People Are Sharing 16 Embarrassing Things They Did In Public, And Honestly, I'm So Glad I'm Not Them

    "A stranger tapped me on the shoulder and quietly informed me that my dress was tucked into my underwear."

    As humans we're certainly not immune to embarrassing ourselves in public from time to time...

    So, when u/Inevitable_Cause67 asked "what is the most embarrassing moment you've ever had in public?" we decided to round up some of the best answers:

    1. "The train was full, my partner was behind me so I extended my hand in between all the passengers so he wouldn't lose me. All this without looking back, I find 'his hand' but he wouldn't grab my hand back. After getting off the train, I turn around, and I see this old lady looking at me confused."

    2. "Forgot my boob was out after nursing my baby."


    "I've done that and also accidentally sprayed the UPS man with milk when I jostled my baby while trying to sign for a package. Not my finest hour."  


    3. "I was squatting down to pick up my wallet in Walmart and ripped my entire ass out of my jeans."


    4. "When I was 14 playing football with some friends at the park and I had an accident. Just aborted the game mid play and ran. Poo was streaming down my leg, kids shouting for me to come back. I just took off."

    5. "I was out drinking with my friends and a girl I was interested in. We all got shots, mine went down the wrong tube and I started a coughing fit that lead to me vomiting on the table."


    6. "Two days ago I dropped my daughter off at school and immediately ran over two traffic cones in the parking lot. I had to pull over in front of teachers/other parents to remove the cones from my van’s undercarriage."


    7. "I was driving a truck and one mile from my exit the truck died. This was before cell phones, but I could see the delivery location from where I was so I put my orange reflectors and walked across a field to call my boss."

    8. "I wore a new dress to work when I was in my early 20s. I'm not a confident person by any stretch but as I nipped out of the office to get my lunch from the nearby shop I noticed people were looking at me and it felt great. That was until a stranger tapped me on the shoulder and quietly informed me that my dress was tucked into my underwear."


    9. "I farted in the subway at 6am in the morning. Everybody heard it."


    10. "Probably when I told someone off for having their dog off-leash and harassing mine, we cursed at each other, then as I was walking away I slipped on ice and slid down the hill. They laughed at me and yelled some more obscenities and their dog was grinning at us too. Mine was just standing there not helping at all."

    11. "I pulled the wrong way on a slushie machine and broke the handle off and it started pouring everywhere."


    12. "I went to a Walmart and ran into someone I thought I knew so I went up to them and started joking around like helping them with the self checkout. She did not know me, I did not know her, but in my defence she could've been the twin of my friend."


    13. "I tried to hug my friend's dad when I met him, he leant forward to stop the hug and I panicked and then confused it for a kiss on the cheek and kissed him on the mouth."

    14. "A sparrow flew too close to my head and got tangled in my hair and was flailing about trying to escape, panic shitting all over my head, whilst I screamed and ineffectually batted at it. A passer-by ran over and helped me get it out."


    15. "When I was an altar boy, I was kneeling during Mass at the side of the altar on the first step. When I stepped back to stand up, I tripped on my robe and rolled backward. Ended up right at the table where I was headed anyway, so I picked up the water and dish and carried on."


    16. "Not me, but we snuck out to a clubbing event as teenagers and my friend’s mum marched into the club and got on the mic demanding he comes home right now as it was past his bedtime."

    H/T to u/Inevitable_Cause67 and AskReddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have anything else to add? Let us know in the comments below.

    Additional thumbnail credits: Fox / Nickelodeon / Fox Sports 1 / RKO Radio Pictures / Getty Images