We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    36 Products That Deeply Efficient Humans Will Want To Try Immediately

    This ridiculously clever airplane tray organizer is going to make the other passengers sooooo so jealous of you.

    1. An internet-beloved time-marked water bottle so you know *precisely* how much you've consumed in an orderly, encouraging fashion before dehydration sneaks up on you. 

    Promising review: "LOVE IT! I am very picky when it comes to water bottles, but this one is perfect! It is 32 ounces so it holds a lot of water to drink throughout the day! My favorite part is that you can add ice to it and it will not sweat due to the material it is made of, which I LOVE!" —Bianca Aguilera

    Get it on Amazon for $16.79 (clip the 20% off coupon on the product page for this price; available in 17 colors).

    2. A "flossing toothbrush" with two layers of bristles — regular firm bristles, and longer ones that are ten times thinner to clean deep in between your teeth and gums to mimic flossing. Reviewers love how deep the clean feels, and also how soft it is on sensitive teeth! 

    A toothbrush with two layers of bristles, one long and thin and one shorter and thicker
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    Mouthwatchers is a small business established by Ronald Plotka, DDS, that specializes in antimicrobial toothbrushes designed to get deeper cleans even patients with "great" dental hygiene might miss with traditional brush and floss routines. 

    I personally bought this and love it! I use an electric toothbrush usually, but I feel like I'm getting a much more satisfying clean from these?? Especially because I tend to get yellow stains between my teeth no matter *how* much I floss, and these bristles seem to actually target that a lot more effectively. I've switched to using this in the morning and the electric one at night and definitely see a difference in that area in particular. 

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $9.90

    3. A portable car vacuum that lets you explore the great outdoors or enjoy a particularly messy snack without sitting in the evidence until the next time you do a deep car clean. With this easy peasy gadget, you can scoop it all up and leave your interiors looking brand spanking new. 

    Small handheld black vacuum in a reviewer's hand
    before and after images of a messy sandy car interior vacuumed clean again

    Promising review: "This was the perfect solution for a busy mom as myself. I have three little ones and every day there is a mess of some sort in the backseat. It saves time and money to not have to go to a carwash place and keep feeding the machine. It’s simple to use and a great size. Wish the suction was a little better but for the price and quality I can’t complain. It’s a must!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.52+ (clip the $15 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in four colors).

    4. An adorably encouraging daily planner you can fill out throughout the course of each day to keep yourself on track for all your calls, goals, and even your water intake. It's like you've got your own babysitter in a notepad, basically.

    A blank page of the planner
    Reviewer with their daily planner page filled out

    Each planner comes with 50 tear-off sheets the size of a standard piece of paper.

    Bliss Collections is a family-owned, Wisconsin-based business established in 2012 that specializes in stationery, planners and pads, and drinkware.

    Promising review: "These daily planning sheets keep this mama on TRACK! I started out printing daily planning and schedule sheets from a free download on my computer. Then I realized why not just buy some already printed so I save my ink at home. I found these and love how the day, schedule, tasks, and health habits are organized. I've already reordered once and will continue to use these." —Shannon Hoglund

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    5. A bottle of Angry Orange pet odor eliminator that's working OVERTIME — not only does this vanish the evidence of pet-related stains and odors, but it leaves the area smelling so nice that you'll be like, "Um, is this my new signature perfume??" Extremely bonus: it also deters pets from peeing, so if there's a ~hot spot~ your doggo loves to frequent, this ought to curb the habit. 

    reviewer photo of dog next to bottle of the cleaner
    before and after image of a pet stain removed from a carpet

    Angry Orange is a small business that specializes in home cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "This product has become a must in our household! We discovered it while looking for another scent/odor control product that had a strong citrus scent to spray around a Christmas tree a year or so ago when one of our dogs suddenly decided that he was going to start peeing on the Christmas tree every night. Not only did it deter him from peeing on it, it smells fantastic, and now we use it all the time for any smells around the house, pet odor related or not! It only takes one or two sprays as well, and the whole area smells fabulous afterwards." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.97 (available in four sizes).

