We hope you love our recommendations! Some may have been sent as samples, but all were independently selected by our editors. Just FYI, BuzzFeed and its publishing partners may collect a share of sales and/or other compensation from the links on this page.

    34 Cheap, Silly Products To Make You Feel Like A Kid Again

    Time to use all that adult money of yours to buy glowing lightsaber chopsticks and a tortilla blanket and live your 10-year-old self's best life.

    1. A set of Globbles, which are about to be your new favorite stress-relieving fidget toy. These colorful balls are squishy, stretchy, and stick to pretty much any flat surface you throw them at *without* leaving any messy residue. TikTokers are having a blast tossing these at walls and ceilings to see the satisfying way they glom onto them. 

    Reviewer holding six squishy balls in different rainbow colors in their hand
    reviewer throwing them all the wall where they stick

    Check out a TikTok of the Globbles in action. 

    Promising review: "Bought a six-pack for my neurodivergent family. We are all either ADHD or autistic. I struggle with compulsive hair pulling and bought these to help keep my hands busy. They are the perfect size, more satisfying than a stress ball, clean easily, fun to hurl at the wall or ceiling, and so far have lasted very well. I did test the durability of one and did break one when I pulled it as hard as I could. The inside looks something like shaving cream and didn’t smell or anything. But if you have a kid who is an aggressive chewer, perhaps keep an eye on them." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $9.99

    2. A wireless, Bluetooth-enabled karaoke mic you can sync with preeeeetty much anything, including speakers, players, or singing apps on your phone. Now you can live out your Ariana Grande fan fiction in the comfort of your own home.

    Promising review: "You don't understand TikTok made me obsess over this microphone. As a 30+ year old woman, I resisted purchasing it. I finally broke down and bought it because it was haunting me in my sleep. I'm so glad I did. When I am in a bad mood I start karaoke in my house and am instantly better. It has 'ruined' my teenage son's life because my performances can be heard through his Xbox microphone. This is a must have product." —Zane A. Undercoffer

    Get it from Amazon for $26.99 (clip the $3 off coupon on the product page for this price; available in 11 colors).

    3. A pair of glowing lightsaber chopsticks to bring balance to The Force *and* to your sushi. 

    BuzzFeed editor using the glowing, blue chopsticks to eat sushi
    Two sets of glowing lightsaber chopsticks in blue and red
    Emma Lord / BuzzFeed, Amazon

    Check out a TikTok of the lightsaber chopsticks in action. 

    As you can see from the above GIF, I bought these for myself, and I love them to pieces. TBH, I use them as decor every bit as much as I use them to eat. Sometimes I just keep them in my work area to light them up during the day to feel fancy. They toggle back and forth between a bunch of different colors, like red, blue, yellow, purple, and multicolor, so you can either make them match *or* have a red and blue one together and bring ~balance~ to the Force.

    Promising review: "The chopsticks are very durable, and the glow is bright. They're a bit bigger that I expected — but very pleased nonetheless with the product because it serves the purpose and is entertaining for kids, right up to adult Star Wars nerds. It also made the perfect gift for my fellow Star Wars nerds. I've been too busy playing with them rather than using them to eat food — but hopefully that will eventually happen before the batteries need changing." —Anthony

    Get it from Amazon for $11.97.

    4. A ridiculously popular "cat dancer" toy so both you and your furry friend can shake off the stress of the day by chasing after it — and, of course, chronicling the absurd shenanigans for Instagram.

    A cat reacting to a toy on a string
    Another cat reacting to it

    In fact, if you are looking for an immediate LOL, please head straight to the review images of this little gizmo — pages and pages of kitty cats having the time of their little lives. It is goodness and absurdity and light.

    Promising review: "I have a whole room filled with cat toys that my cat is not interested in. It's funny how the least expensive cat toy I have makes him go crazy. He plays with this until he's panting like a dog and I have never seen him jump so high. I'm certain this toy will help him lose his belly. He loves it! I highly recommend it!" —Kwoo

    Get it from Amazon for $3.53.

