A Troll Called Kelly Clarkson "Fat" And She Had The Best Response

    She has zero time for body-shaming.

    Kelly Clarkson is one badass woman who's unafraid to say what she thinks.

    And if there's one thing she has zero time for, it's body-shamers. In fact, just a couple of years ago she had this message for anyone criticising her weight.

    But because the internet can often be a pretty mean place, Kelly experienced yet more body-shaming yesterday.

    Kelly had tweeted a patriotic message for the 4th of July, thanking the military for "protecting" her family.

    Had a beautiful day w/family & I know I was able 2 have it because of the strength&courage of the men&women who have&are protecting us!

    Thank u 2 every person in service 4 protecting all of us and cheers to every person who fought for us to experience freedom & independence 🎉

    But this troll responded to the message by calling her "fat."

    However, Kelly delivered the most perfect clapback.

    ....and still fucking awesome 😜 https://t.co/LvFgIITaTX

    And people loved her for it.

    @kelly_clarkson I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!

    @kelly_clarkson Did y'all see @kelly_clarkson roast that troll just now?!

    YES, KELLY! 👏