    6. A weekly pill organizer designed with push-through silicone lids to easily organize your pills at the beginning of the week, meaning you don't have to spend a bunch of time rooting through pill boxes and trying to remember the timing of them each morning.

    the pill organizer with slots for night and day of each day of the week that can be removed from the base
    model pushing pills into the silicone holes of the pill organizer

    Sagely is a family-owned small business founded by husband-and-wife team Ellie Glazer and Ivor Miskulin, who spent three years designing the ideal, stress-free pill storage solution. The silicone lids are super secure, but also designed for gentle and easy opening and closing to account for users with dexterity issues.

    Promising review: "Love this thing!!! I'm only 30 and didn't want an old lady pill box... and this one was modern and cool. The little slots to push in pills is fantastic and the containers are very large. It keeps my huge vitamin pills on either side and could fit over 10 large ones if needed. Love this thing. Worth the price and looks like it'll last forever. I do wish the magnets were stronger. They just keep them in place but will slide off if bumped. I assume this is helpful for people with arthritis. It's an easy fix. I take down one days worth of pills, set it on my counter and now I'm not too lazy to take my pills!" —Chicken McNugget

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99.

    7. A no-scrub weekly shower cleaner you can quite literally "set and forget" to maintain cleanliness over time — once you apply it after a shower, you just have to wait 8 to 12 hours and it'll quietly tackle the soap scum, grime, oils, mold, and mildew stains without any elbow grease from you.

    A dirty shower with a yellow floor
    The shower floor all clean

    Promising review: "I saw this product on TikTok and decided to try it out for myself. The name doesn’t lie — spray it on, shut the bathroom door, and in a few hours, the shower is 100 times cleaner. Usually I’ll let it sit overnight, and by morning, the visible grime on the shower is gone, include soap scum. I’ll usually let the shower water rinse the residue out, and then will take a bucket just to get everything off the shower walls. It is a bit slick if you try to get in the shower without rinsing the residue, but otherwise it’s a worthy cleaning staple in my house." —Tara D. 

    Get it from Amazon for $20.98.

    8. A height-adjustable tray table that's part desk, part meal tray, and alllllll convenience. People who work from home swear by this lightweight option as a "mobile desk" around the house, parents swear by it as a makeshift TV stand when kids are watching shows on laptops or tablets, and its ease as a bedside or couchside table *cannot* be overstated. 

    Small gray tray table with two legs holding a can of coke
    The table in white pulled up over a reviewer's legs

    Table-Mate is a small business that specializes in height-adjustable table trays. 

    Promising review: "This table is exactly what I was looking for to be able use my mouse and keyboard for the computer while working from home. It’s plenty stable and easily moved to the side for storage or when I need to get up from the chair. I also use it as my lunch table and to hold my iPad when not on the computer." —sleuneberg

    Get it from Amazon for $40.14+ (available in four colors). 

    9. A cloud-shaped utility knife you *need* in your life if you're a person who gets a lot of packages — this will save you a whole lot of time and effort (and DESPAIR over your ruined nails) with quick, easy cuts. 

    Model using a purple cloud shaped knife to open a package
    Set of cloud knives in various pastel colors

    Check out a TikTok of the cloud knife in action. 

    Promising review: "I love these — sturdy, sharp with retractable blade. I keep them in different rooms for opening packages or breaking down boxes to recycle. Would recommend and buy again." —Amy Yasneski

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $8.98.   

    10. A reusable microfiber Swiffer mop pad that reviewers love not only because it's ready for action again right after a wash cycle, but because it picks up a *ton* more dirt, gunk, and debris than the disposable mops do. Your kitchen floor is finally gonna shine ✨.

    Turbo Mops is a small business that specializes in eco-friendly cleaning products. 

    Promising review: "If you have a Swiffer Wet Jet and are tired of having to buy those mop pads I would 10000x recommend these. All you do is stick it to the bottom of your mop like you would a mop pad and mop like normal. It stays on great and even picks up crumbs better than the store bought mop pads. Once you’re done you just throw it in the wash and it’s good as new. I’m not sure if you’re supposed to dry them, but I do and they come out just fine! I love these!!" —Kate

    Get a two-pack from Amazon for $8.27 (available in multipacks). 

    Psst — if you don't already have one, you can get a standard Swiffer on Amazon for $18.44

    11. An undetectable mouse jiggler for folks working at home who need to stay "active" on Gchat, Teams, or Slack and sometimes want to dash out to use the bathroom or walk the dog without doing the whole "BRB, BACK IN A BIT!!" song and dance every time they dare to get up from their desk. 

