People Are Sharing The Opinions They Have Absolutely Zero Empathy For, And Some Of Them Are Making Me Question Humanity

    "People that don’t believe in free school lunches. There is no good person that thinks kids should go hungry."

    Recently, u/AndyBales asked the people of Ask Reddit, "what's a stance you have no empathy or understanding for?" As expected, some of the answers were so good we decided to list them...

    1. "Social media influencers who exploit the fuck out of their kids."

    – u/himynameisanon18

    2. "Celebrities who straight up lie to their fans while endorsing bullshit."

    – u/Tyrionruineditall

    3. "Saying you're blunt when you're actually just openly being an asshole."

    – u/strawberry123454321

    4. "The 'Pain Olympics'. I hate it. 'Someone always has it worse', or, 'it could be worse'. Yeah Kevin, you half-baked bean, it could be. But that's not the situation I'm in, and I'm still allowed to be upset over my shortcomings."

    – u/Brontolope11

    5. "I can't deal with people who are smug about not understanding something."

    – u/Wafran  

    6. "When someone staunchly refuses to believe something, even after you've provided them with copious amounts of evidence from numerous credible sources to prove what you've just told them."

    – u/Linux4ever_Leo

    7. "Using being bullied or having had a tough life as an excuse for shitty behaviour."

    – u/DorianVasquez

    8. "Seeing animals as objects rather than living creatures with their own feelings, experiences, and worth."

    – u/pmvegetables

    9. "People who are smug for disliking something they've never tried."

    – u/Tiny_Representative3

    10. "People who make excuses for not taking care of their children properly. There really is just no excuse."

    "I hand-washed my child's clothes in the bathtub and walked my ass to work when I was a single poor mother. Not to mention the resources available nowadays that also help."

    – u/Cake_girl1985

    11. "'It's just the way it is' is a phrase that I hate. There is never neither an explanation nor a solution."

    – u/ASMRFeelsWrongToMe

    12. "Gatekeeping in hobbies. Especially against women. The fuck is wrong with you people? You are ruining it for literally everyone else."

    – u/Veiled_Contempt

    13. "People who blame victims for their own abuse. It's called abuse for a reason, it isn't easy for someone who has been badly manipulated and hurt to leave that person."

    – u/Smithy_Smilie1120

    14. "Using someone to climb to the top. In fact, using anyone for the sole purpose of personal gain."

    – u/PM_GiantessBBW

    15. "Anti vaxxers who've 'done their own research'. Especially when it comes to their children's health and safety."

    – u/joker-here

    16. "The 'self-made' man. When people can't recognise the ways they've been helped by others throughout their lives, or acknowledge the labour of those they employ."

    – u/MyNameIsNot_Molly

    17. "Cheating in relationships. I can't stand when people make excuses or try to make you feel sympathy for why they did it. It makes absolute zero sense to me. You cheat, you're done!"

    – u/Fun-Worth5281

    18. "'Well, this is who I am' excuses. You can change some aspects of yourself to be better."

    – u/joshmaula

    19. "People thinking something isn't real because they don't understand it."

    – u/dirk_loyd

    20. "The 'I suffered so now I must pass that suffering on to the next generation' thing. Um, no you don't. There’s no reason to keep that going. We can just not do that now. We're free."

    – u/Bridge-etti  

    21. "People who don't believe in free school lunches. There is no good person that thinks kids should go hungry."

    – u/Reasonable-Fix-8186

    22. "People who know they have issues and don't do anything about them, just whine and complain, and ask others to clean up the aftermath for them. It's a form of learned helplessness, complacency perhaps? Anyway, I have no patience or tolerance for it."

    – u/MoiJaimeLesCrepes

    H/T to u/AndyBales and Ask Reddit for having this discussion!

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.  

    Are there any stances that you have absolutely *zero* empathy for? Let us know in the comments.