two friends and my boyfriend who at first mocked it but now LOVES it. I’d consider traveling with it at this point." —MB Schatz

    Get it from Amazon for $13.94 (available in five colors).

    19. A suuuuper soft two-piece ribbed lounge set so breathable that you will feel like you are *oozing* comfort and luxury. Truly, is anything breezier than a wide-legged lounge pant with an elastic waist?? 

    Reviewer in pale purple lounge set with cropped tank and wide high waisted elastic bottoms
    Reviewer in cream colored version with short sleeves

    Promising review: "I recently got my hands on a perfect lilac lounge wear set, and I'm absolutely in love with it! The fabric is incredibly soft against my skin, making me feel like I'm wrapped in a cloud. The best part is that it's versatile and can be worn in many different ways, allowing me to mix and match for various occasions. Stylish and comfy addition to my wardrobe." —camila pereira

    Get it from Amazon for $31.99+ (available in women's sizes S–XXL, 19 colors, and three styles). 

    20. A portable mini projector to turn any flat wall into your personal movie theater in the blink of an eye — simply hook it up to a device like your phone or computer and you're golden. Parents especially love having this in their back pockets for traveling! 

    A customer review photo of them holding up the projector
    A customer review photo of a movie being projected onto their wall

    Promising review: "This projector can't be beat, especially for the price. The setup was really easy. I have been using it with my Roku and purchased an HDMI/USB adapter so I can use it with my phone. The picture quality is fantastic. I originally planned to use external speakers but there is no need — the sound is great. We have had a lot of fun projecting movies onto the ceiling and outside against our garage. I am really impressed with this product and after seeing it, several of my family members plan to buy it too. It's a great gift — I actually bought it for a gift exchange and ended up choosing it for myself!" —Joanna

    Get it from Amazon for $99.99

    21. A retro-style speaker with a whole circus of hidden talents — not only does this function as an old school, dial-controlled AM/FM radio, but it connects to devices via Bluetooth *and* AUX, and even serves as a wireless charging pad on the top. This beautiful gadget is the definition of "flex." 

    Wooden vintage-style radio with classic dials and manual tuning, with a phone charging on top

    Fuse Audio is a small business that specializes in retro-style radios and vinyl record players. 

    Promising review: "I’m very pleased with this purchase. It has a warm sound and, unlike some other brands, doesn’t betray the retro vibe with digital volume or tuning controls. It works exactly like the old radios, but with the bonus of Bluetooth and wireless charging. I also love the details like the side speaker vents and the feel of the volume and tuning knobs. Everything about it speaks quality. The only thing about its appearance that tells me this isn’t an an actual 1940s or 50s radio is its size, which is slightly smaller than the real McCoy." —Placeholder

    Get it from Amazon for $89.99

    22. A copy of Burn After Writing, a guided journal that tens of thousands of reviewers swear by — through a series of questions and thought experiments, it encourages people to take time away from their screens to explore their feelings, both new and old, so they can embrace meaningful ones and try to let others go. 

    Promising review: "I first saw this book on TikTok and decided to look more into it. I purchased four total because I know some people holding onto things that are difficult to let go of. It’s a great way to look at things from a different perspective and truly hold yourself accountable to different things in your life. I love what it stands for and I look forward to when I burn mine after I’m done. Self love, self care, and meditation for a better state of mind tomorrow is always the goal. I definitely recommend it to those susceptible to change and the willingness to try things different." —Brent Helm

    Get it from Amazon for $7.32.  

    23. A set of eye-popping fine point pens designed for planners and journals, so you can — gasp — color code all your journals, chore lists, and scrapbook pages. 

    Perhaps most importantly for anyone out there planning to go full Leslie Knope on these is that they're designed not to bleed through thin pages!

    Promising review: "I love how this pen feels to hold and it writes beautifully! I am very picky about how the ink looks from the pens I use and I don't remember having one that writes so smoothly and beautifully! I will buy these whenever I need more. I actually just purchased another package of all black!" —Marcia

    Get a set of 18 from Amazon for $8.99.

    24. A beginner-friendly diamond painting coaster set perfect for anyone who has ever thought to themselves, "You know what the only thing better than cat coasters would be? Glittery cat coasters." The universe has delivered. 

    DIamond painted coasters in the shape of cat faces
    Diamond painted coasters with colorful mosaic design

    Promising review: "The designs and colors are the same as shown on Amazon. Finished coasters sparkle, and the vibrant colors create eight very cute cats. There were plenty of beads to complete the project and adhesion was excellent. Letters and numbers were sharp and easy to follow. I am delighted with these coasters." —PackLeaderJ

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in five styles). 

    25. A TikTok-famous 3-in-1 convertible "reading chair" that reviewers love putting in their home office and living room spaces because it truly fulfills *so* many essential cozy needs at once. Not only does this include USB ports for your phone or Kindle, a cup holder, and a side pocket for books, but it can be pulled out easily into a sleeper chair or a full flat sleeper in an instant. Bonus? There's ~secret storage~ at the bottom for extra sheets and pillows. 

    A dark blue padded arm chair with arm rests
    Model pulling out the store at the bottom to turn it into a lounger

    Check out a TikTok of the reading chair in action. 

    Promising review: "Amazing reading chair/lounger. If you're one of those people who needs to change positions often while reading, this chair is the bomb. I leave a charging cord in the arm for my phone and headphones, slide out the foot, and grab whatever book I chucked under there. I can lay down, recline, sit straight, etc. with ease. The foot stool part, being collapsible and held up with thin bars, did kind of sink a little after awhile but nothing that makes the chair feel broken or look lopsided. It's a solid little guy and I plan on picking another one up eventually for another room I like to read in." —Calvin Andrews

    Get it from Amazon for $299.99+ (available in four colors). 

    26. A "dog bed for humans" so plush and cozy that you may just have to change your legal address to "beanbag." Reviewers especially love the softness of the faux fur and the firm coziness of the raised rims that make it a perfect little nest for reading, napping, playing video games, or just otherwise existing in snuggly bliss. 

    Model in a beige oval rimmed bed on the floor

    Promising review: "I saw this online and decided that I'm giving it a try. I have a hard time sleeping without feeling support around me. I toss and turn over 40 times per night according to my sleep app. I tried this hoping for the best and I will say, I slept like a baby for the first time in seven years. I put a pillow under each side to prop it up to make it cradle in more and I’m in heaven. I'm 57 and have had a hard time dealing with the emptiness of divorce. Who needs a man when you’ve got this to sleep in? Purchase it! You won’t regret it. And best of all, no one snoring next to me! Win, win!" —Heavenstinyangels

    Get it from Amazon for $129.19 (available in three colors and two sizes). 

    27. A set of gorgeous hand blown wine glasses that are just so darn satisfying to hold that you'll feel like the main character of a high stakes Netflix drama written and directed by Shonda Rhimes before you so much as take a sip. Reviewers appreciate that these work for red *and* white wines, and especially love how they open up the flavors of reds. 

    A deep stemmed wine glass with a wide-mouthed rim holding red wine
    reviewer holding the stem at the base of the glass filled with white wine

    Promising review: "These glasses add just the right amount of luxury to a good meal. They are not the thinnest you'll find but they are nothing like a thick glass. That being said, they still feel delicate and will feel like being cared for. The rim feels nice for my almost weekly meal of crab legs with a Chardonnay. I like that they feel somewhat right for either white or red." —Craig W. 

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $22.99. 

    28. A Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition in a matte "Agave Green" color that has captured the hearts of ALL of BookTok. Swoonworthy aesthetic aside, it holds thousands of books, and will let you the *chef's kiss* way you like best — you can customize it with all your favorite fonts and layouts and organize your virtual shelves to your precise standards. Bonus — its charge lasts weeks (plural!!), and it's waterproof, so you can take this BB in the bathtub 🍷.

    reviewer reading kindle outside
    hand holding agave green kindle

    Check out a TikTok of the green Kindle in action.

    Promising review: "I am so happy to be reading more, and I find it easier to take around with me than carrying my book around. Easy to travel with, and battery life is amazing. I initially was skeptical because I love holding a physical book but ever since I received my new Paperwhite, everything has changed. Lightweight, and so functional and easy to use. I have been reading books and downloaded so much. LOVE LOVE LOVE THE GREEN COLOR it is so pretty." —eileeenie

    Get it from Amazon for $189.99 (available in two other colors). 

    29. Plus a pair of horizontal glasses to let you read while lying down, because being unable to read without starfishing on your bed feels like a scam. Now you can out-scam it.

    Promising review: "I saw these on a couple of TikTok videos and immediately bought them. They are literally the best thing I’ve ever bought. I was scared they wouldn't fit over my glasses but they do just fine. I use them to read, watch TV, and scroll through my social media all while lying down. Such a great buy!" —Kivy

    Get them from Amazon for $13.88

    30. PLUS a bright, oh-so-cheerful "Book Club" reading journal complete with pages to wax poetic about your next 80 reads, whether they're thrillers chilling you to the bone or rom coms melting your heart. This even includes ~bonus pages~ like future reading lists and logs for specific reading goals. 

    Reviewer holding a book reading journal with a color rainbow nature scene design on the cover
    The colorful inside page showing a log for a book including the information and reader opinons

    Lamare is a Florida-based small business that specializes in planners and journals. 

    Promising review: "I love love LOVE this book journal! I’ve been looking for one since like last year and this one caught my eye in the beginning of 2023. I finally decided to bite the bullet and buy it and I am so glad I did! I would buy this book journal a million times over, I love it!" —Maddie

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95 (available in two styles). 