    5. A pet cloud because honestly ... some of us were *not* cut out for plant parenthood 💀 . This lil' bub does require "a lot of love and attention," plus a 30-minute walk and a steady diet of "tears of joy," but one look at that precious face and you'll be able to swing it. 

    A fluff ball with google eyes in a box that says pet cloud, plus instructions to take care of it
    Party People/Etsy

    Party People is a UK-based Etsy shop established in 2018 that specializes in fun gag gifts and party supplies. 

    Promising review: "This pet cloud is so full of life and energy! As soon as I opened the box he jumped out and gave me a big hug! Might’ve been high IDK." —Owen

    Get it from Party People on Etsy for $6.52 (available with or without a gift bag). 

    6. A set of "robot goldfish" that aren't really goldfish, but sure as heck act like them. These mesmerizing little swimmers are all the joy of fish parenthood without any of the responsibility of cleaning their tanks or rescuing them from dentist's offices on long ocean-wide journeys. 

    Robot goldfish
    A blue goldfish and an orange goldfish in separate packages

    Promising review: "I got these based on an Instagram reel and they were completely worth it. They swim so realistically and my kids (and cats) love them! They make bath time so fun and I’ll definitely be ordering more." —savannah

    Get a set of two from Amazon for $14.50+ (available in six color combos and three styles). 

    7. A cult-favorite ~secret~ popcorn salt anyone in the movie theater industry will tell you is a perfect copycat of that oh-so-savory buttery goodness you love to inhale before the previews begin. Not to be dramatic about popcorn on main, but this stuff is game changing.

    A carton of Flavacol salt
    Reviewer image of buttery popcorn
    Emma Lord/BuzzFeed, www.amazon.com

    Our family recently unearthed this because beloved To All The Boys I've Loved Before author Jenny Han mentioned that it was her secret to delicious popcorn, and it may have just wrecked me for other at-home popcorn for the rest of my life. It genuinely tastes just as salty and buttery and savory as fresh movie theater popcorn. I inhaled it so fast that every single one of my organs lit up in mild alarm.

    Promising review: "I am a person who will make myself sick eating buckets of popcorn (I have no self control). This has by far been my favorite 'TikTok made me buy' item. My at-home popcorn is now my favorite thing to make and I don't need to go the theater for popcorn. Very much worth the purchase and this will last me such a long time." —S Martinez

    Get it from Amazon for $9.60 (available in two other flavors).

    8. How to Be More Shrek: An Ogre's Guide to Life, because respectfully, "Live, Laugh, Love" is not gonna cover whatever the heck is going on in this era of human existence so it's time to call in the big green guns for life advice. 

    The cover of the book with Shrek and Donkey on it
    Clarkson Potter

    Get it from Amazon for $11.69 or Bookshop (to support local bookstores) for $12.08

    9. A Silly Poopy's Hide & Seek game, aka any parents' dream — this gizmo keeps kids entertained for hours of fun hiding it all over the house, where it makes little noises to give clues about where to find it. It's basically all the joy of playing hide and seek, except it's the *toy* hiding, not the humans. 

    reviewer holding the rainbow poop toy
    A GIF of the multi-colored plastic Silly Poopy lighting up
    www.amazon.com, John Mihaly / BuzzFeed

    Check out a TikTok of the Silly Poopy in action. 

    Promising review: "Let me tell you that if you want hours of endless fun of hide and go seek without having to hide yourself, this is a must get! When it's hidden it makes various toot noises and says stuff so the kids know if they are close. And when they find it and press the button to do and sing the silly poopy dance ... even you will dance and sing along!!! Doesn't need batteries and come on, it's poop? Who doesn't think poop and toot noises are funny and if they don't they are lying to themselves. A must-have for fun with your kids without barely doing any work!!" —andrea kelli gorman

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    10. A mini inflatable tube guy for your desk to cheer you on (or remind you to take a lil' dance break whenever you overwork yourself).

    Promising review: "OMG! I love this guy! These things large and small will ALWAYS make me laugh. My husband bought the desk version for me and I can always count on it to make me laugh. My co-workers love it too. People just stop by to turn him on for a quick pick-me-up. I would recommend getting the AC plug since batteries can run down fast. I think we should create a community of fellow air-dancer-havers and post clips of our little guys dancing to our favorite songs. Anyone in?" —Mark

    Get it from Amazon for $9.58.

