Kim Kardashian Just Revealed The Reason She Wrote That Burn List

    She likes her haters to know where they stand.

    Last month, Kim Kardashian released some limited edition fragrances for Valentine's Day.

    In order to promote the fragrances, Kim decided to send samples to all her fellow celebrity "lovers and haters." She then revealed which celebrities were on her list, with the left-hand column filled with names of the people Kim's had public beef with in the past.

    At the time people thought it was hilariously savage.

    Kim Kardashian West sending her new BAE fragances to her haters for Valentine's Day is the level of pettiness I aspire to reach

    Kim Kardashian’s level of pettiness to send chocolates to all her enemies is everything that aspire to be in life ❤️

    But Kim has now revealed the reason why she made the list, saying that this was one time when she decided against taking the high road.

    Kim went on to say that the list was a way of letting her haters know that she gives very few fucks about their opinion.

    Keep doing you, Kim.