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    Depression Described By Grey's Anatomy

    Depression is not easy, it's messy and confusing and really hard. It is also really difficult to explain how you feel most of the time.

    1. Always being exhausted and no amount of sleep helps

    2. Not being able to get out of bed

    3. Being numb, and not feeling anything

    4. Or you have this feeling of being empty

    5. Feeling like you ruin other people's happiness with your depression

    6. You can barely hold yourself toghether

    7. Because everyday is a fight

    8. And then suddenly have a mental breakdown out of nowhere, and not being able to stop crying

    9. Not seeing a reason to get up in the morning

    10. You're dark and twisty inside

    11. You're always "fine"

    12. You feel invisible to everyone around you

    13. You have no passion, goals or any plans for the future

    14. Those people who think you can just snap out of it

    15. Because when you try to explain they don't understand, but neither do you

    16. You just want someone who understands it

    17. Your life is definitely not how you planned it

    18. Asking yourself this question a lot

    19. You don't want to be alone

    20. But you usually wanna be left alone

    21. You definitely don't want anyone seeing you have a breakdown

    22. You shut off your feelings, because you don't want to hurt

    23. You struggle to let anyone in

    24. And you are not good at sticking around

    25. You try your best just to get through the day

    26. You just wanna feel a little better

    27. When people comment on your bad mood you say things like this so you don't have to tell them about your depression

    28. Because you definetly don't want people looking at you like this

    29. Sometimes you don't even want others to be happy

    30. You feel like you always win this game

    31. It's like your life is in slow motion

    32. Your life feel like an endless cycle of this


    34. And you do your best, hoping that one day it will be better