Here's What College Finals Week Is Really Like, As Told By The Kardashians

    Wait, your professor scheduled a final exam? That's, like, so rude.

    1. When you realize it's time to make up for all those hours you didn't spend in the library all semester.

    2. When you're only two hours in and over it.

    3. When you decide to take a 10 minute study break that turns into scrolling through TikTok for three hours.

    4. When you realize you have no idea what you're doing.

    5. When your friend sees you in the library and asks what you're doing.

    6. When the mental breakdowns roll in...

    7. When you oversleep and realize your exam starts in 10 minutes.

    8. When the professor says there's no multiple choice.

    9. When you've done all you can and now it's time to just pray for the best.

    10. When you walk out of your last final.

    11. When finals are *finally* over, but now you have to lie awake at night worrying about what grades you got.

    12. And when final grades roll in and it's time to celebrate.