    11. A lil' reversible octopus plush that is, literally and figuratively, a Mood — you can prop this on your desk or somewhere in your home just to let everyone know how you're vibin' (or even just to check in with yourself ❤️).

    Smiling blue octopus plushie
    Angry green octopus plushie turned inside out

    Also, these come in a TON of different colors and emotions (from angry to sad to, uh, murderous??), so you're guaranteed to find one to express yourself.

    Promising review: "I saw this on TikTok like everyone else but I quickly realized, when I got one, how helpful this is to my family. Now they don't have to guess when they shouldn't bother me, they'll just KNOW. It's saving lives and it's adorable. The perfect thing. :)" —MCalms

    Get it from Amazon for $15 (available in 22 styles).

    12. A retro-inspired mini playable arcade game perfect for anyone who was ever like "Should I recklessly purchase a pinball machine for the apartment??" and then remembered the time-space-money continuum. Enter this affordable, nostalgic, and delightfully teensy throwback you can play with instead. 

    My Arcade is a California-based small business that specializes in retro gaming products for the modern age. 

    Promising review: "This is a GREAT toy. I am 61-years-old and played some of these games in the arcade when I was growing up. So far the toy has worked flawlessly and is holding up well. There are A LOT of games, some of which I would not play, but there are many that make this toy too fun to put down. Well worth the money. I had purchased one for my nephews for Christmas, but decided it looked like so much fun that I bought one for myself. The best thing is you do not have to put in quarters, like I had to do at the arcades!" —inSC

    Get it from Amazon for $25.99

    13. A 5-pound bucket of Crayola Air Dry Clay to let you finally follow your inner pottery dreams without all the mess and effort of taking classes. After you pull the clay out to shape it, it'll harden on its own — no oven or any effort required! From there you can leave it as is or paint over it for a fun vibe. 

    The bucket of white clay
    Molds of dinosaur bones made out of the clay

    Psst — a lot of reviewers use silicone or plastic molds to get specific shapes! 

    Promising review: "It’s honestly just a really nice material to work with! If you want to create things with clay, this is definitely a good choice! It’s definitely not for professional use, but i feel like that’s a given? I mean, it is Crayola. But all in all, great for those who want to use it for fun!" —Amazon Customer

    Get it from Amazon for $10.62

    14. A truly iconic tortilla blanket so that everyone in your household can achieve the greatest aspiration of them all: becoming a human burrito.

    A model sleeping in a blanket that looks like a tortilla wrap
    Two kids under the blanket reading

    Promising review: "My son (7) loves tacos and I wanted to get him something to soften the quarantine blow and THIS WAS IT! He has had the blanket (so soft!) around him for the past three weeks, pretty much nonstop. Thank you to the makers for letting my son 'become a burrito!'" —VA Resident

    Get it from Amazon for $24.99 (available in seven styles, including waffles and pizza).

    15. A set of moisturizing animal-themed sheet masks that are pretty much mandatory for your next sleepover or at-home spa day with friends, I don't make the rules!! Except I will fight you for the mermaid one. 

    Promising review: "Bought as a gift for my mom to take to her girls' weekend trip earlier this year. They were such a hit! I will treasure the picture of six 60-year old women in animal face masks for a long time." —M Kim

    Get a set of six from Amazon for $13.75 (available in 14 packs). 

    16. A friendship bracelet making kit so you can live your best Babysitter's Club life and start sending them in personalized colors to everyone you know.

    Each set comes with the holder mount and 20 pre-cut threads in 10 colors as well as access to an online instruction manual for all kinds of different designs.

    Promising review: "I bought this for my daughter for a craft night. I made friendship bracelets when I was a kid but could not remember how to make them. This helped so much! I had to buy another one for me so we can work on them at the same time. Love this product!" —hollyhock

    Get it from Amazon for $22.99 (available in six colors). 

    17. A set of iridescent mermaid makeup brushes because you are a MAGICAL BEING and your morning routine should reflect as such!! Reviewers love these not only for the aesthetic, but because the bristles are both dense and super soft, making makeup application easy peasy. 

