Kim Kardashian Had A Meltdown About Her Instagram Game And People Helped With Advice

    "Should I go back to all one filter? Please help."

    We all know that Kim Kardashian is basically the queen of Instagram. Her selfie game is unrivaled.

    And she even got the platform to change their tagging policy recently.

    So @Instagram, can you change it so that you can tag people in galleries after they are posted, so I can avoid this issue in the future?

    Instagram listened to us!!! You can now add tags to pics in a gallery AFTER they have been posted :)

    After her robbery in Paris last year, however, Kim disappeared from social media for four months. And when she returned, it was with a brand new ~aesthetic~.

    All of the images had this dark filter, making her whole feed look pretty mysterious.

    In fact, entire thinkpieces were dedicated to it.

    Lately she's been combining this aesthetic with the usual Instagram filters, and it appears she's had enough. Kim Kardashian is over her current grid.

    She posted this photo, with a caption saying she "wanted more consistency" on her feed.

    "I need to step my game up," she wrote. "Should I go back to one filter? Please help."

    She needs help, people.

    Well, luckily many of her followers had plenty of ideas for Kim's Instagram game. Some thought the filters were "too exaggerated," and that she should scrap the makeup pictures.

    Others thought she should focus on the photos themselves.

    But the general consensus was that people didn't like the changes she made to her feed after Paris, and that they wanted her Instagram to look more natural.

    Although, tbh, this.

    I mean, she really doesn't need to worry.

    You'll always be the queen of Instagram, Kim.