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We Want To Know Things Your Parents Did That You Would Never Do To Your Own Child

We want to know everything.

If, like me, you're finding that some of your peers have started to become parents, you might have begun reflecting on your own childhood.

One thing I really want to know is – what's something you experienced while growing up, that you would never, ever do as a parent?

Perhaps you've made the decision to never shout at your child...

Or maybe you refuse to compare your child to their peers or their siblings...

If you were discouraged from certain hobbies, perhaps you'd instead choose to encourage your child...

Or are you adamant that you won't ever comment on your child's appearance?

Whatever it may be, we want to know! If there's something you experienced in your childhood that you would never, ever do as a parent, pop it in the comments below. You could be featured in a BuzzFeed Community post!