People Are Sharing The 14 Sex Myths They Believed For Wayyy Too Long

    "I genuinely believed that if two people kissed their tongues would get stuck together."

    From playground and internet rumours to not-so-informative sex-ed classes, it's no surprise that it can take us a while to truly understand sex...

    So, when u/swarnava-dutta asked "what's a sexual myth you believed for far too long before finding out the truth?" I decided to round up some of the best answers:

    1. "When I first learned about how babies are made in school, I used to picture sex as being this sort of solemn, formal ritual. I imagined the couple would declare 'OK, we want to have a baby now' and the ritual would begin."

    2. "That it lasts for hours ('all night long' is a drastically misleading expression)."


    3. "My first gf made me think women have an easy time reaching orgasm. Boy, was I wrong."


    "Even with the same partner, this can vary wildly. Sometimes my wife has a hard time, other times it's very easy for her. Medication, mental health, stress levels, as well as other factors, can greatly affect this."  


    4. "That men can get boners easily and all the time. The first time I experienced a guy who had trouble getting an erection I was so confused."

    5. "I used to watch a lot of porn, so I thought everyone else had like 10-12in penises, and mine was small. Really affected my confidence and willingness to go out and date."


    6. "That women orgasm from penetrative sex (alone) all the time and if I don't I must have a problem."


    7. "I was legitimately worried as a child that I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between pee and semen."

    8. "That it's supposed to be spontaneous, passionate and perfect 'if the feelings are right'. I sometimes equate sex to dancing: if you don't agree on the tune with your partner, you or they have no interest in doing the same thing, no amount of love or attraction can make it spontaneously work."


    9. "You can only finish once in your life. I thought I was doomed to never have kids because I used it up the first time I discovered masturbation."


    10. "That women don't enjoy sex. Hearing this from pretty much all the people I grew up around (in a religious community) which made me sad to think women just missed out on this awesome experience or that it was just a chore for them."

    11. "Didn’t believe it for long, but our Bible study leader told us that penises vibrated."


    12. "It’ll always hurt a bit at first when he puts it in. No. That’s not normal and I should have pushed for more lube and foreplay."


    13. "As a kid, I genuinely believed that if two people kissed their tongues would get stuck together."


    14. "That sex in the shower is hot and steamy. In reality, it’s awkward and water is not a lubricant."

    H/T to u/swarnava-dutta and AskReddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have anything else to add? Let me know in the comments below.

    Additional thumbnail credits: Netflix / NBC / Getty Images