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17 Things You Only Learn Growing Up In The City

"One more before the last train home?"

1. Owning a car is pretty pointless.

2. Gardens are a privilege, not a right.

3. You've learnt how to take large crowds in your stride.

4. The best times can be found in the strangest places.

5. And people always come to you for suggestions on what to do.

6. You've been taking public transport since before you can remember.

7. And you're well-versed in the unwritten rules of transport etiquette.

8. You learn how wonderful it is growing up in a melting pot society.

9. And how exciting it is to see new things to do popping up every month.

10. You know how to get the most out of space.

11. While this was about as exotic as wildlife got.

12. Yes, there's the traffic...

13. ...and the expensive prices...

14. ...and those inhabitants too trendy for their own good...

15. ...but at the end of the day...

16. ....there's nothing better...

17. ...than being able to call a city your own.

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