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    Just 24 Products To Give You A Helping Hand If It’s Been ‘One Of Those Weeks’

    Go on, you know you want to.

    1. This highly-rated microwaveable soup mug is perfect for quick lunches that require very minimal effort.

    2. Check out these shower steamers that are filled with relaxing essential oils. Just pop one on your shower floor and let it work its magic!

    3. If it's been a chaotic week, then Batiste's dry shampoo will absorb any excess oil in your roots so your hair looks freshly washed.

    4. Speaking of hair, you can achieve almost effortless heatless curls thanks to this headband. Just wrap your hair around it and leave it in overnight.

    5. This no-rinse shower cleaner will get rid of any soap residue and buildup without having to do a deep clean.

    6. Cut through those grease and oil stains that you haven't been able to budge thanks to this all-purpose degreaser spray.

    7. And you can also give this pre-wash stain remover bar a go if your laundry has any stubborn stains.

    8. If you're tired of your bedsheet corners popping off the mattress, check out these fasteners that will keep it secure throughout the night.

    9. This to-do list pad will help you jot down any tasks and priorities ready for the week ahead.

    10. As the mornings start to get colder, you might want to invest in this reusable dehumidifier for your car. It absorbs condensation and moisture, keeping your windscreen clear.

    11. These exfoliating gloves will scrub away any dryness, leaving your skin feeling smoother and looking more radiant.

    12. And while you're in pamper mode, why not treat yourself to this moisturising sheet mask?

    13. These headbands will keep hair away from your face as you do your skincare, because after a long week any inconvenience feels like *too much*.

    14. Speaking of inconveniences, this no-spill pet bowl means that your fluffy friend won't accidentally form a pool of water as they drink.

    15. This drip tray is designed to house your muddy and wet shoes so you won't have to mop your floor whenever you get home.

    16. And then you can sit back and relax while wearing these memory foam slippers that will keep your feet feeling toasty.

    17. Speed up the drying time of your manicure thanks to Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri top coat. Place it on top of any polish and it will dry within 30 seconds.

    18. No one needs the hassle of a regular can opener, so check out this automatic one instead. It will take the lid off at just the touch of a button.

    19. Keep your socks together and in one place using this drawer organiser.

    20. Soothe and de-puff tired or dull skin thanks to this ice roller. It claims to reduce inflammation and increase circulation.

    21. And for further relaxation, these massage roller balls will relieve any small aches and pains.

    22. This hot water bottle pouch can be wrapped around your waist so you can walk around and get on with your day. It can also be rested on the back of your neck and shoulders.

    23. Check out this shampoo brush that will make sure all of the product cleans your scalp and roots. Plus, it feels like you're getting a head massage!

    24. This nifty tool will help you fasten even fiddly bracelets with ease.