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21 Ways The Internet Is Torturing Us All

When it’s good, it’s very very good. But sometimes, the internet drives us crazy with its annoying habits. At least with with superfast 4GEE from EE, buffering isn’t one of them.

1. When none of the pictures on your article will load.

2. When you're trying to get on a website – and their landing page keeps getting in the way.

3. When something is buffering.

4. When the website KEEPS ASKING you to accept cookies.

5. When the search engine tries to autocorrect the phrase you're searching for.

6. When you watch six minutes of this for 30 seconds of video.

7. When you're trying to read an article, and the advert keeps obscuring it.

8. When you thought you'd blocked pop-ups, BUT SUDDENLY…

9. When someone you know keeps posting cryptic Facebook status updates.

10. When you're trying to find something online and all you can find are cat pictures.

11. When your connection is really slow for no apparent reason.

12. When you try and download something, and it takes so long you might as well have gone to the shops and bought it.

13. When you check your social media page and you have 54 invites to ONE game…

…and no new messages.

14. When someone starts an argument with you on the internet.

15. When your browser inexplicably shuts down...

16. When stuff keeps getting reposted on all your favourite sites.

17. When an online form wants your phone number.

18. When you're asked to choose an overly complicated new password.

19. When you look at something on a website, and it follows you around the internet on banner adverts.

20. When a website you use all the time "forgets" your details.

21. When you sign up for a mailing list, and they sell your email address.

The internet can be insanely frustrating. Make sure buffering isn't one of those frustrations, with superfast 4GEE from EE.

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