Amy's Kitchen Recalled 74,000 Cases Of Food Because Of Exposure To Dangerous Bacteria

    We have the list of products you should throw out or return.

    Amy's Kitchen, the creator of organic microwave dinners and canned soups, has recalled 73,897 cases of products in the U.S. and Canada.

    One of Amy's organic spinach suppliers notified them today that their product may have been exposed to a dangerous organism called listeria, the company said.

    Amy's Kitchen described listeria as "an organism that can cause serious and sometimes fatal infections in young children, frail or elderly people, and others with weakened immune systems."

    Some of the less severe symptoms of listeria infection, or listeriosis, include high fever, severe headache, stiff neck and nausea. Worse symptoms include miscarriages in pregnant women, bacterial meningitis, and extreme cases, death.

    Just last week, three people were killed after eating listeria-infected Blue Bell Ice cream.

    There have been no reports of infection yet, but the California-based company announced that anyone who has purchased one of the recalled products can return it to the store for a full refund.

    BuzzFeed News has reached out to Amy's Kitchen for comment.

    Here is the list of products that have been recalled:

    Finally a pressing excuse to clean out that freezer.

    Amy's Kitchen is an American company, founded in Petaluma, California. An earlier version of this post said the company was from Canada. Thank you to a commenter for pointing this out.