21 Truths For People Who Like Animals More Than Other Humans

    Animals aren't liars and meanie-heads.

    1. When people disappoint you, you shake your head and think to yourself "An animal would never do that."

    2. You have trouble saying "I love you" to other humans, but will blurt it the second you meet an animal.

    3. You tell them secrets you would never let fall on human ears.

    4. You've often wondered this:

    5. You seek out the dog or cat at house parties.

    When you go to a party and they have a dog

    6. You have your priorities straight.

    7. The wilderness excites you, rather than scaring you.

    8. Growing up, you always wanted to be a zookeeper.

    9. And you love going to the zoo but HATE the other guests.

    10. You're more emotional when an animal dies in a movie than a human character.

    11. And you see no problem with being a crazy cat/dog person.

    12. Your list of favorite animals is long, your list of favorite people is short and depends on the day.

    13. You relate to this on a spiritual level.

    14. You're more comfortable around new animals than new people.

    15. And you're 1000% less awkward when talking to animals.

    16. A room full of people is hell, but this is heaven.

    17. You'd choose Animal Planet over MTV any day.

    18. You follow considerably more animals on social media than humans.

    19. Human babies are whatever, but baby ANIMALS are squeal-worthy.

    When your school brings in baby animals to calm you before midterms😍😍😍

    20. Animal hugs are more comforting when you're sad.

    21. And you support this sentiment with all of your heart:

    Because animals just ~get~ you.