    Promising review: "Not only are these really pretty to use and fun, but they work very well and they are very soft. I like that the bristles are packed tightly so there’s no gaping. Very user-friendly and easy to use — the brushes do what they are designed to do. They blend, they pick up product. I love them. I’m very happy with them!" —Makeupby_laurenjade

    Get a set of ten from Amazon for $7.99.

    18. A bottle of pet-friendly flavored bubbles so you and your furriest friend can have a romp of a good time in the backyard chasing and chomping them. 

    dog looks at bubble wand

    Sniffingtons is a South Carolina-based Etsy shop that specializes in enriching products for dogs and cats. 

    Promising review: "My pup, Toby, is a 2 1/2-year-old cavalier who loves bubbles. After catching them, he’d often give us an 'ewww' look, as they tasted like soap. Until these. He LOVES these bubbles and seems to love the taste of them, too! I will gladly buy these again and continue letting him feed his bubble-obsession in a tasty way! In addition, when I needed help with my order, Ash was so kind and gave me the help I needed! Highly recommend this shop!" —Elizabeth 

    Get it from Sniffingtons on Etsy for $8.50 (available in 11 scents). 

    19. An adorable little puppy doorstop that is just so! excited! that you're home!!! the same way your actual doggo is when you walk through the door. Good luck handling all this free serotonin. 

    line of dog shaped doorstops

    Promising review: "This has been in use at our house for about a year now. VERY VERY sturdy. We are truly impressed. Thought we would get maybe six months before it cracked. NOPE. Still looks new." —TJ Dukie

    Get it from Amazon for $8.99+ (available in four breeds). 

    20. A paint-by-sticker set made up of vintage travel posters you can hang up on your walls when you're finished, essentially letting you travel the world without getting up from ye olde couch.

    The cover of the sticker book
    A travel poster for Japan
    Workman Publishing

    Each comes with 12 posters and the stickers to complete them, including iconic travel posters from gondolas in Venice to the pyramids in Cairo.

    Get it from Amazon for $11.87 or Bookshop (to support local bookstores) for $13.90.

    21. A cow-themed cheese holder that is, in fact, a Big Moooooooood. Not only is this an adorable and handy way to store your cheese slices, but tons of parents say it's been a real hit with the kiddos! 

    A squared shaped closed small storage box shaped like a cow
    The lid flipped open to find cheese inside

    Each container holds 24 slices of cheese. 

    Promising review: "I had an old Kraft cheese container from decades ago that finally broke and I didn't think I would be able to find a replacement, but this is even better! My kids named it Daisy immediately. It is cute to have in the fridge or even bring out to the dinner table. Great quality and should last a long time." —Karen

    Get it from Amazon for $10.99.

    22. Taco Cat Goat Cheese Pizza, a DEEPLY beloved, fast-paced card game suitable for kids and adults that will have everyone in fits of high stake giggles in no time. Bonus: each game only lasts 10-15 minutes, so you can go one or a few rounds depending on how much time you've got together.  

    The card game in a small card box

    Dolphin Hat Games is a small business that specializes in family-friendly card games. 

    Okay, so the rules: you divvy up all the cards equally, and then all the players take turns putting down cards that have different illustrations on them, saying "taco," "cat," "goat," "cheese," and "pizza" in order. If the card put on the table matches the word that's being said in that moment, whoever slaps a hand down on the card first gets all the cards under it. You keep playing until someone comes in possession of all the cards (or until you all start craving tacos and pizza so much you drive yourselves to the nearest combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell). 

    Promising review: "This game is hysterical! I played with my 7-year-old daughter and my 70-year-old father and we all enjoyed it. I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!" —bobkopolow

    Get it from Amazon for $9.84

    23. A pack of mini rainbow scratch art notes that will transport you back to your youth so fast that you will suddenly have a craving for Goldfish crackers and apple juice so aggressive it CANNOT BE IGNORED.

