David Blaine Freaks Out Kanye West, Katy Perry, And Other Celebrities In New Special

    All it took was a little bit of magic. Wait or was this real? We're not actually sure.

    David Blaine stuck an ice pick through his hand during a segment on his ABC special Real or Magic. He did this many times with many different celebrities.

    Kanye West had the best reaction, BY FAR.

    He was, for once in his life, speechless during this moment.

    It was 100% clear he was extremely uncomfortable with this situation.

    Exactly at this time, Woody Harrelson said, "Man, I lost my erection entirely." Moving on.

    Finally, a flustered Kayne gathered up his strength and courage to forcefully pull this horrific object out.

    The best part was when Kayne refused to look anywhere else but David's rubber hand.

    We were left staring as he held the pick and laughed because he had no idea what the hell just happened.

    Next up, Bryan Cranston and Aaron Paul.

    Their reactions were also priceless.

    Both of them actually had to step back out of fear.

    Is this what magic is?? What happened to card tricks and colorful scarves??

    Regardless, Bryan's shoulder was there for Aaron during this moment of ridiculousness.

    They were actually their Breaking Bad characters in this moment.

    Fast-forward to Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith.

    David asked Will to make sure the pick is real, Will attempted to test it out on Jada.

    Once he realized what was actually happening, he hid behind his 5-foot wife.

    David poked the pick through and I'm pretty sure Jada shat her pants*.

    Either way, she was scared shitless.

    Will told everyone not to clap, just in case David felt the need to clap, and then the whole trick was over and everyone was scarred for life.

    After a team effort, the Smith's ended the trick and will remain horrified for the rest of the week.

    Ricky Gervais was the most vocal out of everyone, obviously.

    He was the only one to ask the sensible question, "What the fuck?"

    Also, the only one to point out, "This isn't a trick; this is just you sticking a fucking needle through your arm."

    "What have you done, David?!" We agree, Ricky. WHAT has he done??

    Things got even stranger after David touched Jamie Foxx's shoulder.

    Apparently, there was a mystical exchange between him and his daughter.

    When David asked if she felt anything, she was convinced he touched HER shoulder.

    The crowd went wild and Jamie had to take a breather.

    Katy Perry was more than OK when Mr. Blaine asked her if he could pop a bunny out of her purse.

    No bunny, though. Just a baby alligator. DAFUQ?

    "Did not sign up for this shit" is absolutely what she was thinking during their time together.

    She giggled, stepped back, and walked away shortly after. GOOD TIMES.

    Macklemore was a WEE BIT surprised when David decided to floss his eyeball.

    In fact, he cringed throughout most of this stunt.

    Killing two birds with one stone, perhaps?

    Who was responsible for throwing away that prop?? Eyeball juice. Gross.

    Probably one of the more entertaining tricks of the night was when he made Olivia Wilde sign a $20 bill.

    Right before he asked Jason Sudekis to rip a corner off and swallow it.

    Somehow, SOME WAY, he chewed it back on?! SO CONFUSING.

    That was surely the most magical thing they've ever seen.

    This video is dramatic and hysterical. Watch part of the special here!

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    "Real or Magic" David Blaine / ABC / youtube.com