    A mouse on a white oval device that spins it slightly to keep the mouse active
    Reviewer holding up the power button on the device

    Promising review: "Like everyone else, I stumbled upon this product because of a TikTok I saw. Setup was extremely easy and I'm pleased to say that my Teams green light is on all the time now. Workers of the world, unite." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in eight styles). 

    12. A rapid veggie and fish steamer so you can be like, "BOOM. SIDE DISH!" without actually putting in any work beyond pressing a few buttons and waiting five minutes. 

    An oval shaped steamer with fish and veggies in it

    Promising review: "Use this every single day. Bought a second one in fact. It’s amazing. Works perfectly. I mostly use to steam potatoes. I bought a $150 All Clad steamer at the same time but love this even more. The best purchase I’ve made lately by far!" —liz

    Get it from Amazon for $13.49.

    13. A compact silicone toilet brush so well-designed that it's like the toilet brush has finally reached its final Pokemon evolution. The flat silicone head is designed to properly scrub not just the interior of the bowl, but the corners in the outer rims, plus the silicone is *way* more hygienic in the long run because it's easier to sanitize. 

    Reviewer holding a flat silicone head gray toilet brush that fits into a white holder
    The brush in its holder sitting on the floor

    Check out a TikTok of the silicone toilet brush in action.

    Bonus: you can either let it sit in the holder on the floor, or mount the holder on the wall or the side of the toilet!  

    Promising review: "Loved it and bought three of them. The design is very cute, compact, and stylish, adding a touch of elegance to my bathroom. The silicone material makes it easy to clean, and I love that it stays dry clean itself through the vent holes the bottom of the holder. The flexible brush reaches all the nooks and crannies with ease, ensuring thorough cleaning." —Anthony Olsen

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99

    14. A jar of internet-beloved The Pink Stuff, which tackles so many darn things that it'll be the BFF of every room in your house. Need to paint over a stain on the wall? Get it off with The Pink Stuff. Think you need to replace that caked-over grimy pan? Put The Pink Stuff to the test. About to hire cleaners to tackle whatever the heck is going on in your tub? 1-800-The-Pink-Stuff, baby!!

    Reviewer using it to clear up hard water stains in tub
    reviewer image of pink jar of cleaning paste

    A lot of people compare it to the Magic Eraser in paste form, so even your weirdest, most stubborn stains will meet their match.

    Promising review: "The Pink Stuff is definitely worth all the hype it has been receiving. I had seen it in some TikTok compilations and decided to give it a try. The very first thing I cleaned was the inside of my bathtub and wow! It really made my bathtub shine. Before I was using Kaboom, and that didn't clean as well as The Pink Stuff did. I was seriously shocked. The next thing I decided to use it on was some caked on grease on my hood vent. Just like the bathtub I was shocked that it was able to get it all off. I would highly recommend giving The Pink Stuff a try yourself!" —JMURR

    Get it from Amazon for $4.99.

    15. Emergency Stain Rescue Stain Remover, an all-purpose cleaning spray that's really out here doing the *most* — you can use this on carpet, upholstery, or clothes to help banish both new stains and old ones. This stuff can tackle anything from ketchup to blood to paint to coffee to caked-on deodorant stains. 

    reviewer before photo showing a yellow stain on white fabric
    same reviewer's after photo showing the stain gone

    Check out a TikTok of the "Emergency Stain Rescue" in action. 

    The Hate Stains Co. is a small business that specializes in fast, powerful, and nontoxic stain removing products. 

    Promising review: "I've tried Shout wipes, stain removal pens, and all the other tricks in the book. This removes organic stains from sweat better than anything I've tried thus far. I followed the directions, got the fabric wet, sprayed it on, and left it to chill for an hour. When I came back, I was dumbfounded. I can't believe I didn't have this sooner, I'm about to buy a gallon!" —Mark Bogumil

    Get it from Amazon for $7.95 (also available in packs of two or three, and with on-the-go wipes). 

    16. A small compost bin/trash can perfect for small spaces or ambitious cooks — it hooks easily to the inside or outside of a cabinet door for easy access, and the lid is designed so you can either lift the top off, or slide it out to keep it open. 

    small gray trash can installed on the inside of a cabinet
    The white version with the lid moved to expose the top of the trash can

    Promising review: "So I saw this tiny trash can on TikTok, and I was moving into a tiny studio apartment and thought this would be perfect. Turns out it's one of the best things I've ever bought. I installed mine with the over-the-cabinet hooks (also comes with adhesive stickers) on my kitchen island, and it is so convenient I can't even express with words. The lid is on this nifty hinge so you can open it by flipping the lid up, or by sliding it forward and it folds down out of the way.'" —Ginger

    Get it from Amazon for $21.99 (available in three colors). 

