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13 Tips To Get Sexy Bedroom Confidence

Because women in control are sexy.

1. Always pack a condom on the night out.

2. Suggest you go back to your place rather than his.

3. Learn a sexy way of putting a condom on.

4. Work out a morning-after escape plan.

5. Know your body.

6. Don't worry about killing the moment with the condom talk.

7. Incorporate some pleasure gel.

8. Realise it's just sex – not an audition.

9. Give him a massage.

10. Keep an emergency stash of sexy lingerie in the bathroom.

11. Show him where he's going right.

12. Forget having a few drinks to feel confident.

13. Experiment with different types of condoms.

Who would have guessed using a condom could be a sexy bedroom trick?

Bottom line, being confident is sexy, and when you feel safe, you feel confident. Durex condoms help keep you safe – giving you one less thing to worry about in the bedroom.