18 Times Animals Just Didn't Give A Fuck

    They don't need us.

    1. When this turkey took his goddamn time:

    2. When this alligator was simply making his way downtown:

    3. When this possum had his eyes on the prize and was literally so unfazed by being caught:

    4. When this duck gave zero fucks about the new driveway:

    5. And when these deer had no clue what was going on but didn't feel like moving:

    6. When this dog didn't see how this moment was any different than every other moment:

    7. And when this cat did her business in public:

    8. When this goat laughed in the face of law enforcement:

    9. When this chicken walked fearlessly past her fallen brethren:

    10. When this squirrel didn't care what humans thought of him:

    11. When this bird had zero regard for the car he continually shat on:

    12. When this goose was completely nonchalant about sitting at a busy intersection:

    13. When this buck just didn't give a fuck:

    14. When this moose went out for a neighborhood stroll:

    15. When this bear was the most carefree:

    16. When this pigeon had no concern for tourist photos:

    17. When this hawk had a hell of a good time in someone's house:

    18. And when this corgi decided he was gonna have a great time no matter what dumb-ass things the humans put on his head: