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15 Things Only Peppermint Addicts Understand

Peppermint people know that peppermint flavor rules the planet. And the best time of year, of course, is when Edy’s Limited Edition Slow Churned Peppermint Wonderland Light Ice Cream comes out to play! So let's dive in.

1. You've contemplated picking this up.

2. You don't trust the "peppermint" that's in tea bags, so you use the real stuff.

3. You pray every night that your block loses power so you can whip out your peppermint-scented candles.

4. Your bag is always chock-full of these little gems.

5. You devour it for dessert.

6. You have a hard time stopping yourself from eating your peppermint toothpaste.

7. These are the only flowers you're willing to accept.

8. Your pets proudly flaunt their peppermint pride.

9. You dip anything and everything you want in it.

10. You know that spearmint and wintergreen are for the weak!

11. You will only dine at restaurants that end your meal like this.

12. Your favorite stuffed animal looks like this.

13. Your taste in jewelry is impeccable.

14. Those who don't appreciate peppermint as much as you will never understand how you feel.

15. But aficionados, rejoice!

This winter, celebrate peppermint and all its glory with Edy's Limited Edition Slow Churned Peppermint Wonderland Light Ice Cream.