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    This Cult Status Keratin Treatment Is 20% Off Right Now, So You Can Get Salon-Worthy Locks At Home

    Okay, I'll admit it, me and my frizzy hair are officially intrigued.

    If you wake up every morning with your hair like this...

    ...then smooth hair may feel like a world away. Here's where ANSWR comes in, it's a hair care brand whose treatments will transform your hair into feeling and looking silky soft, so you can avoid any more *ahem* mishaps.

    Right now you can get 20% off all their products using the code BUZZ20!

    ANSWR aspire to make usually-expensive salon treatments accessible to everyone by making them more affordable and easy to do in the comfort of your own home. Their motto is to empower you to take ownership of your own beauty routine. It's also a lot more time-efficient.

    You may recognise this cult-status brand, but after their at-home keratin treatment won the best hair product award in 2021, ANSWR decided they could improve their formula even more by using 100% vegan-sourced keratin and gentle ingredients for their rebrand.

    Once applied, this smoothing treatment will last for up to three months – so those days of paying for regular salon visits will be a distant memory.

    You hair will become less frizzy after every wash, meaning you can have those extra five minutes in bed now that you're drastically cutting down the time it takes to blow dry your hair.

    I mean seriously, you can't argue with these results!

    The backbone of ANSWR’s exclusive VeratinTech™ technology is the combination of natural ingredients and amino acids. It's based on the acidic oxoacetamides synergy, and utilizes keratin amino acids sourced from wheat and soy. This enables capillary realignment which results in natural smooth and shiny hair without causing any damage.

    We all know the best part of a trip to the salon is getting your hair washed, and ANSWR also have this covered with their hassle-free shampoo and conditioner bundle!

    Tame any baby hairs with their popular flyaway stick to achieve that trendy sleek bun. It can also be used for your eyebrows!

    Their products are free from sulfates, parabens, silicones, and alcohols, with ANSWR being 100% vegan and cruelty free also.

    So, if you're ready to bid your frizz farewell, check out ANSWR's range while there's 20% off all products using the code BUZZ20 at checkout!

    Psst...it's time to practice your hair flip so you can impress everyone with your shiny hair.