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Tell Us The Pettiest Thing You've Seen A Stranger Do In Public That Made You Go "Am I The Only One Seeing This RN"

At least we can all laugh about it now...

If, like me, you love to people-watch, then you've probably witnessed strangers doing all sorts of petty things in public.

Whether it was a spur of the moment kinda thing, or something reactionary, we as humans do very *interesting* things...

We want to know – what weird, bizarre, or unconventional things have you seen a stranger do to make a point? We'd also love to hear any stories where you've also been a lil' petty!

Perhaps you purposefully ordered the last muffin when you heard another customer say they wanted it.

Or maybe someone put a cone or wheelie bin in a parking space to save it.

Did you see someone speed up on purpose when realising a car behind them was trying to overtake?

Whatever it may be, tell us the pettiest thing you or a stranger has done, and you could be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!