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    8 Ways BuzzFeed Is Changing Literacy As We Know It (As Told By The Office)

    Reading is about to get way more fun people.

    1. The listicle makes everything like 23819495 times easier to understand

    2. Visuals + short articles means everyone gets to be a reader

    3. Speaking of visuals, they introduced you to more books, movies, tv shows, etc. that you might not have known about otherwise.

    4. You don't need a damn English degree to understand what's happening in the world.

    5. And while we're redefining literacy, let's get one thing straight...

    6. Not to mention, all these diverse, niche listicles help widen our perspective of the world.

    7. Listicles help us connect with each other through common interests like social media and puppies...lots of puppies.

    8. In short, Buzzfeed is totally changing the game for future generations.