    31. A big ole oversized strawberry sweater for anyone who wants to be berry, berry comfortable all winter long. Reviewers are obsessed with how soft this human tent is, and that it comes with *pockets* for snack stashing. 

    Reviewer taking mirror selfie in bright pink hooded oversized sweater with red strawberries printed on it
    reviewer standing in sweater to show it goes down to knee length

    Aemicion is a small business specializing in oversized comfy sweaters. 

    Promising review: "Literally so perfect, very soft and comfortable, the colors are very vibrant and beautiful. If I start moving around my house doing chores it does get a little warm, but I run warm most of the time and keep my house super cold so it not an issue at all!! I can’t wait for the fall/winter to come because this will be a game changer!!" —Nicole Muse

    Get it from Amazon for $39.97 (available in dozens of styles and kid sizes). 

    32. A "Cup Cozy Pillow" to up your movie snack game to its highest potential — this has expandable cup holes to fit mugs, water bottles, and snacks, with an insulating foam that keeps drinks hot or cold for longer periods. It even comes with four snack holes so you can share with the person next to you (or just make yourself a glorious TV charcuterie pillow). 

    Cup Cozy Pillow is a small business that specializes in family-friendly snack and drink organizers. 

    Check out a TikTok of the Cup Cozy Deluxe Pillow in action.

    Promising review: "This thing is great! I’m home on maternity leave with my new baby and spend most of my time on the couch under a sleeping baby. This product makes it easy for me to keep my drinks, remote, etc close by even with dogs running around. It’s a little more expensive than I would have liked but it works and I love it so money well spent!" —Amber

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.  

    33. A supremely soft hooded bathrobe reviewers say serves some Barefoot Dreams energy — it's lightweight, ridiculously plush, has pockets (!!), and is designed to never shed. Truly, no notes. 

    Model in a beige and white cheetah print tie-waist hooded robe
    Model wearing the robe loose and untied

    Promising review: "Amazing, I absolutely loved it! Fits perfectly and the length is really good. The material is comfortable, warm, and hasn't faded after washed. I also like the pattern of this robe. Now it is part of my daily wardrobe." —Ivy

    Get it from Amazon for $45.99 (available in eight styles). 

    34. A height-adjustable tray table that's part desk, part meal tray, and alllllll convenience. People who work from home swear by this lightweight option as a "mobile desk" around the house, parents swear by it as a makeshift TV stand when kids are watching shows on laptops or tablets, and its ease as a bedside or couchside table *cannot* be overstated. 

    Small gray tray table with two legs holding a can of coke
    The table in white pulled up over a reviewer's legs

    Table-Mate is a small business that specializes in height-adjustable table trays. 

    Promising review: "This table is exactly what I was looking for to be able to use my mouse and keyboard for the computer while working from home. It’s plenty stable and easily moved to the side for storage or when I need to get up from the chair. I also use it as my lunch table and to hold my iPad when not on the computer." —sleuneberg

    Get it from Amazon for $45.99+ (available in four colors). 

    35. A flower press kit so you can preserve your favorite leaves and petals and use them for scrapbooking, decorating, gift wrapping, or generally asserting yourself as the woodland nymph you are. 

    Promising review: "This is my first time flower press and I am very happy and satisfied with this item. I love the logo design at the front and how it’s the right size for any beginner or expert. The wood and tweezers are high quality for the price. Highly recommended!" —Krissy H. 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99

    36. Essentials of Classic Italian Cooking, a classic cookbook so trusted and time-honored that it's now in its 30th anniversary edition. This features beloved standard and unique twists to Italian recipes designed for any reader to enjoy, whether they're a cooking newbie living alone or a seasoned chef feeding a full family. This book is truly an investment both in learning new cooking skills *and* delighting your palate for years to come. 

    The yellow cover of the book
    A reviewer's plated meatball dish

    Promising review: "This book has only been with me a couple of weeks, but already I have made six of the recipes and have dozens of others I want to try. I own a copy of The Silver Spoon, but this book surpasses it in every way. Hazan doesn't just give you recipes — she gives us the spirit of Italian cooking. She shows us how to love the ingredients we are using and teaches us how to understand that putting them together as she does, we don't create a 'dish,' but rather, something we have put a bit of ourselves into, to share with those we care about. This is probably the best book we will ever have on Italian cooking. It sits on my shelf right next to The Joy Of Cooking. Don't buy this book, treasure it. It's that good." —Laura Anne Scaife

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99

    37. Or Small Batch Bakes, tailor made for folks who live alone *or* for people who want to broaden their baking horizons, but don't want to deal with the mess of big batches (or the leftovers!). This book takes you through a bunch of delicious recipes for one to six people using minimal equipment, so you can have hassle-free treats and live your most delicious life. 

