People Are Sharing The 23 Random Things Our Bodies Do That Are Just Annoying To Deal With

    "Now you're having a coughing and choking fit because your body forgot how to drink water."

    As humans, we have a lot to thank our body for. However, sometimes it functions in ways that are just inconvenient...

    So, when u/jjjooo0- asked "what’s the most annoying thing the human body just kinda does randomly?" I knew I had to round up some of the best answers:

    1. "My throat makes strange noises a lot, almost like when your stomach growls."

    2. "Finding the worst possible sleep position while you’re asleep."

    "I’ve woken up with a pinched nerve that was then impossible to get rid of, because everything irritated it." 


    "Nothing like injuring yourself while resting."  


    3. "Your own immune system attempting to kill you."


    "Allergies make no goddamn sense, 'this peanut you ingested seems pretty sus. Let's die about it'."


    "Arthritis: your knees seem to be in danger, let me surround whatever it is in fluid. Wait? Am I the problem? Probably just needs more fluid." 


    4. "Water down the wrong pipe. Now you're having a coughing and choking fit because your body forgot how to drink water."

    5. "When you’re tired until you get into your bed."


    6. "Having an upset stomach but not being able to go to the toilet."


    7. "When only one nostril unclogs."


    "There's a sweet 60 second window in there where both sides are clear. It's glorious."  


    "Then you lay in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering if you’ll ever know what it’s like to breathe through your nose again." 


    8. "That sudden, random, sharp butthole pain."

    9. "When you feel like you're falling or tripping while laying in bed."


    10. "Limbs that fall asleep easily, or easier than they should normally."


    "My right arm does this all the time. It'll be fine for most of the day, but then it'll have its moments where I just can't lift it past a certain point." 


    11. "Intense torso pain out of nowhere? Cool. Let's just wait for that to stop."


    12. "Hiccups."

    13. "When it's quiet at work and your stomach makes the gurgling noise."


    "My IBS has embarrassed me so many times during work meetings. Everyone just looks over at me like, you ok?"  


    14. "Muscle cramps."

    "Completely unpredictable and horrifically painful." 


    "That feeling when you are stretching and you feel your calf muscle beginning to cramp and you know you are so fucked."


    15. "Random 'glitches' like a small spasm in your arm, fingers, or leg."


    "As I was reading that my toe twitched."  


    16. "Clicky jaw. My jaw has sometimes stuck open."

    17. "Randomly biting your tongue while eating."

    "I’ve been using this tongue for my entire life and my teeth nearly as long, and I still haven’t mastered the art of chewing."  


    "And then waiting for the inevitable two more times you’ll bite your cheek or lip because after the first time it’s swollen." 


    18. "Those deep bone itches. Like no matter how hard you scratch your skin, it doesn’t scratch the itch."


    "I don’t get these often, but when I do it’s on my hand. The longest lasting itch ever. Insufferable." 


    19. "That twitch that your eye gets, it's especially annoying if you’re mid conversation."

    20. "Tinnitus."

    "AKA: 'Eeeeeeeeeee'."


    21. "My skin blushes so easily."

    "Sad? Red. Angry? Red. Excited? Red. Scared? Red. Drunk? Especially red." 


    "So real. I either get super embarrassed or pretend like nothing is happening and make strong eye contact as I turn into a tomato."  


    22. "When your nose profusely releases runny snot for days on end."


    23. "When you're walking and one of your knees out."

    H/T to u/jjjooo0- and AskReddit for having this discussion!

    Note: All submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

    Are there any things we missed out? Let us know in the comments below!

    Additional thumbnail credits: Getty Images, Nickelodeon, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, YouTube