    A set of black cards with rainbow words scratched into them
    Reviewer image of scratch off designs

    Promising review: "I love this little scratch art pad. Sometimes I just need a break and a little distraction to let my brain breathe so I pull this out and make all sorts of designs. You do get a little of a mess by scratching the black off but I usually have a big mess cause I end up scratching the whole thing off. Can't help it. Kid at heart I guess." —Jane

    Get a pack of 125 notes from Amazon for $8.60.

    24. A lightweight, super family-friendly flying disc perfect for backyard, park, and vacation fun — this flies straight so you don't need as much skill maneuvering it as with a Frisbee, and is designed not to hurt when it inevitably bops someone straight in the noggin. 

    Reviewers throwing flying disc at the beach
    A red and blue pair of round discs propped on a dock

    Promising review: "I use to play Ultimate Frisbee in college and it took me a lot of practice to get my throws down. Wanting to teach my kiddos how to throw, I researched and ended up buying these. I REALLY like them! I bought one set of two. And want to buy more. They are super easy for beginners to learn on and almost always fly true. They also don’t hurt when they hit you and my kids can catch them. Win. Win. Great colors and design! And they can skip a little bit. 🥏💗" —asnowmomma

    Get a pack of two from Amazon for $14.99 (available in nine colors). 

    25. A set of mismatched silicone cupcake baking cups because the only thing better than cupcakes is obviously cupcakes in ridiculously fun shapes. This set of 36 reusable cups comes in nine shapes including stars, hearts, sunflowers, and roses ⭐️ ❤️ 🌻 🌹.  

    Colorful molds in bright colors and different shapes
    The cupcake molds with batter in them inside an air fryer

    Psst — people also love these for soap and bath bomb molds! 

    Promising review: "These are amazing!! I just started using my air fryer again and needed something to bake my muffins/cupcakes in. I bought these not knowing what to expect for the price. I was beyond impressed!! They are absolutely wonderful. I made muffins and it was a breeze. The muffins popped right out. Clean up is a breeze. I use warm water and a new toothbrush to clean it because of ridges. I am upset with one thing — I should have bought two sets, I love them so much!!!" —swyatt

    Get a set of 36 from Amazon for $13.99 (available in two color schemes). 

    26. A set of washable paints for all of the fun of a good colorful mess with none of the consequences — these paints come right off skin and machine washable clothing, no muss or fuss. Reviewers swear by them for decorating everything from posters to ornaments to good old-fashioned fingerpainting. 

    A paint set with small containers of red, green, orange, purple, yellow, and blue
    A painted impression of a baby's feet

    Psst — a lot of parents use this to get painted impressions of babies' hands and feet, since it's so easy to wash off! 

    Promising review: "This paint is great because I can let my kids really express themselves artistically because I know it will all wash off clothes and surfaces. I highly recommend for parents, teachers, babysitters, or anyone else looking for a good, but washable paint." —Brittany

    Get a pack of six from Amazon for $5.39

    27. A set of Starface hydrocolloid pimple patches, which unlike their ~invisible~ competing patches, are meant to be loud and proud accessories for your face. Basically acne, but make it fashion. Plus you still get all the relief of these lil' patches sucking the gunk out of acne and helping them heal faster and more effectively. 

    Yellow star shaped patches in a small container
    A yellow star shaped pimple patch on a model's nose

    Starface World is a small business that specializes in cruelty-free skincare products. 

    Promising review: "I wouldn’t recommend anything else but these. My pimples always go down without scarring when I wear stars. There’s a cute little mirror in it and there’s so many stars that it will last you a long time." —Jess

    Get a set of 32 from Amazon for $14.97+ (available in six styles). 

    28. A pack of a bajillion (okay, 72) mini squish toys designed to look like all kinds of critters, real and imagined. These make excellent fidgets for adults or little rewards for kids, or honestly just decorations for your desk. Who needs coworkers when you've got 72 of these cute little dudes rooting for you?? 

    individually wrapped silicone squish toys in a box
    The mini toys all unwrapped and laid out on a table in various colors and shapes

    A lot of parents and teachers swear by these as treat alternatives for bringing food into classrooms with allergy concerns! 

