Labour's New Media Chief Tweeted Impatience Over People Hit By Trains

    "Why does it always take so long to clear line?"

    Jeremy Corbyn has appointed Kevin Slocombe, a former union communications officer, as his press spokesperson.

    Slocombe was head of comms at the Communication Workers Union, which represents postal workers and BT staff, for 10 years before he left this summer. He joins Neale Coleman, who was unveiled as Labour's new director of policy and rebuttal earlier on Thursday.

    Slocombe has now deleted his official Twitter account. But here is a Google-cached version showing he had 1,101 followers.

    His final tweet appears to have been posted at around 8am on Thursday – hours before his new role was announced.

    Back in June, Slocombe tweeted at rail company First Great Western complaining about delays on the line – even when he was told two people had been hit by a train.

    To think this Class A P***k @KevinSlocombe works in Public Relations! More bothered about being delayed than 2 deaths

    Cached tweets also show that Slocombe wasn't much impressed with Labour MP Jamie Reed, who quit the frontbench as soon as Corbyn was elected.

    On Tuesday Slocombe tweeted that the media were "predictable, shallow and so out of date" with their "attacks" on Jeremy Corbyn.

    A Labour spokesperson said Slocombe had been appointed as an "interim spokesman for the leader of the Labour party".

    They refused to comment on the contents of his Twitter feed.