Jennifer Lawrence Got Real About How The Nude Photo Leak Still Upsets Her

    For the first time, Jennifer has spoken in detail about the experience of her nude photos being hacked and released online in 2014.

    Back in 2014, the iCloud accounts of numerous female celebrities were hacked and their nude images released online.

    One of the highest profile celebrities involved in the leak was Jennifer Lawrence. At the time, she said the hack was "disgusting," and called for the incident to be labelled a "sex crime."

    Well, she has now spoken about the ordeal in more detail, revealing just how "violated" she felt.

    Speaking on the Hollywood Reporter's Awards Chatter podcast, Jennifer said:

    When the hacking thing happened, it was so unbelievably violating that you can't even put it into words. I think that I'm still actually processing it. When I first found out it was happening, my security reached out to me. It was happening minute to minute. It was almost like a ransom situation where they were releasing new ones [photos] every hour or so.

    Jennifer went on to say that she feels uncomfortable that the images still remain easily accessible.

    She said:

    I feel like I got gang-banged by the fucking planet. Like, there's not one person in the world that is not capable of seeing these intimate photos of me. You can just be at a barbecue and somebody can just pull them up on their phone. That was a really impossible thing to process.

    She also said she cried when a member of the public told her she was a good role model for young women after the hack, because she "couldn't believe somebody still felt that way after what happened."

    You can listen to the full podcast here.