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    10 Easy Used Car Care Tips From 199ride

    Here are 10 easy tips to consider completing while the weather is still nice before winter rolls around.

    If it’s not broken, don’t fix it … right? Wrong. When it comes to your vehicle, routine car care is vital. Some of the simplest tasks can go the longest way when it comes to your car’s total health and longevity. In honor of October being Fall Car Care month, here are 199ride’s top 10 easy tips to consider completing while the weather is still nice before winter rolls around.

    1. Head to the car wash

    2. Check your tires

    When life gets in the way, it’s easy to overlook your tires’ health. Before winter hits, be sure to take some time to check them out. Stop into a shop to have your tires inspected or try one of the popular coin tests from Goodyear.

    While you’re at it, check the spare to make sure it is in tip top shape. Check the air pressure to ensure it’s ready for use in case of an emergency. No one wants to be stranded on the road without a spare in the middle of winter.

    3. Inspect wiper blades

    4. Get an oil change

    Keep your engine at its best and prevent costly repairs down the road with regular oil changes. Experts say to change your oil every 5,000 miles, but it’s always best to follow the manufacturer’s recommendation for your specific car. While oil change prices vary, the average cost of $120/year is much more manageable than the cost of replacing your engine for around $4000 if you don’t keep up with regular oil changes.

    5. Check the brakes

    6. Top off power steering fluids

    Whip out your owner’s manual to find where your power steering reservoir is located. Give your car some extra love by ensuring the steering fluids are filled to capacity. Remember to only use the recommended fluid and to never overfill the reservoir.

    7. Inspect the battery

    If you’ve had your car battery for over three years, you should be inspecting the battery on a yearly basis. There are a handful of signs that may indicate it’s time for a new battery, but in the meantime, check to make sure your battery terminals are clean and tight, and that the battery is secure.

    8. Check the washer fluid

    Care for your car and yourself by investing in an emergency kit. A good driver is always prepared and knows car issues can happen unexpectedly. Buy a pre-made kit or pack your own with the following items: first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, multi-purpose tool, road flares, shovel, ice scraper, and bottled water.

    9. Prepare an emergency kit

    Care for your car and yourself by investing in an emergency kit. A good driver is always prepared and knows car issues can happen unexpectedly. Buy a pre-made kit or pack your own with the following items: first aid kit, flashlight, jumper cables, multi-purpose tool, road flares, shovel, ice scraper, and bottled water.

    10. Buy a worry-free used car from 199ride