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    Understanding The Benefits Of Essential Oils How Will They Help In Boosting Your Health Standard

    Before coming on to the benefits of the essential oils, it is necessary that you should know what exactly they are. There are several plants and herbs that possess peculiar scent or aroma.

    The oil extracted from these plants through distillation is termed as the essential oil. These have been in use since time immemorial for medicinal purposes. Basically, some of the herbs contain aromatic compounds in bark, seeds, leaves, stem and flowers. These ingredients are processed through distillation and the oil extracted in this is used for several purposes. Owing to their several advantages, these are widely used in several industries to manufacture different products like cosmetic, scents, medicines, etc.

    Let us discuss some of the variants of essential oils.

    Peppermint Essential Oil

    This is basically a herb and has been in use since ages for medicinal purposes. This offers several health benefits owing to its inherited healing properties. The oil extracted from this plant contains several ingredients like iron, calcium, manganese, copper and potassium. Apart from this, it also contains various fatty acids and vitamins. It is very effective in curing indigestion and respiratory problems. This oil contains a peculiar smell which helps in enhancing the working capacity of the lungs, thus making your respiratory system more effective.

    Lemon Essential Oil

    Lemon oil helps many skin conditions: acne, oily skin, fine lines, wrinkles, minor cuts and insect bites. It's great, especially, for oily hair.

    Lemon essential oil is used for making homemade soap and homemade lotion. Although, with most cold pressed citrus oils the lemon scent does not always stay well in cold process soap. It's complimentary essential oils include: citrus oils, chamomile, eucalyptus, benzoin, fennel, geranium, juniper, lavender, neroli, rose, sandalwood and yiang yiang. Lemon oil blends can be used in homemade soap recipes and homemade lotion recipes.

    Lavender Essential Oil

    There are many uses of the Lavender Essential Oil, from curing very common ailments to the more obscure.

    Some of these include:

    Sweaty Skin, Acne, Stress Relieve, Allergies, Reducing Anxiety, Reducing Itching, Faster recovery of stress marks, relief from mild sunburn, Athlete's Foot, Asthma, Blisters, Bruises, Burns & Scalds

    As you can see, lavender really has a wide range of uses.

    Apart from this, the essential oils are widely used for aromatherapy. This is the oldest healing practice in which the oils of the herbs are being used for the healing purposes. This is a special healing practice in which peculiar smell of the herbs helps in providing a curing effect.

    Coconut oil

    And, when you think of coconut oil for face masks recipes, think creamy, thick, and perhaps, green! – just like in the movies! Throw in a couple, sliced cucumbers and you’ve achieved a completely natural, DIY, and therapeutic spa session for yourself!

    With these recipes, you’ll fall in love with the versatility, the nutritional profile, and the amazing, head-over-heels skin-tingling benefits! Benefits that can be seen immediately! We dare you to take up the challenge of going native, wild, and raw!

    There are several essential oils manufacturers who are offering comprehensive array to meet the diversified requirements of the industry.