I Bet You Had No Idea These 12 Snacks Are Actually Vegan

    I love Sun Chips even more now.

    1. Lay's Chips

    Lays original chips

    2. Airheads

    3. Brach’s Candies

    Brach's Mandarin Orange Slices

    4. Cracker Jack

    Cracker Jack box

    5. Fritos Corn Chips

    Fritos Corn Chips

    6. Wheat Thins

    Wheat Thins

    7. Ferrara Chocolate Wafer Swirls

    Ferrara Chocolate Wafer Swirls

    8. Swedish Fish

    9. Sun Chips

    Sun Chips

    10. Nature Valley

    Nature Valley granola bars

    11. Fruit by the Foot

    Fruit By The Foot

    12. And Zotz

    Zotz candy

    What's a food you know to be "accidentally vegan"? Share it with us in the comments!