This Tiktok Christmas Tree Hack Is Going Viral – I Tried It Out And Here's What Happened

    Turn your Christmas tree into a GLOWING TOWER OF WONDER.

    While scrolling on TikTok, this Christmas tree light hack popped up that showed how to get an extra bright effect:


    Get those lights right up the trunk and watch your tree glow 🎄 I used 3 x 2000 cluster lights #christmas #christmastree #christmashack #lifehack

    ♬ original sound - Kelly Fitzsimons
    My Christmas tree decorating skills are average at best, so this spoke to me. If I can't wow my guests with my taste in ornaments I'll just BLIND THEM.

    People in the comments were deeply impressed by the effect in the video but a bit worried about not having the patience for it. But luckily I, a person with no patience, am here to test it out for you!

    Last year we didn't even have a tree because I couldn't be bothered to get one. That's the level I'm at.

    Here is my bare, slightly wonky tree that I got from a market near our house. He's a chonky boy, especially at the base, and I love him.

    a large, undecotrated christmas tree

    For the hack, you need at least two sets of lights. In the original video, the TikToker (Kelly Fitzsimons) has THREE sets of lights that each have TWO THOUSAND lights. My sets are from Argos and have 400 lights.

    emma holding  box of 400 multicoloured LED string lights

    Step one: untangle your lights. AKA, my first hurdle.

    It took me a solid fifteen minutes to untangle my lights, which is fifteen minutes longer than I would usually be prepared to spend untangling anything.

    a large string of lit christmas lights laid out on the floor

    Step two: put one set of lights around the trunk of the tree.

    emma bending over the trunk of the tree, holding the lights

    You do have to really get *up close and personal* with the tree to push the lights towards the trunk, which got quite annoying. There's only so many pine needles in the face I can tolerate.

    This was definitely the most time-consuming and faff-y part of this hack.

    Once the column of lights were in, I started to get really excited because it was looking good. I was hot and mussed up and had pine needles in my hair, but the promise of a dazzlingly lit tree had gripped me.

    a christmas tree with lights in just the centre of the tree

    Step three: take your second string of lights and put it on top of the branches in a zigzag formation.

    In the original video, Kelly does zigzags on each individual branch but I very quickly switched to an extremely loose interpretation of this. Even though I am now a goblin for Christmas lights, I'm still lazy.

    close up of the lit tree

    Here's the finished result! I won't lie, I love it so much.

    a brightly lit Christmas tree

    Here it is with decorations. I think it looks like a GALAXY tree.

    a wider shot of the tree in the living room

    You can also get some really cool effects by playing with the settings, as you can put different colours and speeds on each string of lights.

    I also think it makes up a lot for my partner and I's very motley collection of baubles we've amassed from various gift shops. And that we don't have a star or fairy on top of the tree.

    Final thoughts: