Here’s How Everyone Reacted To Drake’s New Album Artwork

    Bring on the Drake memes.

    Late Sunday evening, Drake finally revealed the artwork for his upcoming album, Views From the 6. In the image, Drake appears to be sitting on top of the CN Tower, Toronto's most iconic landmark.

    But it wasn't long before the internet took to Photoshop and unleashed the memes.

    1. Like the obvious crying Jordan.

    2. The teeny tiny Skai Jackson.

    3. The newest addition to the petty family.

    4. And Mr. Krabs, of course.

    5. Can't forget Meek.

    6. And all of these.

    7. The Aubrey Gump.

    8. The post-Lemonade mood.

    9. New York views.

    10. Flavortown views.

    11. The ol' stock photo trick.

    12. There's even a Where's Waldo? cover.

    13. And the best news of all: someone generously linked us to a Photoshop file to make our very own Drake memes.

    Happy Photoshopping!