    17. An easy-to-use heated beard straightener you simply comb through your beard like a magic wand to groom your beard in a single stroke, no beard oil required. It's made with anti-scalding tech and three different heat levels, so it works with all hair types (and can also double as a hair straightener!). 

    Reviewer with curly beard
    Reviewer with beard straightened by straightener

    It also comes with a wooden comb and a travel bag. 

    Arkam is a small business that specializes in personal care and grooming products. 

    Promising review: "I purchased this item because I have a short/medium beard that’s more often curly than not. Looked at similar items that cost three or four times the price of this one. I have had this comb for a couple of weeks now, and it’s working beautifully. I normally use it to straighten my beard before trimming this making a more even cut. Even if I keep it curly after, the trim just looks better." —Laz

    Get it from Amazon for $23.95 (available in two sets). 

    18. A delightfully colorful poster-sized hanging calendar perfect for anyone who needs to visualize longterm deadlines *and* establish a Rainbow Brite mentality about tackling them. 

    a 12 month undated calendar with each month hanging in a separate page on the wall in a different color of the rainbow

    Poketo is a small business established in 2003 that specializes in design-conscious goods. 

    Promising review: "I received my spectrum wall calendar last week and oh boy, it didn't disappoint! Exactly as pictured! It is hard to find a calendar like this, most out there are dull and small. I have received lots of compliments!" —Tatiana Hall 

    Get it from our Goodful shop for $48

    19. A convertible standing desk riser because you may not be able to control the figurative ups and downs of your work day, but you sure can control the literal ones. This lets you easily swap between sitting and standing positions depending on the flow of your day (read: how many meetings that could have been emails) so you can always be working as efficiently and comfortably as possible. 

    A white two tiered desk riser holding a keyboard on one shelf and a laptop and monitor on the higher one above it
    The same riser holding up a monitor on a desk in black

    Tech Orbits is a small business that specializes in desk converters and office accessories. 

    Promising review: "I've been looking at these for months and finally decided to buy one. Super happy with my purchase. I didn’t want to replace my entire work desk so I opted for this. The entire unit slides up and down easily. Plenty of room around the monitor for speakers, pens, notes, even a fan. easily assembly. Not too heavy. I’ve really enjoyed being able to stand at my desk. I’ve been struggling with lower back pain and standing more seems to be helping. I find myself wanting to stand more often than I thought." —halaly

    Get it from Amazon for $169.99 (clip the $30 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in three colors and six styles). 

    20. An Airplane Pocket tray cover designed to slide seamlessly over an airplane tray to create an instant, deeply convenient hub — this comes with multiple pockets so you can keep track of all your devices, snacks, and other odds and ends without rooting around for them in the gross back pocket or your carry-on the whole flight. Bonus: this bb is an excellent way to prevent touching a germ-y tray, and it's fully machine washable. 

    Model sliding black cover over a tray, which hangs with pockets the model puts a snack, laptop, and other devices into
    Reviewer image of tray with a pocket on it holding all their stuff

    Check out a TikTok of the Airplane Pockets tray table cover in action. 

    Airplane Pockets is a small business that specializes in sanitary, portable travel organization products. 

    Promising review: "I used it last week and it was terrific. It fit everything: magazine, iPad, tissues, gum, glasses, phone, earplugs and water bottle. It stretched easily but tightly over the tray and both the flight attendant and my seat mates complimented me on it. I plan to use it every time I fly. It would be perfect for children, too. Highly recommend it." —Sue G. 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99. 

    21. A 52-week tear-off meal planning pad with space to plan all your meals in advance, plus a weekly shopping list you can grab and take to the store with you.

    Check out a TikTok of the weekly meal planning pad in action. 

    Sweetzer and Orange is a small business specializing in planners, stationery, and educational products. 

    Promising review: "The magnet is great, sticks to fridge very well, does not slide or move. Perfect for planning meals and adding needed grocery items to the right side. Then you just tear off the right side and head to the store. This has made our family meal planning so much easier!" —SandyBeach

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99 (available in two styles). 

