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    PSA: Xennial Is A Thing And Maybe You're One Of Us

    Oregon Trail FTW

    Do you feel the crippling void of not fitting into the label Gen X or Millennial? No? Then feel free to move on. But if you do (or are mildly curious) I have some news for you. You may be a Xennial!

    Exactly when Generation X ends and the Millennial generation begins depends on who you ask, so some have come up with a micro-generation for those born during the late '70s and early '80s: Xennials (or the Oregon Trail Generation). We remember having to be home before the street lights came on, and probably got our first computer at Radio Shack - Commodore Amiga anyone? We knew where our friends were by bikes in a front yard, not though social media.

    Merriam-Webster is watching the word Xennial which adds some legitimacy to the term. Anna Garvey (she wrote an article) describes these individuals as having "both a healthy portion of Gen X grunge cynicism, and a dash of the unbridled optimism of Millennials".

    So there you have it, Xennial. Best and worst of both worlds. Fun!