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    Hear Me Out, As These 26 Nifty Products Will Solve Those Pesky Summer Problems

    Chafing, blisters, bug bites – no thank you.

    1. Prevent any insects from flying into your home with this window screen that can be cut to size.

    2. Dr. Beckmann's stain remover will banish grass or mud stains from your clothing.

    3. And for any antiperspirant or sweat stains, this remover will work its magic.

    4. If regular ice cubes won't fit in your water bottle, check out this tray. It makes narrow and long ice sticks, so unlike regular cubes, they will fit into your bottle with ease.

    5. This after-sun lotion will soothe your skin after being out in the sun all day. It also works to preserve your tan.

    6. Check out this powder that's specifically designed to instantly cool your skin if you have a heat rash.

    7. You can get up to nine hours of protection from bug bites thanks to this insect repellant spray.

    8. But for when you've already been bitten, this nifty gadget will suction out any of the poison and venom for instant relief.

    9. If, like me, you always end up with blisters in the summer, check out this anti-blister stick that reduces the friction between your skin and the shoe.

    10. Hands up if chafing is your sworn enemy 🙋‍♀️. If so, this anti-chafing gel will prevent the skin from rubbing, and it only needs to be reapplied if you've been in water.

    11. Or you can give these moisture-wicking shorts a try to wear under skirts or dresses.

    12. Check out Garnier's SPF50 spray that can be applied over makeup to keep your skin protected.

    13. And protect your scalp too with this non-greasy spray.

    14. If you spend time on the sand or in the sea, your feet might be a little dry. O'Keefe's foot cream softens cracked and dry skin overnight.

    15. Protect your food from pests with these mesh dome covers.

    16. And if you sit outside a lot during summer, these citronella candles will ward off any bugs.

    17. Keep your beach towel secure with these colourful pegs.

    18. Use this double-sided tape to keep off-the-shoulder tops in place.

    19. If your eye makeup has smudged in the warm weather, these on-the-go sponges are ideal for any touch-ups.

    20. You can also add this long-lasting NYX setting spray to your basket. It will extend the lifetime of your makeup look so it won't melt off.

    21. I love these self-watering globes that keep my plants hydrated when I go on holiday. Each globe has enough water to last one week!

    22. These stickers will trap any pests and stop them from attacking your plants.

    23. If you find that your dresses or jumpsuits have that annoying static feeling, this spray will eliminate that.

    24. Check out this windscreen shade, because who wants to sit on scorching seats if your car is parked in a sun spot?

    25. This Face Saver gel is an antiperspirant for your face! Just apply it to parts that get sweaty and you'll stay dry all day (no more sweating off your makeup!).

    26. Carry this mini portable pump with you, as it's super handy for inflatable pool floats or camping mattresses.