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16 Ways Mom Knows She's Doing It Right

Being a mom is a lot of work, but it always pays off. Here are a few ways moms know they're doing an awesome job raising their families, and to show your own mom how much you care, hand her a nice bowl of Dreyer's Light Slow Churned Ice Cream.

1. When your kid chooses a really great motto to live by:

2. When he helps you without needing to be asked:

3. When he wants to dive headfirst into that watermelon but he knows gentlemen use silverware:

4. When they want to start saving for retirement:

5. When she takes the road less traveled:

6. When broccoli makes her happier than Gushers:

7. When she has a plan for the future:

8. When he shares:

9. When they'd rather be outside:

10. When they know it's much better to get their own song stuck in their heads, rather than Miley Cyrus's:

11. When he questions authority:

12. When he wants to protect his new sister:

13. When he starts practicing for his own children:

14. When she comforts you by loaning you what comforts her:

15. When she reminds you to take the stairs because "it's healthier:"

16. And when he educates his teachers: