27 Moments In "Homeland" Season 3 That Made You Scream

    Say what you will about this season, it undoubtably elicited a wide range of emotions from viewers. Anger, frustration, confusion, sadness and sheer terror, to name a few. WARNING: MAJOR SPOILERS AHEAD.

    1. Quinn, in Caracas to execute one of the men responsible for the Langley bombing, accidentally kills a child.

    2. On live television, Saul rats out Carrie to the senate committee as being bipolar and sleeping with Brody.

    3. Saul is a huge jerk to Fara about her decision to wear a hijab to work.

    4. Carrie tries to get a reporter to write her side of the story after Saul's confession.

    5. Carrie is thrown into a psych ward on orders from the CIA.

    6. Episode 3 is so gruesome, you're basically oscillating between screaming and hiding your eyes.

    This entire episode makes you feel somewhat sorry for the "most dangerous" (???) man in the world.

    7. Carrie shows up at Saul's house.

    8. Carrie performs the "yoga play" to help find Dana.

    9. Senator Lockhart tells Saul he's going to be the new CIA director in a bird hyde.

    10. Carrie explains to Javadi that they're blackmailing him.

    And you're like: "Wait, what? Explain that again." No, really. Explain it again.

    11. Carrie takes a pregnancy test and adds it to the dozens she's hiding in her drawer.

    What in the world?

    12. Javadi kills his daughter-in-law and ex-wife with his grandson in the room.

    13. Quinn shoots Carrie to stop her from going after the Langley bomber and ruining the operation.

    14. Saul shows up in Caracas with a bag of $10 million and one guard to pick up a strung out, half-dead Brody.

    Wouldn't the director of the CIA send someone to do this for him?

    15. Brody detoxes.

    Watching Brody physically detox and then mentally detox is just plain disturbing.

    16. Carrie takes Brody off the base to see Dana, who is now working as a maid at a motel.

    17. At the Iraq/Iran border, Brody and his team of Marines get stopped and questioned by Iraqi police.

    18. Brody refuses to abort the mission and tries to make a run for the Iran border.

    19. Javadi comes to the holding cell to take Brody to Tehran.

    20. After a failed attempt to assassinate General Akbari, Brody aligns with the Iranian government and goes on television to publicly bash the United States.

    21. Carrie catches on to the CIA's decision to kill Brody and tries to get him out of Iran before he is killed.

    22. Brody gets a meeting with General Akbari and confesses about the entire operation against him, including outing Javadi.

    23. But before you can even react to his betrayal, he kills General Akbari.

    24. And then Brody walks right out of General Akbari's office.

    25. There is a dramatic turn of events at the safe house, just as Carrie thinks Brody is being airlifted to safety.

    26. Brody is executed by Javadi's men.

    27. Carrie draws a star for Brody on the memorial wall.