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15 Places Where Only Incredibly Mature People Can Live

These towns are NSFG (not suitable for the giggly). Put on your adult hat and take a tour of the English-speaking world's most suggestively named locales. Then head over to Facebook to vote for what you think is the Sexiest Place on Earth and enter for your chance to actually go there.

1. Square Butte, Montana

2. Tittybong, Victoria

3. Ball's Falls, Ontario

4. Cumming, Georgia

5. Crotch Lake, Ontario

6. Oral, South Dakota

7. Dildo, Newfoundland

8. Bald Knob, Arkansas

9. Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia

10. Intercourse, Pennsylvania

11. Climax, Saskatchewan

12. Assawoman Bay, Maryland

13. Horneytown, South Carolina

14. Rough and Ready, California

15. Beaverlick, Kentucky