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    "The Bachelor" Episode 8 Recap: Meet The Parents (And Raquel)

    There’s no place like home. Well, actually, there’s no place like Corinne’s home.

    Hometown dates rarely disappoint, and this week was no different. Each date was a representation of each woman’s personalities — fun, smart, spiritual and loving, with a side of WTF?

    Raven took him to Hoxie (middle-of-nowhere), Arkansas to go muddin’. The couple stopped to kiss in the muddy water and create what seemed like a scene from a southern-themed Nicholas Sparks novel.

    On an especially high note, Raven’s dad reveals he is officially cancer free! And, after confessing he didn't think he'd like Nick, he admits he really likes him. Raven's relationship with her father is adorable.

    Unfortunately for her, Raven chickened out and couldn’t say the actual words, “I love you.” Now she’s freaking out that she’s the only one who hasn’t said it. Kind of confusing, because pretty sure she already let it slip out a while back.

    Rachel took Nick to church to clear him of his bouncy-house sins before bringing him home to meet her family. The church welcomed him with open arms. Nick told the cameras that he's never felt so comfortable with someone like he does with Rachel.

    Once back at home, Rachel's family filled up on southern delicacies. Her family was great — they even tried to gauge how woke Nick really is by urging an important discussion on interracial relationships. Their message: Even if Rachel and Nick don't see race as an issue in their world, it can be in the world around them and challenges will arise.

    Rachel whisked through every scene with grace and beauty, but we all know what happens here so honestly this was one big eye roll at Nick. WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM?!

    Corinne took him on a typical day in the life of well, Corinne! Duh. They went shopping together. Corinne tried on everything and had fun dressing Nick up.

    Nick had fun too, but there’s nothing like scaring your potential future husband by taking him on one of your "typical" shopping sprees. Nick had a small anxiety attack when Corinne treated him to some “classic pieces” costing $3,423.

    And then there was THE BELOVED RAQUEL. Honestly, not as exciting as the hype. She was really, really lovely, though.

    The love Corinne’s family has for her and their money poured throughout the date.

    Vanessa took Nick to meet her students where she enlisted their help to make the usual "Fantasy Suite scrapbook." Genius! But for real, this scene will give you all the feels.

    You can just tell they're falling in love.

    Next stop, her mother’s house for a good ol’ Italian Sunday lunch. The questions were hard and Nick of course cried. Then they went to her father’s house where sh*t got real. Vanessa's father made Nick beg for his blessing should he propose, then told Vanessa how Nick admitted to asking the other families for a blessing as well. Vanessa cries again and thinks about taking a step back.

    Tensions seemed to be rising as Nick paced back in forth in his hotel room while we heard Vanessa thinking out loud about their relationship. Then, we see a woman with AWESOME shoes walking, and we assume it's Vanessa. She's been talking about how she needs to see him and get some real answers.

    For real, just a take a quick look at these shoes.

    But it's not Vanessa. It’s Andi Dorfman! The producers edit it to make it look like she’s there to scorn him or maybe ask for him back? But that’d be weird — pretty sure they’re not friends after what he said during her "After The Final Rose" episode/confrontation. She’s probably just going to dish some obvious advice.

    Of course, there was no rose ceremony but instead a fat “To Be Continued…” So next week we’ll see Vanessa get Nick in line, Corinne nervously chug champagne, Raven finally say “I love you” and Rachel possibly going home? Counting down the days until she takes the reins of this sh*t show.