    The cover of the book with cookies on it
    Kyle Books

    Helpfully, this book measures in grams *and* tablespoons, so you can bake however you prefer. 

    Get it from Amazon for $15.33 or Bookshop (to support local bookstores) for $23.24

    38. An investment-worthy MicrowavaBowl designed with habitual leftover reheaters in mind — this ceramic bowl has an elevated center that distributes the heat evenly and quickly, guaranteeing there won't be any cold spots when you dig in to your grub. It's also dishwasher-safe for easy cleanup! 

    Promising review: "These bowls are high quality and very convenient. They heat up food very quickly and evenly, saving you valuable time and energy. Its ability to heat the food and not the bowl itself is very valuable to me. Prior to this purchase, I would have to use a hot bowl holder to avoid burning my fingers. The size of the bowls are perfect for the dishwasher, making them easy to clean and use. I would highly recommend them to friends and family!" —Alana

    Get it from Amazon for $24.98

    39. A ridiculously plush blanket reviewers swear compares to the $$$$ Barefoot Dreams version, matching the quality, ridiculous softness, and durability without the big ole yikes of a price tag. 

    the sage green checked blanket on a bed
    reviewer with the black and white throw blanket

    Promising review: "I saw this blanket on TikTok and I have to say I absolutely love it. I washed it several times now and it’s maintained its elasticity and softness after each wash. It’s warm enough but not too hot for a throw. Absolutely recommend this blanket!" —Amy

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99+ (available in 12 styles and two sizes). 

    40. A TikTok-beloved squiggly aesthetic mug and saucer set you can get in so many patterns that you are bound to imprint on one of them. Oops, looks like your blood is just 97% frothy lattes and marshmallow-filled cocoas from now until the end of time! 

    A white mug and plate with squiggly shaped red-lined edges and little red painted hearts patterend on it
    the same size and shape mugs in a cow, cloud, and two floral patterns

    Promising review: "It just makes my morning a bit brighter to drink out of something so cute! Love that I can also throw it in the dishwasher to clean. the 'organic' shape also makes it pretty comfy to hold and the curve of the cup wall at the top make it cozy to drink from. Love it!" —katie

    Get it from Amazon for $27.98 (available in 17 styles). 

    41. A mini donut maker to keep anyone with a sweet tooth occupied — truly, can you think of anything in this universe more delicious than a warm homemade donut?? I'll wait.

    donut maker with room for seven cookied mini donuts
    Assorted mini donuts

    The donuts cook within minutes, have an auto shutoff to stop them from overheating, and come with a recipe book that even includes gluten-free and Paleo-friendly options. Bonus? You don't even need to figure out how to make donuts — this machine will take store bought brownie, muffin, and cake mix just fine.

    Promising review: "I cannot say enough about the Dash Mini Donut Maker. It is so much fun to use and make donuts at home. Rather than going to the local chain donut restaurant, you can make your own specialty donuts at home. It is very easy to use and cleans up quickly. My children love to decorate the donuts after they are cooked. It's a fun family activity and the donuts taste great! Also, it comes with a neat design and stands out among my other boring looking kitchen cooking appliances. If you like donuts, this product is for you." —JoshH

    Get it from Amazon for $27.95.

    42. Wreck This Journal, a full color journal with prompts for you to write, paint, shred, and, in the words of Taylor Swift, "have a marvelous time ruining everything." 

    The cover of the book with a mixed media feel
    Penguin Books

    Some of the prompts include one to close the journal and scribble on the edges; another to cut out colors from a magazine and tape them all over the page; another is a "Stain Log," which you can use to classify stains in your life, from red wine to nail polishes to food dyes. Basically, if you turn the page in this journal, odds are it's going to look *nothing* like it originally did by the time you're through.

    Get it from Amazon for $9.59 or Bookshop for $14.88.

    43. A lush double-sided shaggy faux-fur duvet set to really make a statement — the statement being, of course, "I am never leaving my bedroom again, and as this duvet has emotionally replaced all the humans in my heart."

    the off white faux fur duvet set on a bed

    One side is faux fur and the other side is plush velvet; the twin set comes with one pom-pom fringed pillow sham, and other size sets include two.

    Promising review: "If my house caught on fire, this is the first thing I’d grab. But seriously, this is one of my favorite things in my whole house. I feel like it tied my entire room together. I get so many compliments on it and it seriously so cozy and well made. My only complaint would be how hard this thing makes it to get out of bed in the mornings. It’s incredibly soft and isn’t the type of 'fur' that will mat and get gross-looking over time. I rely heavily on reviews when I buy things so I’m here to tell you — if you’re on the fence about buying this ... do it!! Also, the pillowcases are amazing also. Super soft and the pom-pom fringe is adorable." —SK

    Get it from Amazon for $51.99+ (available in sizes Twin–King and 27 colors).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.