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"Her Husband Was Having An Affair So She Sewed Shrimp Into The Hems Of The Curtains" — 14 Petty Things That People Have Done, And I Don't Know Whether To Laugh Or Be Concerned

"I took the remote control on a school residential trip to France when my parents pissed me off."

Recently, X user @fuzzymittens asked this...

What's the pettiest thing you have ever done? I'll start.

Friend of a friend would bring a specific snack to every event/gathering/whatever. She would make a MASSIVE deal about how this was her SIGNATURE recipe & she would NEVER share it, regardless of whether anyone asked. 1/

— The Annasthesiologist (@fuzzymittens) December 27, 2023
Twitter: @fuzzymittens

And we've all done something petty before, so we decided to round up some of the best answers:


Twitter: @sciencechick1


Twitter: @blikethecheese


I once did an entire project in Korean so that my racist white teacher couldn’t grade it, and when she tried to go to the Dean, I was allowed to bc of a loophole in the project rules, and that hoe gave me a 100 by default https://t.co/BxGAbgz4v0 pic.twitter.com/ZWcPBUPkn6

— Joy | *fan account* 🍉 (@Bluey308) December 28, 2023
Twitter: @Bluey308


Not me but my mums cousin found out her husband was having an affair so before she left she sewed shrimp into the hems of the curtains. Eventually the smell got so bad for the husband that he moved house, and took the curtains with him https://t.co/fhGiubc9Z2

— Beth (@DylanoSimp) December 28, 2023
Twitter: @DylanoSimp


Once, I ordered a macchiato at a coffee shop and the barista condescendingly said, “you won’t like it. It’s not super sweet like it is at Starbucks.”

And you know what? I didn’t like it. But I still ordered it every time I visited that coffee shop until it shut down. https://t.co/6mKTlbcUBt

— Lindsay Fickas (@lindsayfickas) December 28, 2023
Twitter: @lindsayfickas


My husband's friend was staying with us, but he stopped paying rent and refused to move out and the cops wouldn't kick him out. So one day I took the couch we were letting him sleep on and hacked it into pieces with an axe. He was gone the next day. https://t.co/5xqgNpIcto

— the airing of grievances🏴‍☠️ (@MissesDread) December 28, 2023
Twitter: @MissesDread


Took the remote control on a school residential trip to France when my parents pissed me off when I was 14 https://t.co/GktWN1zTKI

— Periwinkle Jones (@peachesanscream) December 29, 2023
Twitter: @peachesanscream


my family not me but I love this story

there's an heirloom ring in our family that this guy bought for his mistress. before he could gift it, his wife found it, stole it, and gave it to their daughter in front of him, it's now been in the family for generations https://t.co/U76ynKCqc9

— gender ikari (@slayerfest1999) December 29, 2023
Twitter: @slayerfest1999


A coworker snitched on me for dicking around online at work so I waited until he was standing behind me and then googled “how to get rid of snitch coworker” https://t.co/SgWDQ77LHC

— Cartoons Hate Her! (@CartoonsHateHer) December 29, 2023
Twitter: @CartoonsHateHer


On Mother’s Day in Safeway in 2015, this woman was upset she was in the wrong place in line, arguing with me about how my mother should’ve raised me better.

She on the phone talking about buying shrimp, so I bought 25 pounds worth of it to ensure she couldn’t have any. https://t.co/6pIZSqA4yf

— AJ/Ace 🏁 (@ComatoseSosa) December 29, 2023
Twitter: @ComatoseSosa


Twitter: @bellevuebev


Twitter: @fuk_it_tol


Twitter: @MHPoison1


Twitter: @nora_batty_

Have you got anything to add? Let us know in the comments below!