    22. A scoop colander, which is basically what happens when a large spoon and a colander have a deeply convenient baby. This is excellent for fishing out everything from pasta to fried food to boiled veggies, making the process quick and easy *without* dirtying up a colander that's going to take up more room than a space ship in your dishwasher. 

    A black scoop with small colander holes in it plucking fried shrimp out of a pot

    Promising review: "I love this scooper! Instead of using the big bowl to drain my pasta, I use this scooper straight from the pot to my baking dish. One less huge bowl to wash. The less mess the better I always say. Less to clean too! Win win!" —Brandi

    Get it from Amazon for $9.95 (available in three colors). 

    23. A dishwasher magnet so nobody ever has to do the awkward guessing game of "what is the current status of this plate I want to eat off of." (Or worse, nobody accidentally puts a bunch of dirty dishes away. 😬)

    A person toggling between
    The magnets
    Sally Elshorafa/BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Promising review: "I bought this because of a TikTok video. Super cool and now nobody has to ask me if the dishes are clean or not." —D. Washington

    Get it from Amazon for $7.99 (available in three styles). 

    24. A plastic bag dispenser to prevent that deeply irritating traffic jam of all the different boxes you squished into your kitchen drawer — now you can consolidate them all in this one nifty gizmo, which you can settle in a drawer or on the counter for easy access. 

    A white dispenser with five slots holding different sizes of bags
    The same dispenser with sticker labels of bag sizes on them

    Check out a TikTok of the plastic bag dispenser in action. Psst — these come with optional sticker labels so you know which size bag you're grabbing! 

    YouCopia is a woman-owned small business that specializes in home storage solutions. 

    Promising review: "I like it very much. Not so large. Lightweight. Would look nice on top of the counter. What I like is that you do not have to wrangle the box into the slots. Simply pick up the roll of bags from their packaging and put them in the designated slot." —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $19.99+ (available in three-, four-, or five-slot models). 

    25. An iced coffee holder so you can carry your favorite cold beverage *and* answer work emails *and* text your friends pictures of cute dogs at the same! time!!! Reviewers also love this for keeping the cold condensation off their hands.

    editor holding an iced coffee in a sleeve with a long handle by the hand
    editor using the handled holder to walk down the street with iced coffee
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed

    VIS Paradise Goods is a Florida-based Etsy stop established in 2021 that specializes in personalized and sustainable goods. 

    Promising review: "This is perfect! I constantly have my hands full and now I can comfortably carry my coffee with me everywhere I go. I will be purchasing more!" —Erin

    Psst — I own one of these myself and love it for the convenience of texting on the go! These even have a holder for a straw if you happen to get iced coffee or bubble tea and don't want to stick the straw into the drink just yet. I've found this to be very sturdy and easy to use, plus they're a fun conversation starter — people always want to know where I got it! 

    Get it from VIS Paradise Goods on Etsy for $11.79+ (originally $14.74; available in 10 colors and 32 optional designs). 

    26. A magnetic microwave cover perfect for anyone whose Panera soup obsession is a little *too* well documented over every surface inside of their microwave. This conveniently sticks to the top of your microwave so you can pop it right off whenever you're looking to tear up some broccoli cheddar on a wild Tuesday night. 

    Check out a TikTok of the microwave cover in action. 

    Promising review: "If you live in a small space like I do, this will seriously change your life. No longer do I have to struggle to find somewhere to put my cover if I'm heating up a cup of coffee. Just attach it to the roof of your microwave. Hopefully, you have a flat surface; check before you buy. There is a slight learning curve as to where to put it or the force or lack thereof needed, but after a couple of times it's second nature. Love, love, love this product. I'm probably going to get some for Christmas presents next year, it's one of those items that you wouldn't necessarily buy for yourself but it will change your life." —Rachel

    Get it from Amazon for $22.95

    27. A SwitchBot Smart Switch Button Pusher to turn virtually *any* device with a press-able "on/off" switch into smart tech in an instant. Once you adjust the device over the button — be it a light switch, a switch to turn on your kettle, or a switch to turn on a fan — you can ask Alexa or Google Home to turn it off or on, or control it via an app on your phone. 

    the white square shaped SwitchBot on a lightswitch, fan, and computer
    The black version on a coffee machine button

    Reviewers love this because it doesn't require you to "smart enable" other parts of your home. It's also a great way to turn on your kettle or coffee brewer from the other room so it's ready for you when you get out of bed! 