    Promising review: "These Squishies are quite the hit these days. Love that there are so many, lots of variety, and individually wrapped. Did you know they stick to walls and windows? Fun for all ages." —Amazon Customer

    Get a set of 72 from Amazon for $16.99

    29. A mess-free microwave s'mores maker engineered with a well of water that ensures the marshmallow and chocolate melt at the same time (and don't overflow!), giving you ooey gooey perfection that will make your tastebuds weep. 

    Promising review: "This is a very cute gadget. I saw this on a TikTok and fell for it lol. I'm glad I did. My kids and I have so much fun making instant s'mores. They're done in about 30–40 seconds with literally no clean up. The marshmallow doesn't melt over so you basically can just run hot water over it to remove a few crumbs from crackers and be done." —Shawna G.

    Get it from Amazon for $12.99.

    30. A set of snail tea bag holders to keep your floral tea from pulling a disappearing act *and* giving you a built-in breakfast buddy to talk to about that weird dream you had last night. 

    reviewer photo of the blue snail holding a tea bag on the rim of a mug
    snails of different colors lined up on the rim of a mug

    Check out a TikTok of the snail teabag holder in action.

    Promising review: "Love these fun little quirky tea slugs. They work on all shapes and sizes of mugs and have brought a smile to all who either used them or were the lucky recipients of their own batch of tea slugs from me. They clean up well with just a quick rinse under the sink and are even fun to use on wine or cocktail glasses to help guests track their drink." —NC

    Get a pack of 10 from Amazon for $6.48.

    31. A cubic zirconia fidget spinner ring so you can be like, "Soothing distraction, but make it fashion." 

    the large stoned ring
    gif of someone spinning the stone on the ring

    Promising review: "I LOVE these rings. They're gorgeous, they sparkle beautifully in the sunlight, they fit well, and the spinning is so satisfying. It spins very smoothly and can go on for quite a while. I've been wearing the silver one daily for almost two months, and there's no sign of fading either on the metal or in the rhinestones. It looks as new as the day I bought it. I used to carry a fidget cube around, but this is much more discreet, prettier, and since I can just wear it all day I'm never stuck without something to play with. I highly recommend!" —Michelle

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in 10 colors).

    32. A pack of "Miracle Berry" tablets to go on a wild adventure with your taste buds — these temporarily make sour flavors (think: lemon, grapefruit) taste sweet, and make the flavors of your food *pop* in general. (A lot of reviewers with a dulled sense of taste from conditions also swear by these as flavor enhancers!) 

    The flavor enhancement is most noticeable on sharper and vinegar-based foods, like tomato sauces, dressings, and cheddar cheeses. The effects last up to an hour, and also increase saliva production for easier swallowing. 

    Promising review: "Don't hesitate to buy. I saw these on TikTok and wanted to try them. They’re awesome and make everything taste sweet." —Amazon Customer

    Get a 12-pack from Amazon for $15.99

    33. A cloud-shaped magnetic key holder for an absurdly cute storage option for keys that will prettttyyy much guarantee you never lose them again. 

    Promising review: "So, yes, TikTok made me buy this, but so far I really like it. It's obviously very adorable and offers a charming spot to keep my keys that works with my entryway. I'm really surprised by how strong the hold is for such a small object — I carry my car fob and a few keys and so far it's holding strong. I hung it with Command strips to avoid any potential damage to the wall and I will say make sure it's level as the hold is not so good on an angle (but that was from the original in-hand testing). Definitely recommend and for the price, I'm very tempted to get one for my at-work office." —D. Carter 

    Get it from Amazon for $6.98

    34. A teensy mini waffle maker to churn out adorably sized, perfectly cooked-through waffles in mere minutes. Psst — if you're waffling on the waffles, you can also use it for hash browns, paninis, biscuits, and even (gasp) PIZZA. If you can dream it, you can mini waffle it.

    Promising review: "At first, I laughed and thought it was too small to really do anything. I was so wrong — it's an amazing little waffle maker!! Can cook almost anything on it! I have cooked eggs, waffles, and French toast." —S PETERSON

    Get it from Amazon for $9.99+ (available in 20 colors).

    Reviews have been edited for length and/or clarity.