16 Of The Earliest Memories People Have Of Using The Internet, And I Can't Believe How Much It's Changed

    "I searched for song lyrics and printed them so I could learn them."

    One of my earliest memories of using the internet was back in 2005 where I discovered the celeb dress-up game, Stardoll. Of course, the internet has grown massively since then...

    So, when u/NewGuyHelloThere asked people to share their earliest memory of the internet, I decided to round up some of the best answers:

    1. "The internet came to the masses when I was a teenager and one of my friends got a modem. We would get some alcohol and sit up all night talking taking to people... in AMERICA!!"

    Omegle chat on a screen with text "Talk to strangers" and a conversation in progress

    2. "You couldn't actually call someone while they were using the internet."

    Cordless landline phone on a charging base next to a lamp on a desk

    3. "That maze game jump scare."

    4. "1994. Accessing my very first email account at college via Pine on a terminal emulator. It felt wildly futuristic."

    Person working on a computer with multiple terminal windows open on the screen

    5. "When I was in elementary school we had to do a paper about our favourite band/musician. The point of the assignment was to learn how to use the internet to search for information. We had just recently got the internet at home, so my mum thought this would be a great opportunity for us all to learn."

    6. "I put a virus on the family computer because I Googled 'boobs'."

    Search result page displaying Apple Inc. stock performance with a graph and related news links

    7. "MSN messenger."

    Windows Live Messenger installation prompt on a computer screen with desktop widgets visible

    8. "My family got a WebTV box in the '90s. We were all sitting in the living room, figuring it out. We found a site that said it would take our photo, so we gathered on the couch in front of the TV and smiled while a countdown ticked away. When it hit zero, the screen flashed and then said to wait a moment for our photo to be processed."

    9. "2004. Playing games on Nickelodeon.com at my mum's office."

    Nickelodeon booth styled as a restaurant from 'Good Burger' with menus and themed decor at an event

    10. "In 7th or 8th grade ('93/'94), we took a field trip to the library and the librarian showed us the computer with this brand new thing called the internet, which allowed you to look at information from all over the world."

    Vintage computer setup with monitor displaying desktop and tower unit beside it

    11. "Late 90's, trying to download a song and after eight hours it would kick me off and I'd have to start over."

    Computer screen with LimeWire PRO 4.14.10 installation dialogue box open, suggesting a destination folder. Date stamped at the bottom right corner

    12. "I searched for song lyrics and printed them so I could learn them."

    HP LaserJet printer on a wooden desk next to shelves

    13. "I was a kid in 1992 when my dad bought a computer and hooked it up to the internet. He was immediately pirating games onto floppy disks. Almost every day I would go to the Sesame Street website, let it load for like half an hour, then watch a two or three-frame animation of some of the characters."

    A collection of vintage labeled floppy disks spread out, next to a ruler for scale

    14. "Playing on Neopets. Then getting several boyfriends on Neopets, proposing marriage to one of them with rings we sent each other, and being neomarried and letting everyone know on the neoboards."

    Three stuffed animal toys on a desk beside a computer keyboard and a monitor

    15. "Emailing my cousin and asking my mum when it would get to her and she said, 'well, I think it’s probably already there.' We just looked at each other like it was the most bizarre thing."

    Cursor hovering over 'Compose' button in an email application's toolbar

    16. "Showing my age here, but at work we had to take turns dialling in to get online. If we needed to send an email or look something up, we had to arrange with the head of IT to do it. If someone was online too long, they were called and told to get off."

    Two obsolete internet networking devices on a wooden surface

    H/T to u/NewGuyHelloThere and Ask Reddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Do you have anything else to add? Let us know in the comments below.

    Additional thumbnail credits: Nickelodeon