    Promising review: "This is exactly what I was looking for and had no idea it existed until I saw someone mention it on TikTok! Our front walkway gets pretty dark at night, and I was frustrated with trying to remember to turn on the light every evening and off every morning. I looked into those light sensors you can plug in, but our front porch light is under an awning with enough shade that it would have kept the light on 24/7. This little Switchbot solved the problem. I applied it to the indoor light switch and set the time on my phone. It has worked perfectly ever since." —Alecia McLochlin

    Get it from Amazon for $29 (available in white and black). 

    28. The "Ono Roller," a compact fidget toy specifically designed for adults that helps to encourage focus and relieve stress and anxiety with its frictionless, noiseless rolling. It's a bit more expensive than competitors, but reviewers love the satisfaction of the rolling feeling and attest to how ridiculously durable it is against even the most frequent of fidgeting. 

    Model demonstrating how the two cylinder stainless steel roller can be fidgeted with one hand or two
    Reviewer holding the black version of it in their palm

    Ono is a small business specializing in compact, work-friendly fidgets for focus and stress relief. 

    Promising review: "I have had ADHD since I was a small child, and this is the only thing I've ever found that helps me focus. It's quiet, durable, and keeps my mind occupied so I can focus (ADHD people will understand what I mean by that). A bit pricey, but worth every penny in my opinion!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $34.99 (available in eight colors and in a junior size for kids and people with smaller hands). 

    29. Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp because honestly? Cleaning the toilet every week is a scam. Let this do the job for you (and prevent grime build up and toilet rings while it's at it!). 

    Gif of a hand stamping the gel in a toilet, the toilet flushing, and arrows showing how the gel is able to clean the bowl
    The stamp in its packaging
    Scrubbing Bubbles / https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ie8Pubca84E, www.amazon.com

    Check out a TikTok of the Scrubbing Bubbles toilet cleaning stamp to see it in action! 

    Promising review: "I was sooo skeptical and confused about how they’d work but the gel solidifies and with every flush, suds wash through with the water and it really makes a fresh difference. Also the scent is light but really nice and fresh! I recommend these 100%! They’re super interesting but they do the job." —Janet

    Get it from Amazon for $4.74

    30. A set of disposable air fryer liners if your thoughts on cleaning the air fryer can be summed up in two words: "No thanks!!" With these handy liners you can heat up your greasiest leftovers, cook your messiest meat and veggie dishes, and get absolutely lawless with TikTok dessert recipes with *zero* scrubbing and cleanup at the end. 

    An air fryer open to show cooked food inside of a liner
    Reviewer plucking the liner and the mess out of the air fryer

    Promising review: "Love these liners I saw on TikTok! What a time saver!" —Angie

    "I was skeptical but I was also tired of cleaning my air fryer of crumbs all the time. I have a PowerXl air fryer and one of these fits perfectly in there. I can do French fries or any other fried food and discard the liner and the fryer is still nice and clean. I use two when I do juicy items, hot dogs, chicken breast, sausage and when I'm done I take out the meat and lift out the liners and all the gross juice comes out with it leaving the fryer ready to clean in the sink with hot water, no gross juice to pour out or get in the sink. I highly recommend." —Kevin M. Harer

    Get a set of 125 from Amazon for $13.99 (available in multiple sizes and shapes for square and round air fryers). 

    31. A 3-in-1 foldable magnetic wireless charger you'll honestly be mad you didn't know about before now?? It folds out from a small square into a rectangular charging pad with a spot for your iPhone, AirPods, *and* Apple Watch to charge all at the same time. A lot of travelers swear by it because it saves soooo much space in their luggage. 

    The white charger pad laid out to charge a phone, watch, and AirPods
    Reviewer pulling out the black version from its compact size all the way out to the three-part mat

    Check out a TikTok of the foldable 3-in-1 charger in action. 

    Promising review: "I use this product to charge my iPhone 13, AirPods, and Apple Watch. Prior to this 3-in-1 compact purchase, I have purchased three different kinds of 3-in-1 chargers. I frequently travel between school and home with carry-on bags on airlines and all of the previous stand version chargers doesn't fit well in my bags or I am always worried I would break. This is compact and folds so well that I can fit in my carry-on or in any zipper pockets without having to worry about breaking anything. Charger works really well and it is the best compact one you can find in market. Love it and been using it for two months now and no issues!!" —SBREDDY

    Get it from Amazon for $33.99 (available in nine colors). 

    32. A ridiculously beloved, Shark Tank-featured Click & Carry Grocery Bag Carrier to help you lift bulky, heavy bags while you're traveling so easily you'll put Superman out of business. With this gizmo you can hook your bags to it and lift up to 80 pounds while comfortably resting the carrier on your shoulder instead of letting all the straps cut into your palms. 

    A model with a purple handle clinging to two heavy bags
    Reviewer using a pink handle to lift a bunch of grocery bags of a car

    Click & Carry is a Shark Tank and QVC-featured small business that specializes in easy carry accessories. 

    Promising review: "TikTok made me buy it. This is great when you have a few bags and a box — for example, if you balance the bags, you can throw it over your shoulder and walk inside and have two free hands to carry the box, which is great. Product seems well built, and is comfortable on your shoulder or hand because of the padding." —Hung

    Get it from Amazon for $13.99 (available in seven colors). 

    33. An attachable elastic laptop accessory belt you'll especially love if you work remotely or freelance — instead of rooting around your bag to find all your supplies every time you post up somewhere, you'll have them sitting pretty on top of your laptop. Truly nothing like a "look, I have my life together" flex at Starbucks on a Tuesday morning. 

    A pink elastic belt around a laptop holding a phone, a charger, and cords
    Model carrying a laptop with the belt on it, holding things in place

    Beblau is an Italy-based, family-owned small business specializing in products for digital nomads. 

    Check out a TikTok of the laptop belt in action. 

    Promising review: "This product is a lifesaver for a teacher on the go. I use it for my iPad Pro and my school issued laptop. I no longer drop things as I move place to place! Just the basics will fit, pen, cards, small writing tablet." —Elementary Techy Teacher 

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in four colors). 

    34. A set of Wonder Hangers designed to take advantage of all that unused vertical space in your closet and save up to three times the storage space. Even better — these come fully assembled, so no extra work on your end! Oops, on my way to buy more cute tops I don't need now that there's room for them 👀 . 

    Product in use in closet
    Product in use in closet

    Check out a TikTok of the Wonder Hangers in action. 

    Promising review: "These are so clever and versatile! I live in an old house with tiny closets so I have to get creative. These are great because they can be used hanging horizontally or vertically. I also found they work great for hanging camisoles and tank tops. I can see what I have and take just the one I need!" —Therese Van Heuveln

    Get a 10-pack from Amazon for $13.99 (available in three colors and four pack sizes).

    35. "The Clean Ball," which is a nifty little gizmo you can stick in your purse or bag to pick up all the crumbs and debris that settle down there — now it'll be clean as a whistle whenever you go rooting through it, and you won't have to get all the "ick!!" on your belongings. 

    A small pink ball with holes at the bottom of a purse

    Promising review: "This little ball is genius!! Rolls around in my purse, which I live out of. It picks up a lot of lint, debris, or even crumbs. Easy to find with the bright pink. Just remove and wash and it’s ready to go again. The price was great and something I can use for years. If you live out of your purse this a must-have!!" —dj3biggs

    Get it from Amazon for $11.99 (available in two colors). 

    36. A reviewer-beloved travel and commuter laptop backpack worth every darn penny — it's fully waterproof to protect all your tech, and its main compartment includes a padded laptop compartment, an open pocket, two side pockets for umbrellas and a water bottle, and three extra zippered pockets. The front pocket also comes with spots for your phone, wallet, and keys, and there's a space for a USB port.

    Reviewer wearing a grey zippered backpack
    Reviewer image of interior of backpack showing pockets

    A lot of nurses, teachers, and parents also swear by this backpack, since it's so well-organized, durable, and comfy!

    Promising review: "Love how well made this is. I’ve spilled things on it many times and it is easy to clean off. All the pockets are amazing. Fits everything I need for work — laptop, small keyboard, headphones, charging cord, etc. very comfortable even though I have it fully stuffed." —Denise Wells

    Get it from Amazon for $29.99 (available in 12 colors).

    All of your devices before you invest in a portable 3-in-1 charger: